Chat and support

Hello hazel
Every one did seem to be in swamp last night.
I am still lodged in there.
I am so grateful for the candles the prayers
the sheer generosity of the people on here
prepared in their own dark moments to think
Of others.
How special.
We will all try to have a better day. Hopefully
Love and comfort Doreen x

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What a miserable day it’s been so far (and I don’t mean the weather)I genuinely thought I had made a bit of progress apparently not,family and friends are doing their own weekend thing and we are well here,I think my level of optimism is at an all time low,I hope some of you are having a better day.


I have your hand and mine is here for you.
I find it difficult to watch a movie with out my Sam as I just cry.
I don’t watch any thing we used to watch together as it is simply too painful and music
Is the same.
I wonder if this going to be forever??
What a thought!!!
I hope you can have a peaceful day
Love and comfort Doreen. X


Good Afternoon been reading your post but not comentated on any I join you in that massive swamp today.
I also cant seem to make decisions what I feel is right one minute seems all wrong the next.
I keep trying to forge foward as I know its what Gra would want and expect.
But omg is today hard to do that.
I send each and everyone of you massive hugs and love. I am going to try and take Millie out for a walk but I am still in alot of pain from my fall.
Have as best day as you all can
Hugs Jo xxxxx



I’m glad the candles helped.

Rose will be along with hers later
I always get comfort from that

Love and hugs
Liz x x

Hello liz
I hope you had a nice time at your sisters.
I thank you so much for your support.
In fact the support from all of us on here
Is amazing.
It seems strange and I don’t know if you felt
This but six months seemed significant in
some sort of time frame.
Is it meant to be easier.?
I seem to be in an awful gaping hollow that will
Never be any different or easier and I am not
Sure what to do.
Just go on and on wanting something I can never have.
Nothing eases it and the thought of this forever
Or my forever is terrible.
Feeling a bit grim today so apologies for my
black mood.
Comfort and love Doreen x


Hi Jo,
I take your massive hugs and send you mine.
Sorry your shoulder is still bothering you.
You will have to be careful when taking Millie
I will be taking my little lavender out soon.
She is a cocker spaniel but quite strong and in her excitement has almost had me over.
We are all sad today .
Lavender loves her walks and she deserves to enjoy her self .she picks up on my mood and
sadness and really misses her dad…
I am going to force my self to make a casserole
enough for a couple of days
I am eating junk buying stuff not doing any thing
With it and then throwing it out.
Keep well.
Love and comfort Doreen x


So sorry the swamp is winning today for you. I am sending hugs and positive thoughts Hazel XXXX


Thank you.

It means so much to me xxx❤️


Thankyou Doreen
Yes it was a nice break
But as usual I was happy to come home. Our home, my safe space.
Yes 6 months was very significant to me too.
But so is 7 and now I’m approaching 8.
I will never ever get over losing him.
But I told him I would live my life and I am trying, but its so very very hard. As you yourself know.
I know I am coping better but I still cry every day.
Even today at Church. Something starts me off then I have to pull myself together and try and act nomally.
I nearly managed until I was talking to Helen, our local undertaker and church warden a in the Church Hall. She’s a really lovely person and she knows where I’m at. Shes so sympathetic
So what I’m trying to say is that we will never get over it but we will find a way through, Roger will be with me in my heart. every step of the way

We will all help each other through this

Love and hugs
Liz x x


Sorry to see you are all in the swamp today but sometimes it’s ok to be there, it’s ok to feel what you feel.
You have to be true to yourself and how you feel and to process those feelings.
I am a lot further forward than all of you, 20mths for me and although I love my home and it was my sanctuary in the earlier months but I now love life more as losing loved one’s makes you realise how precious and short this life is and I’m fortunate/blessed to have good health as there are so many people who are worse of and who are actually confined to their homes due to ill health. I love being out in nature and connecting with others, a home is bricks and mortar at the end of the day but again we are all individual and unique to what we feel our needs are. I am by nature a positive person and thankfully death hasn’t robbed me of that or the person I am. I am rarely low and I have no family left on this planet but my friends are family and my life is a new chapter not one that has ended. Tomorrow is a new day, so I hope you all wake up feeling some positivity and gratitude, no matter how small, we all can find a reason for counting our blessings. Hope you all have a peaceful, relaxing evening


You’re doing great, Jo; he’d be so proud of you. xx


Thank catrin , i managed Millies walk went to my daughters for tea so mow feeling a little better
Although I still hate the empty house syndrome.
Sundays are bad days for me so heres hoping tomorrow is alot better.
I think whats also on my mind I go for my six month cancer check up on Tuesday and the lsst time I went Gra was with me. Xxx


We’re all with you Jo

I shall be thinking of you on Tuesday

Love and hugs
Liz x x


Hope the checkup is ok. Yes, it’s really hard doing those kinds of things alone. Hope tomorrow is a bit better. xx


Thank you for your helping hand.means alot.
Hugs jo xxxx


Will be sending positive thoughts to you on tuesday.xx


Ty 2hard2bear i will let you know when I get back from hospital.
Hugs Jo xxx


Good luck, Jo.
Sending hugs and strength.


Ty Jane I am both scared of what they will say, not having Gra there for support. And the first time of being there since losing him.
I cant stop these bloody tears today. .
Hugs Jo xxx