
At long last I have some bereavement counselling booked, 6 months after Mum died. Hope they help, I don’t know what to expect as I’ve never had counselling before.


I hope it goes ok for you. I found it wasnt until 4 sessions in that i started feeling more comfortable, so give it time. Its odd because its not a normal 2 way conversation, there may be long silences where he/she gives you room to speak. It doesnt take away your grief but it gives you a safe space to voice all those thoughts and feelings you may be holding inside, with zero judgement. :heart:


I’m nearing the end of my sessions…
I too, didn’t know what to expect and felt quite uncomfortable at first.
Ultimately, it’s a safe space for you to explore your emotions, talk about what happened, your grief, your anger, your future … with support from your counsellor but if you want to sit and cry, that’s OK too.
It’s important that you feel comfortable with them.
I shed more tears in my counselling sessions than anywhere else because it was the only place I felt I wasn’t being judged…
I hope it all goes well for you


Good to hear that! I hope you find it helpful. Like others have said, it isn’t so much that it takes the pain away, but it gives you a space to talk about everything and get an outsider’s view on it. The mind can so easily get stuck in thought loops and venting to someone who listens can help break them. :heart:


I have a Councillor ringing to make an appointment in just under 2 weeks i am hoping it helps xxx


I found it difficult to talk to someone I didn’t know about my feelings, I think it will start to help after a few sessions, I have 6 booked. xx

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@Victoria22 I do hope it helps :blush:

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I am hoping so too . I cant carry these feelings for much longer. Xxx


I don’t think bereavement counselling works. I had sessions with some. To be fair the person counselling doesn’t have the first idea how to counsel when you know your talking to them they haven’t lost a mum like I have.
In the end I just walked out and dealt with it by myself


Sorry to hear it didnt work for you Steven . I hope you are coping ok. I am not so i need something. Xx

Hi Jenvcute
Well I have dealt with my grief by learning to control it I don’t let it consume me as much as I used to.
Counsellors a waste of time

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Counselling wont be right for everybody, but they do help a great deal of people. Try it and see - if you dont find it useful then theres no obligation to carry on. Whatever works for you :heart:

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I will Ally i know i cant go on with these feelings. I am totally alone besides my puppy. I suffer from agrophobia so dont find it easy to make friends. Nights and weekends are a killer for me. Xxx

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I agree, If they haven’t lost a parent /child /partner, etc, how can they counsell people? They have no idea of the pain we are in!

I am hoping they do understand i have no one else to talk to except on here x

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Some counsellors may well have experience of bereavement, after all it affects us all at some point in our lives. My current counsellor i have absolutely no idea whether she has experienced bereavement or not, but i still find it helpful. A counsellor wont be sharing their grief story, they will listen without judgement and accept if this is how you feel today, then this is how you feel. I totally get your point about how can they truly empathise, but if you think of all the different traumas and life experiences a counsellor hears about from different clients, i doubt any counsellor will have personally experienced all those situations, yet they can still offer support.


I agree Alley we all suffer loss or trauma in our lifes they cant all be immune to our difficulties. Xxx

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Well I’m sorry to put it this way but bereavement counsellors are in my view useless

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Thats fine - you’re entitled to your opinion as much as we all are! Based on your experiences your opinion is valid. But equally based on my personal experience I’ve found counsellors helpful. Both views are valid and can exist alongside each other - if we were all the same the world would be boring! :heart:


Yes I get what your saying and your entitled to your opinion.
I just think a bereavement counsellor who hasn’t experienced loss of a mum can’t help
It’s a shame for people like me who needed help at the time ive had to help myself