Hi Neil,

I feel a lot like I’m judged for taking quite a bit of time off work and people think I should of dusted myself off and got in with it a long time ago. Like you said at least here it’s understood. I’ve a lot of other things going on too and I’m not sure if people think I’m just supposed to take it all on the chin and crack on. All I want to do is curl up and hide! I suppose it’s ok for them with their mums and their husbands and future security not to even consider what I’m feeling or how I’m coping. One day I guess they’ll experience some of it themselves. I don’t know. Maybe today I’m in a bitter mood?! Work wasn’t too great today and I felt like I was deliberately shoved away so I could stand and listen to everyone else have a good old laugh while getting the odd sarky comment. It sounds so immature but felt a bit picked on. Ironically I was the most senior person in…. But today I didn’t take my balls in with me…. Just feel so useless. And people seem to pick up on that and encourage those feelings. Bad day. Would of been my wedding anniversary tomorrow but I’ve not celebrated a single one as he left just before our first one and also Wednesday marks 6 months since mum went. I’m rambling on now. Just feeling crappy. It’s a little cooler here. A bit of rain this morning but no thunder. Hope it’s cooler where you are and I hope you’re ok today and sorry for moaning at you!

Love Nic xxx


Hi Nic
Absolutely not moaning at me at all. That’s what we are here for and sometimes its nice to have a good rant! Just heard some rumbles of thunder in the distance. It talks of rain here on Wednesday when I go to the theatre ! At least I’ve booked on a day when the trains are not striking which seems like every day at the moment .
Hope you can have a better rest of the day and then again tomorrow
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


Hi Nic,
you’ve had so much to cope with in the last few months, with losing your mum and being deserted by your ex. There will be lots of emotions with your mum sixth month anniversary and a reminder of being left on your own to look after your lovely girls.
You have every right to have a shitty day at work, and it’s no one’s busy but yours how much time your took away from work. You were right not to return until you were ready and it’s no one elses business.
Tomorrow’s another day and you will have your I’m the boss balls, so look out if they pee you off on your next shift.
Sending a big hug :hugs:
Debbie X


Hi Michelle,
It will be hard for a time after the funeral, you’ve spent the last couple of weeks organising funeral doing admin etc and all of a sudden the funerals happened then nothing. This is the time when the reality of what’s happened starts to hit, its all normal and everyone goes through it. It will get easy but don’t expect to much to soon it will take time.
I’m sorry to hear about your husband’s scan, I hope and pray the scan will be positive for you both, he will need you there to support him.
You both will need each other to get through the next few months. I hope your poodle is okay. It always seems as if everything happens together, deep breaths one day at a time.
Sending love
Debbie X


Thank you all, I do feel like I’m at breaking point. Because we took Teddy (poodle) with us due to his eyes I waited in the car and J went in on his own. He actually has 3 nodules on the half of thryoid he has left (nhs said 2) one is the size of a golf ball but when she tried to take fluid it wouldn’t give anything so apparently she said she is not worried but we go back and see the professor on Friday. But Dr Google says different. I can only thank god that i have private healthcare. Then mums older sister phoned me shouting that shes not well and she’s going to hospital and it was all my fault as i was in central London with J and couldn’t take her. She then proceeded to put the phone down on me 4 times and when i said to her don’t you think I’m stressed ive lost mum, J probably has thyroid cancer and Teddy has gone blind and she told me to stop being so meladramatic. I swear you couldnt make this shit up. I’ve phoned one of my other aunties and cried down the phone and she said shes proud of me and mum would have been too, for finally standing up to my auntie she always expects me to drop everything and the one time i can’t this has happened. I have 2 mental health appointments tomorrow as well Sorry for the long post but its all too much i just want it over with. xx


Hi Michelle
Don’t panic and wait until you see the consultant on Friday. Dr Google is not such a good idea, you can imagine all sorts of things wait until you are told by a real doctor.
Well done to you for standing up to your aunty, you can’t be held responsible or made to feel guilty by her. Stick by your guns and don’t let her bully you.
Listen to your other aunty she sounds very sensible. The most important thing to remember now is your own health and well being and to support your husband, he will need you. You will need each other.
Sending love and hugs :hugs:
Debbie X


Hi Michelle,

I’m so sorry you are struggling so much, I have the same thoughts most days and it’s incredibly tough. As you can see pretty much everyone has also thought the same, it’s a normal part of grieving sadly.

It can’t be easy with everything else going on to, so sorry to hear about your husband and Teddy, but at least the prognosis for your husband looks good. Don’t look on Google, that’s the worst thing you can do, just trust the experts.

You’re still very early on in this awful journey, I’m afraid I don’t have as many words of wisdom as everyone else on here, I’m only 2 months in so it’s still very new to me too.

Keep posting and seeking support on here, we are all in this together.

Lucy x


Love the painting Jane! They look so cute!


@LucyF90 thankyou x

So sorry, everything seems to be going bad for you, fingers crossed all be OK for your hubby, and big hugs for your poor little fur baby Teddy.

Hi, carnt believe that someone actually said that to you about getting over it… some people think we’re ill and that we’ll be better soon, we never ever ‘get over it’ losing someone so important and loved is heartbreaking and your life is never ever the same, we just have to try and live around our broken heart don’t we. :broken_heart:

@christine51 Hope your covid test is negative, bet you’ve really missed your swim.

Take care everyone :heart:


@NEILB72, like the others said what an insentive thing to say. Some one said to me a few months ago, your young enough to start again, not helpful. I know Tuesday is your difficult day but you have Wednesday to look forward too, what are you going to see. Should be cooler by Wednesday, still haven’t had rain here yet. I hoping to go and see Fisherman’s Friends 2 this weekend at the cinema.

@christine51, how are you, have you got a negative covid test yet. I see you have been very busy in the garden, It should make you feel safer going into your garden, even if he is in his next door, and if you play music he can’t hear what you are doing. Did you send off your email about your roses that have died. It’s so heart breaking when you spend time and money on your garden and the heat or an early frost kills plants off. I’ve been lucky only lost a small fir tree so far, I think my hydrangeas are going to survive. Alot of my plants have had stunted growth even with watering them.
I hope you get to see your therapist tomorrow and go swimming.

Hi @Jane36 hope your okay.

Hi @Suzanne30, @Tina19, @nicnic, @Beki & @LucyF90 catch up with you lovely people on group chat.

Sending love to everyone
Debbie X


Thankyou for asking, I always just take one day at a time…
Looks really good the fisherman film doesnt it… I watched the new elvis film the other day thats good, nothing I didn’t already know though but good

Night all.:crescent_moon:


Lovely little pieces. Seems we all are a bit crafty on here. In a good way of course!


Hi Beki

Brought back memories you saying about competitions. Right up until 2008 I won some great completions. Would take Mum to shows and on posh spa weekend once. Money, flowers, gift vouchers etc. Even a car once. But that was when, like you say, you had to get competition forms and post them or at least drop them into a box in the supermarket or run down to the local newspaper office the night before! It would still be nice to win something but it’s just not the same trying anymore. Plus online the competition market is just flooded.

You’ve inspired me to start again though so hopefully we’ll both be lucky !


Hi Christine

Did the rains come where you are Christine?

Tonight I completely forgot myself and nipped to the co-op in the dark forgetting it could thunder/lighten at anytime. I’d have had kittens if it had of done either. It still feels very warm though doesn’t it. Feels a bit surreal as well, like that uncomfortable “waiting” sensation.

Did you say you’d tested negative now for COVID after having had it. Can’t remember what you had said. Zoe goes in for X-rays and lump removal on Thursday so not quite sure how I’ll be on that day. We got a quote for Zoe’s treatment but the Vet had added Spay on to it and she’s not being sprayed so we could have ended up with treatment she wasn’t supposed to have. So poor receptionist got an earful from my Brother. We’ll be lucky not to be blacklisted! We lost our last GSD dog as the vets over sedated her. Pets are a huge worry.

Ha, yeah Pompoms. I remember doing them as well before school age. One of the first things I learned. Was always doing something or other. Don’t think I’d like to be a child now in this electronic age.

Have you anything major left to do in the garden still? Gardens always are an ingoing project aren’t they. If you get some rain maybe some of your plants will revive.

Speak soon.


Hi Neil

How are you?

Probably a bit relieved there’s a bit of rain on the horizon. I’m sat in the kitchen and it sounds like it’s pouring down but it’s just another of my Tinnitus noises!

Is it this week you had the theatre lined up or next? My memory is shocking at the moment. Would like to think it’s anxiety or bad nutrition but who knows.

How have you been getting on with the DWP/UC?
The DWP aren’t easy to deal with sometimes.

Wishing you a good Wednesday at least



Hi Tina
I feel quite a bit better this week than at this time last week. Rain and thunder forecast today although they said that yesterday. I suppose there will be fear mongering from the media again about flooding . Next it will be ’ the coldest winter since 1963 ’ that they always come up with every year.
Theatre tomorrow. First show I’ve been to for a while as we have had the excessive heat, train strikes and the kids on holiday . They get free tickets to shows when they go with an adult so I stay away from shows that do that and pick something more adult!
Tuesday my bad day but at the moment better than what I usually am . Always do a pre planned call to Samaritans/Cruse as it always helps to get through the day.
Still getting one or two problems with UC but all stems from my landlord where they are not sending documents with my name on. Otherwise not getting too much trouble .
Hope your day is as good as can be
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


I’m so excited to find another comper from the good old days @Tina19!! Mum won a Land Rover with Highland Spring water in 2000, those were the hey days! Our paths may have crossed in comping world.

Yes it is very different now but worth a go - have to be in it to win it!!

Beki x


Hi Nic,
I’m just catching up with everyone as I was feeling covid rough yesterday and had to cancel my therapy today (really don’t do that lightly). So relieved to have had that downpour yesterday. Got the cushions in just in time from the garden. Porscha decided to go out through the open windows and then cried for me to rescue her. Couldn’t see her in the dark and got drenched. Turns out she had taken shelter in the dolls house.
But all of that is so trivial. Light relief in our world now. Work sounds really tough. You are right about people taking advantage of what they perceive to be weakness. It will hit them all in time. Knock them off their feet. It’s of no comfort to you but it will happen to them. I think it’s their own insecurity or weakness that they are feeling bold when you are at your lowest. Taking advantage. That’s like my sisters bloke not letting me have access to my mams tribute site. I had to shame him into it, contact the site directly. And then I got a very nasty email from him, sending it to both my sisters too. Some people are so dissatisfied with their own life that they bully others to feel a bit better about themselves. Imagine how unhappy they must be. Whatever their agenda you don’t deserve being treated like this. It’s not professional for a start. You might just have enough in you to get through the day. But when you are feeling a little stronger see what action you can take, however small, to redress the balance. They’re taking the piss and need to be put back in their place. You’ll feel better for doing something. But be constructive. Take it to management. Point out how their insensitivity is making you feel. You must have some procedure in place to protect you from this. Nobody needs to be putting up with this shit in the workplace. Bet they wouldn’t

At least you can go home, close the door and be with your mam in private. Just trying to put into context that this thing with work will settle and if it escalates take action. But you can get walk away from it. You could threaten to take time off work because of how you are being treated, with stress. They won’t like that and will come down hard on those responsible. I really don’t think I could do it, facing the world and pretending to function. You have to give yourself credit for going back at all. Have a meeting and say how tough you are finding the atmosphere. You can’t be ignored. They’ll soon simmer down if they know you won’t put up with it. How dare they!
It’s 8 months for me now with mam. Still feels unreal. Still catch myself not being able to climb out of the torment. Sometimes I get stuck in the bath and can’t move. Just lie there thinking of her, crying in the cold water. Still don’t understand how I can be abandoned by my family because I love mam so much that I can’t stop grieving for her. I was really upset when I dug out all the dead roses and contacted the online company for replacements (not holding my breath). They were for mam. It’s just so upsetting. Everything is upsetting. Her hydrangea has totally frazzled in the heatwave

and the orange flames which love sun aren’t doing well.

But I do get little unexpected treasures. Like fairies in cobwebs

and a white feather to remind me of mam in the garden.

I was thrilled to see a tiny flower on the sweet peas

and the tiniest daisy.

I have a wonderful fragrant new rose

and a new bud waiting to pop.

Something is nesting in the birdbox. Just hope it’s not a rat judging by the teeth marks!

I made a start on creating habitats around the garden

and will finish when I get the rest of my posts and trellises up. Just ran out of energy.

I hope my pics have lifted your spirits a bit. I took these the other day, before the rain. We haven’t had the thunder yet. Quite dull here with a fine mist. Such a relief to not have to water the garden. You can see from the last pic how the clay cracks in the heat. Hope to finish that space with more planting in the Autumn. Did think I’d just give up on the garden at one point but then like Monty said, its all trial and error. I’ll probably get more roses and fill all the gaps where the plug plants perished. Don’t have the enthusiasm at the mo but I will again.
Take care Nic and remember that people who have never experienced what we have cannot possibly imagine what we are going through. It really is like being in a club. We don’t want to be here but we are and we’re all here for each other. Let us know if things at work get easier, or if you have to take action. Let them see you’re no push over!
Lots of love xxx


Hi Michelle,
I’m so pleased you posted again. It helps popping in. Your hubby is being strong for all three of you (yes, I’m including Teddy here too) at the mo and whatever happens please don’t react until you get the actual news. I have had pains in my stomach since mam left (8 months) and all the symptoms were cervical cancer according to Google. Worst thing we can do. I will get the actual results next week but the scan nurse said it all looked fine. I’ve survived breast cancer twice. It’s all very frightening but you travel through it - the biopsies, waiting for the results, the surgeries and treatments and living in the aftermath. J is obviously a very strong person. Unlike your very selfish Auntie. Some people will take everything you’ve got if you don’t stand up for yourself. I’m pleased you have other family members in your corner. My dad and one sister have totally disowned me and my other only occasionally sends a text. Grief tears families apart. I always try to make sense of why people behave the way they do and sometimes it is just who they are. You have to protect yourself against anyone trying to take advantage of you. Some people think that being nice lets them get their own way regardless of what is happening. If you slammed the phone down on her she’d have to question why at some point.
It’s the last thing you need but you have to take each thing as it comes. It’s all we can do. Will Teddy never recover his site? And J will deal with whatever is next and he will have you by his side. We are all with you Michelle. You aren’t on your own.
I’ve been feeling very rough with this covid. Had to cancel my therapy today. Always feel better for getting things out. My lovely therapist never gets a word in! It’s good that you have appointments coming up. It will help you to see a way forward with the stress of this situation with J but also give a voice to your grief. You need to express it without being judged. My dad said he couldn’t have anything to do with me because I am so grief stricken about mam, that I would have a miserable life because I’m hiding away in my grief for her. I’m expressing my grief, not hiding in it. That’s what he can’t accept. And like I’ve said before, I wasn’t howling for her when I was at the garden centre with him so I really don’t understand it. Feel nothing seems to be what some people expect. Keep doing what you are doing. Baby steps. That’s how we get through each day.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Jane,
You’ll see from my posts I’m feeling really rough and having to rest up. There’s only so many zombie films I can watch! Hate sitting around not doing anything. I had to cancel my therapy today and haven’t been in the garden for a couple of days. Just ran out of energy. Really missing my swimming and just being active again. Loved the downpour last night. Porsch insisted on going out in it. She’s such an attention seeker! I got drenched looking for her and didn’t know she was sheltering in the dolls house. So naughty!
I’ve managed to contact the online company to see if I can get replacements for the roses that didn’t grow. Was upsetting because I was creating a rose garden in memory of mam. I’ll order more in the Autumn to fill in the spaces left by the many plug plants that got munched by the huge slugs devouring the garden. But the others are thriving and will become established by next summer.
It’s such a relief having the fence up but knowing the creep’s at home still makes me hide in the house, unless I’m busy painting at the furthest side away from him. Don’t want to breathe the same air as him. Wish I had freedom at home. Nothing worse than being watched.
Any more wanders along the beach front? I would adore that. I went to South Shields beach every weekend when I was little. Hot sandy cheese sandwiches behind the stripy windbreaker. Don’t know how mam got on the bus with it all, my sister in the pram and me as a toddler. We’d meet up with the old Aunties and spend the day until dad picked us up after work. It’s one of my happy times as a kid. Would love to live by the seaside.
Hope you are well and that the heat has subsided there. I was relishing a bit of a chill in the air after the rain earlier, sitting by the open window looking out onto the garden (until I reaslised the creep was back and had to move to the bedroom).
Going for a rummage in the fridge out of sheer boredom! I know there’s treats but I’ll have a look anyway!
Lots of love xxx