Hi Christine,
Yes I saw your new garlands and I am always in awe of how you can make so much out of literally rubbish lol x
I promise that your fish will eventually be ok without your eel but like everything else there will be a period if adjustment xx
So glad Creep had been absent so you can enjoy your time outside x how are your stomach pains lately? So glad to hear you are now resting negative but it took me a good couple of weeks to even start to feel human again x
I agree with you I donā€™t see how your niece going to uni would affect a move really but you can only support them whatever they decide cause thatā€™s what us auntieā€™s do lol x
My niece Eilidh is currently in Grand Canaria and she was sending me these lovely videos of her on a water slide etc and next day her mum was like ā€˜you heard from Eilidh today?ā€™ and of course I was like no, why? Do I need to get my passport?ā€™ Lolā€¦.turns out the silly little madam wasnā€™t putting her sunscreen on enough so technically gave herself second degree burnsā€¦luckily she went to the pharmacy across there and then she got hives :roll_eyes::joy: x she seems fine now but bloody nieces :joy::joy: x
When are you swimming next? x
Hopefully will get a photo of the pine Martin up at the reserve one day to show you x
Take care and Iā€™m away for a cuppa :green_heart: xx


Hi Christine, when we moved we had to fill the pond in and re-home all the fish, it broke Dougā€™s heart but we had no choice being a housing association property.
The small pond at this house has never been quite the same.
I sympathize with your sister vertigo is horrible and very frightening when it happens.
It must have brought it all back lossing your mum, when your sisters friend died and she sent a photo to you. I hope she does get in contact with you and comes to stay it would be lovely for you both.
Refund is not alot for what you would have spent on the roses but itā€™s better than nothing at all.
Love Debbie X


So pleased your car passed one less thing to worry about X X

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Sending a big hug :hugs: Nic
Love Debbie x

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thankyou for asking, a bit better today Iā€™ve had a bad couple of days, missing my mam and arguing with the husband :cry:

Hope everyoneā€™s good, lovely to look at the photos


Hi Christine and all.

I canā€™t get in front with all the messages, just donā€™t know whatā€™s got into me energy wise. Well I do, I wonā€™t take my Thyroxine. Mum used to have those too and and if I had one I couldnā€™t cope with the emotions. Everything just slows to a stop with hypothyroidism and the heart would stop eventually but itā€™s not enough for me to wake up and smell the coffee as they say

Iā€™ve heard that plants that are withered still have life circulating within them and if you cut them down there is less energy wasted in feeding unnecessary shoots and leaves if there is less to feed. Donā€™t know if itā€™s proved but it certainly sounds plausible.

Beginning to wonder of I have COVID again. Dont feel well at all, hot face, cold body but no cough or sneeze. But I didnā€™t have last time.

The builders have done their demolish job now but itā€™s thousands wasted as itā€™s not fit for purpose, unsafe and sloppy. Thatā€™s after countless people I pick the wrong one but Iā€™ve had to deal with them alone and they know I know nothing about stuff. Iā€™d like to see you with them, youā€™d probably eat them for breakfast and give the left overs to Portia to nibble on! Brother said heā€™d have words

Iā€™m sorry if Iā€™ve missed anything significant like how youā€™ve been managing at with creep and whether your family is engaging with you more now. They better had be!

Is that a yellow rose, itā€™s really nice. Like you Iā€™ve lost so much stuff as they are in containers but itā€™s not really the end of the world I donā€™t suppose.

Much love xx


Thatā€™s gorgeous x


Glad to hear Neil youā€™ve had a bit of an upturn. There has been no bused here for a month just over. A bit disappointing isnā€™t it.

Hope you are on love again soon



Hi everyone
Just a quiet weekend for me. Yesterday I booked another play for next weekend for only Ā£10 in the front row. The National Theatre does limited Friday rush tickets as does the Royal Opera House so they always hold tickets back at the last minute.
Wanted to share a bit of happy news - today there was a big Royal Ballet wedding . Claire and Alex ( who is a principal dancer ) tied the knot . Claire thanked me for my message earlier on Instagram. They are such a lovely down to earth couple. Just thought I would share that bit of happy news to cheer us up if we have not had a good day
Sending love and best wishes to you all
Neil xcontent_Alex_and_Claire.jpeg


Hiya Neil :slight_smile:

What is the show? And fantastic price :+1: x

That is great news about your friends getting marriedā€¦love a bit of good news :two_hearts: x

Hope tomorrow finds you well and isnā€™t too hard xx


@christine51ā€¦sorry about the grainy phone photos but took a couple for you from the Loch x


Oh Jane I know your missing your mum, buy never go to bed on an argument with your husband. You never know what tomorrow brings and how much you will regret cross words. I speak from experience of losing the love of my life, my soulmate. If I could have him back for just one day I would say I was sorry for all the cross words we ever had.
Life is very precious :two_hearts:


The photos are lovely, I do love cheeky squirrels.
When I was little there used to be a road safety campaign with Tufty the Squirrel, Iā€™ve loved red squirrels ever since.

I donā€™t even mind the grey ones. Doug used to often go to the local park and would feed them even though you werenā€™t supposed to. Once when he couldnā€™t find anything else he took my very expensive muesli bars to feed them, I was livid, but I forgave him. X


Yes your so true arnt you, life is scary sometimes.Sending you hugs
I love the squirrel pics, I love squirrels at the cemetery thereā€™s absolutely loads of them, Iā€™ve actually got a bag of seeds,bread etc ready to take to feed them.
Is it just me or do others find walking around q cemetery calming, obviously heartbreaking as my precious Mam is there reunited with my Dad now but Iā€™ve always found it so peaceful
Big hugs to all

@Suzanne30 are we not supose to feed squirrels?

@NEILB72 Ā£10 front row wow what a bargain

@Tina19 sorry to hear about your builders, My husbands a builder and in the passed heā€™s gone to a few house to sort stuff out after the mess previous builder has left it : :disappointed:

@christine51 oh wouldnā€™t it be wonderful for you if the creep had gone forever, fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:


Hi Suzanne
Itā€™s another play at the National called All Of Us which features a cast of actors with disabilities led by Francesca Martinez who used to be in Grange Hill and has regularly appeared on TV in stand up comedy. She has cerebral palsy and wrote the play. Ā£10 bargain!
Hope your Sunday is as good as it can be
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


Hi Jane,
Not the grey ones in my local park, the council has a big notice up. Doug used to ignore it. Sending hugs.
Debbie X

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Hi Tina,
Donā€™t know anything about hypothyroidism but if you need to take meds to make you stable I hope you will start taking them again. Youā€™re too valuable to us to lose you! Can you take something else to help with the side effects? Thatā€™s the reason I donā€™t take meds for anxiety. A side effect was increased anxiety! Madness!
Sounds like you could have covid. I was hot, cold, thought I had a cold and then hayfever. Totally exhausted. Even my brain isnā€™t processing properly. Made a start writing up the blog for the mag and just couldnā€™t concentrate. But I made a start.
Havenā€™t been in the garden again. Such a shame as the creep hasnā€™t been here for a week or more. If I was well I would have got the fences finished.
Couldnā€™t finish this post yesterday so have come back to it today. Have finished my blog, done the fishtank and will clean the floors and bathroom in a bit. Also plan to get up in the loft and sort textile projects into the plastic storage boxes I got a while ago.
Creep has returned. Suspect he was on hols. Never stayed away before. Just wish Iā€™d been ok to enjoy his absence.
Planning on a swim with my niece this week and will get some new friends for Elsie from the local pet shop. She hasnā€™t lost her appetite since Hilda left so that is good. Missed his cheekiness trying to escape the tank as I was cleaning it.
Feels quite Autumnal today.Anyone watching Countryfile tonight at 7 will see a fellow textile artist who creates fabulous mushrooms, bark and moss from machined embroidery and dissolving fabric. Sheā€™s had displays at Chelsea flower show too. Worth a look if you are interested in crafts and country walks (where she is inspired).
Feel so much lighter today. And really pleased that Iā€™ve actually produced some work. Will do a link when itā€™s out.
Will catch up on the posts now. Didnā€™t have the energy yesterday.
Lots of love xxx

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Hi Suzanne,
Fabulous pics! You must feel so energised after your days out with nature. I really miss my birds in the garden. Donā€™t even get my robin since I stopped feeding them because of the rats. But I think Iā€™ll start again. If someone is throwing whole loaves out for the rats my seeds wonā€™t make that much difference.
Just posted to Tina about getting my blog finished for the garlands. Feel so much better for actually doing some work, though I did start with only half a brain yesterday until it kicked back in. Havenā€™t used it in 8 months so itā€™s a bit rusty! Will do a link when the article is listed.
Very disappointed to discover the creep is back after a good week of being absent. Will have to crack on this week with the fences. Such a shame. I could have got so much done with him being away. But hopefully heā€™ll have to get back to work and I will work around that.
Hoping to get back to swimming and get some new pals for Elsie. Cleaned the tank and really missed the eel trying to escape!
Check out Countryfile at 7 featuring a fellow textile artist - Amanda Cobbett. Sheā€™s only on for 5 mins but it will be worth it. Her work on mushrooms, bark and moss is amazing.
So pleased your car went through the mot. Always a worry and then a massive relief for another year. Dread mine because I have to be dropped back by the lovely man who does my car because I donā€™t have dad now to give me a lift and feel unsafe walking back, though I have done it and was ok. Just the agoraphobia and panic kicking in.
Hope youā€™re doing something good with your Sunday. Miss mamā€™s roast dinners. Veg soup is just not the same!
Lots of love xxx


Hi Tina,
What building works did you have done? All builders are dodgy so donā€™t blame yourself if theyā€™ve made a mess. Hope your brother is as tough on them as he is on you, though probably not. And whatever it is itā€™s done now and you can move forward with someone else if necessary. I would be just the same as you dealing with them, though I am so suspicious of being duped Iā€™d have checked out whatever feedback I could, though that may not be genuine either. Did you do checks with ā€˜Check a tradeā€™ or whatever that listing is?
Youā€™re right about cutting back the plants to encourage new growth. Even Monty is going to have to rethink his planting and when he plants. Usual Spring planting will now be done in the Autumn for roots to gather strength and moisture over the winter. Was encouraging to see his withered ferns! I always get so disheartened by my garden when I see his. Clay soil is the worst for weather conditions, swamped with rain and then baked and cracked with heat. Would have gone out and watered the garden after doing the fishtank if the creep wasnā€™t back. But really have used up all my energy now.
I havenā€™t been out to check on my yellow rose bud. Mam had yellow roses in the garden and so its my favourite colour. Got a refund on teh roses at a price of Ā£3 each (Ā£24) which is less than I paid but worthwhile. May try another company for Autumnal planting. Looking forward to transplanting my pots of Sweet Williams and Wallflowers into the garden and refreshing with Winter pansies. Always get a good display. Not sure what our winter will be. Lets hope its mild with the energy situation.
Lots of love xxx

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Hi Neil,
What a pretty couple! I love the dark colour palette of the costumes and makeup. Itā€™s fab that you have friendships with the dancers and Iā€™m pleased you have another theatre for next weekend to look forward to. Very quiet here today, even though the creep has returned. Just finished cleaning the fishtank and Iā€™ve ordered some new moss balls and plants for the tank. Hope to meet my niece this week to get some new friends for Elsie and start swimming again.
I was just saying I feel a lot better today and got my blog finished on how to create the garlands. So will do a link when thatā€™s out for listing. Feels quite Autumnal today and Iā€™m inspired to get in the loft and dig out some work to finish (quilting) and will get another blog created from that as I work and photograph. Small steps to ease me back into work again.
Still have the fences waiting for me and hope to make a start this week. Will get most of it done if the creep gets back to work.
Donā€™t know if you watch Countryfile (Mam always did and told me the weeks weather forecast) but if you do checkout textile artist Amanda Cobbett. Her work is fabulous - intricate studies of mushrooms, bark and moss using dissolving fabric, machine embroidery and some 3D wizardry.
Off to clean the bathroom now and get in the loft to box up projects and sort some unfinished textiles to bring down. If I can see them sitting waiting for me I might be tempted to pick up a needle. Didnā€™t work before but you never know!
Is the football back again? I have no clue but think I heard something and thought of you. Enjoy it if it is on.
Lots of love xxx