Hi Suzanne
Hope you enjoy Sarah Millican this evening. I’m looking out for ticket details for the One Woman Show which is transferring to the West End soon from the Edinburgh Festival and is supposed to be brilliant. Dont normally do stand up shows but that does look good.
Looking forward to hearing all about the show
Speak again soon
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x

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Hi Christine,
I survived the first day back at work, it was busy as always had lots of online training to do and documents that had to be read. I even managed to do some photocopying. My biggest fear was that they had changed all the photocopies over to a new company, but they haven’t yet, so at least I could get on with equipment I’m used too. I had a cracking headache when I got home.
The students come back on Monday, I think my grandchildren are ready to go back, they are getting bored and a bit mischievous now. One of my granddaughter’s locked her brother out in the garden yesterday, their mum wasn’t impressed.
I hope you niece does go swimming with you again, or you will have to be brave and go on your own.
Covid will make you feel tired for a few weeks after, but you will eventually get your energy back and be back out in the garden.
It sounds like you have plenty of sorting to do in the house to keep you busy with your blog as well.
I’m looking for a special rose to plant in the front garden where I removed a fir tree, planted in memory of Doug, any suggestions.
Love Debbie X

Hi Suzanne, enjoy Sarah Milligan tonight, she was one of Doug’s favourites. He hated bad language but never seemed to mind with Sarah.
How did beaver watching go ?
Debbie X

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Hi Neil,
How have things been with you this week, I remember you said Tuesday was you mum’s 9 month anniversary.
I’m a bit shocked Cruse haven’t been up to scratch just lately, is it just their helpline staff. I’ve just had a email from them today, asking how I am while waiting for one to one counseling. Is that who you are starting with next week?
What are you going to see next week at the theatre.
I see this Saturday it’s national cinema day, all tickets £3. I was going to go but I didn’t fancy any of the film’s showing .
I am hoping to go and see return of the railway children next week, missed it at the cinema, it’s on at our local theatre.
Hope the Hammer’s continue with a win this weekend.
Sending love
Debbie X

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Just want to say hi, and hope you are all okay or the best you can be.
@Tina19, @LucyF90, @Beki, @nicnic, @Jane36 and @MichelleY

Love Debbie X

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Hi Debbie
Yes didnt have a good experience with Cruse but have since phoned them again and the lady was very good, she listened and couldnt have been nicer . It just shows how different people can be. Once I phoned CALM and the guy went silent and had to ask if he was still there or fallen asleep.
Anyway second round of counselling to start Wednesday morning with Cruse. Wont say looking forward to it as such but nice to know I can plan ahead.
Not going to the cinema either . Dont like going at weekends even for £3 this week.
Theatre next week is a Ballet gala at the Theatre Royal Drury Lane celebrating the great Nureyev. Quite a few big name Royal Ballet dancers performing.
Another big game Sat v Chelsea for us.
Hope you enjoy the Railway Children . Remember the original and it was a play at Waterloo Station a few years ago.
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


Hi Debbie,
Yeah mum seemed to be like Doug. She hates excessive foul language especially the C word yet she found her hilarious and tbf she was and laughed so hard all night.
Saw a beaver, a fox and various birds last night on the Watch so has been a couple of good days all round.
Glad you survived your first day back so tomorrow should be fine as off for two days lol x
Sleep well xx

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Hi Debbie,
Came across a lovely site with good variety of roses when I was looking for a birthday pressie for my therapist. We’ve known each other for years and it’s more of a friendship now. .
Glad your first day back was good but not surprised you had a banging headache. You’ll certainly sleep tonight. I worked on my blog shrine, took lots of new pics and then edited for light and colour enhancement. Really pleased with what I’ve achieved. Will finish it tomorrow. It’s been a mammoth task and very upsetting.
Got in the loft for my quilt and blankets and put some summer stuff away. I love the chill in the air on a morning and evening. Realise I’ve missed a chunk of the change in weather not being out in the garden. Glad we’re going to have some rain next week. You’ll need a brolly.
Will be pleased to get into a routine again for swimming. Feeling very isolated and ignored.
Didn’t know I could do a click collect online shop with Aldi. Think I’ll try that after the last shop with Amazon.
Just one more day and then it’s the weekend for you. You’ll need a rest.
Lots of love xxx

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Hi Neil,
Oh she was so funny, laughed all night. This has been the first year (excluding lockdown years) that I haven’t made it through to the Fringe so not sure what actually was on this year but a lot of the good ones do end up going to WestEnd so hopefully you’ll get to see the show soon x

I saw this advert and wasn’t sure if it was something that would be of interest or even applicable to you but thought I’d ask x

Sleep well and catch up soon :two_hearts:


Hi Suzanne,
Your road sounds like the one to my parents’ house. Lots of accidents. It’s so strange not going there. It was routine. Will it be your first winter volunteering? That’ll be freezing. It always makes me laugh when you mention your badgers. Such a random thing.
Hope you’re enjoying your night. Looking forward to hearing all about it. Will have to wait for it to come out on tv or whatever.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Suzanne
So glad you enjoyed the show last night . Isn’t it nice to just go out and have a really good laugh after what we are all going through. I found that with some of the shows I’ve seen recently which have had lots of laughs. You do temporarily go back to normal times even just for a few hours. So glad you enjoyed it!
Was talking to Debbie about the cinema day tomorrow but not a lot on at the moment plus it will be crowded . Never go weekends as like avoiding teenagers !
Hope you have a good weekend
Sending lots of love and best wishes
Neil x


Without all your support I don’t think I would have got this far :two_hearts: x



I totally agree Suzanne. I’m so grateful for everyone’s support especially when so called friends and family go missing. I regard you all as special friends because we understand each other x


Hi Suzanne,
It is so true. Don’t know how I would have got through the last 8 months without you all. Still can’t understand how I’ve been chucked out my own family for loving mam too much. Just don’t get that thing where people turn on each other. I always assumed grief was an internal thing but it seems not. I think of you all throughout the day, randomly connected to stuff. Knowing I’ll be missed means I matter. I don’t matter to my family, just to mam.
Didn’t manage to do anything today. But did make some soup. And have a swim booked with my niece tomorrow so will be nice to get out the house.
Did you remember a joke?
Lots of love xxx


Hello Christine

I’ve been looking at your blog with the hanging decorations. They look so attractive. When you think of what you can do with things the possibilities are endless aren’t they. I always enjoy seeing your projects and photos. There are a few new green shoots showing in my garden but nothing will happen much at this time of year I don’t think.
I do get what you mean about missing the change over of seasons. Leaves you feeling a bit disoriented. I hadn’t heard of the roses before you said so I’m interested in looking at that website.
Sorry to hear the swimming hasn’t taken off so well from the point of view of having company whilst you go. I think I’d be tempted to cancel your niece’s membership. The money is better in your pocket than the Gym or Pool’s. I know memberships aren’t exactly inexpensive. Could you face going alone? I know I couldn’t but know you are far from a shrinking violet so it may not bother you going alone.

How’s the tiredness going? I’m still utterly exhausted. I think it’s coming from my mind really as things haven’t been good at all at home. If I’m not in bed at 9.30pm I am in tears at the drop of a hat. When I get to bed I don’t sleep and end up mindlessly flicking through TickTock watching some random, unknown person invading their own privacy by telling you what they had for breakfast. It’s not a good way to be distracting yourself but when your head isn’t functioning it’s something to rest your eyes on.

It will be ok if you can get an Aldi delivery. I know it’s not available where I live which is a shame. I’m not a Lidl shopper but had a look in the other day and bought a big tub of Lemon Tea granules. You can have them as a hot or cold tea and it’s really nice. Still go to Asda normally but their shelves are forever empty.

Been really affected by some things this week. Just wanted to wake up but I’m sure we have all felt that way now and again. Feeling a bit “shell-shocked.” Weird sensation.

Anyway Just going to let Zoe out, hopefully she’ll be in and out. I don’t feel like chasing it round the garden to jiggle a bit of wee out (out of the dog that is!)

Speak again and in the meantime have a calm Saturday.



Hi again Christine

Just noticed that whilst I was typing a message to you that you’d been saying you are going swimming tomorrow. Good on you, make sure you treat yourself afterwards.



Hi Neil

Wanted to say hope you are feeling a bit better. The thing with me is that these last few days I could have done with speaking to Samaritans but for some weird reason always think I’ll ring “when I feel up to it” and then when I do feel upto it I decide there’s no need to get in touch with them so don’t. It’s good that you got a sympathetic ear on the last call but I was concerned when you mentioned the person before that wasn’t as attentive and you could hear stuff going on in the background. That would really make me feel uncomfortable. Thankfully, probably just a one off.
Have a lovely peaceful Saturday.


Hi Christine

Not much chance of Zoe having a wee. It’s decided it wants to camp out for the night whilst I wait for it.


Hi Tina,
Lovely to hear from you. Looking forward to swimming with my niece but I will have to mention dropping the membership. It’s £40 a month for her and a single swim is £7 so she needs to go twice a week for it to be worthwhile. It doesn’t have to always be with me. She’s gone with her friends too. But she’s going to my sister, wherever that is, and doesn’t have time to go it seems. Difficult because I don’t want to upset her but I’m not being mugged off. I will go myself but it’s so boring having no one to chat to.
Glad you liked the hanging decs. I collected them through covid, with a few for frozen in most deliveries. Soon mounts up. Like Suzanne said, it’s amazing what I can create out of rubbish! I do love recycling and use it in my textile work. Have another blog listed for next week on recycling fabric from furniture. Will post a link on the day. Also got mam’s shrine article nearly finished. Was really hard to do but I’ll get it listed to celebrate her one year anniversary in Nov. I’ll be in bits!
Still exhausted with the covid. Even doing the blog wiped me out and that’s not even physical. Wonder if I should be going swimming. Also, going to collect free rocks for the pond (listed on neighbourhood / free listings site). My niece will help. Hope they’re still there from a week ago.
I googled to see if Monty Don was still alive because he isn’t doing the Gardners World. He has covid. Love Monty. Always makes me feel very disheartened about my own garden though. Still didn’t get to the pound shop for spiky plants. Feel rather detached from the garden now as haven’t been in it for weeks. Did some seeds from the wallflowers yesterday. Sure I’ll get back into it. There’s so much work to do.
That site with the roses is lovely. I found it on googling climbing red roses. Lots of choice but a lot more expensive than J Parkers. Got my therapist a lovely rose for his birthday.
You do the same as me when you get into bed, watching random stuff. Haven’t tried tick tock. Usually do Soft White Underbelly (giving a voice to the homeless) or animals make you laugh. Really need to stop it because I’m only getting 4 hours sleep with Porsch screaming for chicken at 6 am.
Will try the click collect Aldi next week if my niece will go with. There’s one local and I used to go with my sis years ago. Hope they bring it to the car. I have awful panic attacks going into the store. Morrisons and Amazon Fresh prices have rocketed. It was an easy way for me to shop but I’m not paying prices like that. Might try Asda too.
You mentioned to Neil about the Samaritans. I wouldn’t be able to do any phonecalls because of the creep listening in. That’s why I type what I’m feeling on here. It does help to get it out.
Love the pic of Zoe. She’s such a sweetie!
Just noticed the time. Must dash. Will catch up later with pics of the rocks if I get any.
Lots of love xxx

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