Hello Neil

Hope when you get your new neighbour’s they are nice and you can get along well. It does feel like another change to the familiar doesn’t it. Hopefully it will be someone to chat with now and again.

Nice to hear there is still plenty of opportunity to see shows etc, visit places etc. You’ve had an incredibly good run over the Summer, I hope it continues for you.

I just seem to be drifting a bit and can’t seem to find much motivation

How are things on the job front? I can’t recall seeing anything in your recent posts but maybe I have missed one or two.

Have an easy day today

Love xx


Hi Tina
Still taking things slowly on the job front at the moment and just applying for vacancies I’m really interested in. Dont want to just take anything .
Am going to the cinema on Tuesday where I’m a member (Prince Charles Cinema , yes they are keeping the same name) to finally see Top Gun Maverick . Also will book tomorrow for a museum exhibition on the same day to get more value out of my train ticket.
Feeling a bit better this weekend but know on Fri it will be Mums 10 month anniversary.
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


Hi Tina,
It’s a real struggle getting going and doing anything since having covid. Didn’t realise the long term effects were so debilitating. That’s why I’ve been creating textiles. They were already planned and it’s simply layering and cutting and pinning to stitch later. Got many new pieces underway. It’s because I can sit on the bed so not physically exerting myself. Not really engaged in it like I was before mam but it’s a breakthrough to be doing it.
It’s such a shame with your garden. I think the trick is to do a bit each day, clearing or sorting one area and if you get into it do a bit more, but if not then just do an hour. It’s amazing what can be achieved in that time and the more you do the more spurred on you will be. I used to love Autumn when it’s cooler weather but sunny. I simply made a start on moving some of the massive rocks up to the pond area so they’re ready for me to start it. Just have no enthusiasm or physical energy. Getting the fence trellises up and posts is a big job and it’s playing on my mind because it needs doing before the winter hits. Like you say, some things you just have to let slide until the time is right.
I like your portable Primark! I had a clothes rail on the patio but transferred it to the loft so I can hang my seasonal clothes on it. It’s really in the way because the roof beams only allow it a certain way but its better than bags piled up. Still have to get up there to finish laying the loft boards that were taken up when the rats were there. They’ve gone now but it’s such a lot of work. I used to love a challenge and thrived on it but not at the mo. I know mams little xmas houses and decs will be waiting for me too so it’s upsetting. I don’t know what to do with them, whether to set them up in the loft as a xmas tribute to her or give them to charity. I can’t do xmas ever again so will have no decs or anything. We used to love xmas and really went over the top. I will get a real tree again for the garden and do my memory tags for mam again.
Poor Zoe. She’s so lucky that she has such loving owners. My sister was lucky that her dogs weren’t poisoned like that because it happened here over a period of time. But it was deliberate, putting poison down. Dogs were dying after their walk. People do that to foxes too. So cruel. But I hope she’s ok with the tests. It must be costing you a fortune. That little dog was lucky you were there. It must have known it was too high to jump or it would have just done it. Cats and dogs really are like little children. I’m so attentive to Porsch and she drives me mad when she always wants chicken but I’ll be lost without her when she’s gone.
Creep is at home so I can’t go into the garden today. Did you read my news that my passport and birth certificate are missing? He is the only one who could have stolen them but means that he’s been rummaging through all my papers. Of course, I can’t prove it so can’t report it. But did report him pounding on the wall next to where I was sitting watching tv. 10.30 at night, when he got in. Don’t know what that was about. Really made me jump, it was so loud. Can’t think what he was using to slam against the wall to make that noise.
Feel really exhausted again. Still not dressed because I woke up very late. Have a couple of textiles to create today and then tv is good from about 8 tonight. So that’s my day planned. Have a think about what you can do in short bursts to get going in the garden. It will make a difference. When it’s broken down over a week you’ll be surprised at how much work can be achieved.
It is funny how we associate things with each other. I think of you too when I think of roses and hydrangeas. Debbie is the pool with my rocks. Suzanne is all animals, including the slugs curled up sleeping. And weeds. Neil and his theatre always reminds me of my ballet. I really wish I had kept going with it but gymnastics took over and I couldn’t do both. I think of Becky and her crafty caravan when I’m looking at van living online. Love the idea of it, the freedom to roam about. But the reality is just too hard. I like my comforts and would be too scared to do it myself. It’s lovely watching it online, especially in the rain. Reminds me of camping holidays with the family. I’m really into creating a natural dwelling in the forest, where you dig out the earth and build a shelter from the trees and debris around you. I’m such a tomboy, even now!
Hope you get a little bit done in the garden. Making a to do list will make jobs clearer. So pleased I’ve caught up properly with you. We’re like very old, dear friends. It’s strange that such a devastating experience can create deep friendship. I always think of you sitting with your mam in the kitchen with the sunlight streaming in through your suncatchers. I didn’t make any this year but I will. Just need to reconnect with the garden again.
Kisses to Zoe and much love to you xxx


Hi Neil,
I’ve just caught up properly with Tina after not being up to posting for a while. I’m so pleased to see you have a cinema booked and it is worth including a museum on the day to pack in as much as you can for the train ticket. Not going out into London anymore makes me realise how out of touch I am with things going on. I used to love shopping in Oxford Street and mooching about the stalls on a Sunday. I really envy your freedom to travel and explore. I do admire you. Like Tina said, you’ve had a fantastic run over the summer. I’m sure there’ll be lots of amazing theatre and cinema with the run up to xmas so lots to look forward to. You could add that lovely church to your day out, maybe light a candle for your mam and dad.
I know Tuesdays are your worst day but I’m sure you’ll enjoy it. And your mam’s anniversary coming up will be crushing but you know you’ll get through it. I’m dreading mam’s one year anniversary in Nov. It will be as traumatic as when she just left, xmas and then her birthday in Jan. I really don’t know how people ‘move on’ from this. I can’t. I’m going through the motions of creating new work, totally disconnected to what I’m doing, like a robot. It’s even that I can chat about mam and remember her, the things we did, the things she said etc because my dad and sister are not speaking to me and now my niece isn’t bothered either. I got a text from my other sister up north because I’d sent her a birthday card and some bits and bobs. I am so alone. Filling in time is all we do have until we are overwhelmed on those special occasions. I’m still swimming a few times a week but it’s so boring by myself. It’s the emptiness I feel that is hardest to come to terms with.
I was just saying to Tina, I’ve moved some rocks to the pond so I can get motivated again with the garden. Will do a bit each day and post pics as I go. It does help that you are all encouraging. I wouldn’t go out there as often if I didn’t share what I have been doing. The after effects of covid really are so debilitating. I just have so little physical energy.
Hope your new neighbours are nice people. Did you offer to keep in touch? Hope they’ve settled in and are making a new home. And that the new ones aren’t weirdo’s like the creep.
Cannot believe the time and I’m still not dressed. Just wanted to say hello properly because I’ve been absent for what seems like ages.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Christine.
Lovely to hear from you and good to have a catch up. I know we are both dreading the anniversary coming up and that is going to be so hard.
Being out Tuesday will do me good as of course that is my worst day so should be in a decent frame of mind. Just got to decide what time I will attend the exhibition at the V&A museum. I’m travelling between Leicester Sq and Sth Kensington. Film begins at 1 and ends about 3.20 so might fit it in afterwards and I can have some lunch beforehand .
I like what you said to Tina about catching up with dear old friends and that’s how I feel . In tragic circumstances we have all found each other and helped each other. It’s so lovely and our Mums I’m sure are looking down giving their approval.
More counselling tomorrow after it was cancelled last week.
I definitely think the tiredness is the hangover from Covid as I think it is pretty normal to feel like that. Another thing that makes me sad is when I have another booster and flu jab that Mum is not having hers. Kept her away from Covid and away from hospital and she passed away from an infection and heart failure instead.
Wishing you a peaceful rest of Sunday .
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


Hi Christine,

As Tina and Neil have already said I would not be surprised at all if the continued exhaustion is from the covid as long covid seems to be on the increase.
A few people I know have already had their latest vaccination but I’m not having any more as I only ever got them to protect mum and I’ve already had it so not getting any more.

I don’t mean to distress you by asking this but how could Creep steal your birth certificate etc? How would he know where to find them? I must admit I was a bit confused by this but I believe you must have your suspicions to say that x

Today was a mental day at work for animals. Had a couple literally walk in with a rabbit that they had had to the vet but because it has an infection they want to give it away :disappointed: x I just took it in so it can get proper medical treatment and then will find a good home for her. I’m not taking her as she doesn’t get on with other buns as has been on her own in a cage for over 2 years 🥹 x
Then I was petting this cute little shih tzu and with no warning it’s teeth are sunk into my thumb and little bugger wouldn’t let go lol x didn’t help that the owners kept apologising and thinking I was gonna kick them out the shop. Little shit :joy: x

Yeah like you and Neil were saying I’m coming up to 8 months too and just seems so unreal. Still get people checking in with me like mum’s best friends and even someone who was my dad’s friends which is nice yet still some of my own friends still don’t bother. So sad to hear your niece has distanced herself again but so proud of you for keeping up with the swimming x

If you would be comfortable to do so could you and @NEILB72 send me a private message with your addresses as often think I’d like to send a card or so to you both.

Take care and will catch up soon :green_heart: x

1 Like

Hi Neil,
I am glad to be back with you all, even if it is an effort to post. Not sure if I’ll have my booster jab but then if I get covid again it could wipe me out. Mam had her jab just before she went into hospital. I think whatever the reason it’s just as bad as anything else, just gives the passing a label. I had a terrible fright one night with a tight band of pain around my chest. Panicked thinking if I had a heart attack nobody would know I’d gone apart from Porsch and I can imagine her doing the screaming thing she does when she’s stressed (usually when she can’t see me in the same room - drives me mad!). I was never pre occupied with my own death or anyone else’s before mam. It’s like I exist in another reality now, as we all do.
It is so true that we have made such dear friendships through our grief. Truly bizarre that we have never met one another and yet it feels like we have all known each other for years. I am always eager to see what everyone is up to. I love hearing about your outings. I imagine going out and about in my head because I can’t do it in real life. So your trips are always a pleasure, as much in the planning as the actual event.
I was quite upset to learn my friend from the online magazine is going elsewhere. She didn’t say anything and I was told by the lovely man who runs it. Just a shame that we will probably lose touch. I have a blog out today. Here’s a link Creating A Working Environment (
I keep expecting to see Porsch making a bed in the last pic. She’s nestled in layers of tissue paper and the camping blanket next to my bed. The back of the fishtank is no longer her go to spot. She loves a new place to sleep.
Had a pretty hectic day up to now with the workmen at the front of house doing the new facia (to stop the rats getting in) and the creep was out with his gardening tools in the back so no escape from all the noise. I got some new lights for the loft so I’m going up there now to replace the flooring. Can’t settle to do any creative work. Will be pleased when it’s all finished up there and it’s not on my to do list.
Hope you enjoy the article. Gives an insight into the working practices of being an artist. Blogging is easy in small chunks. Have a few pieces under way to finish. I suppose I’m getting back to normal a bit with creating new work too. Next hurdle is to update my website with links to the articles. Just another thing that reminds me of the time mam passed because I was so busy in the run up to xmas. Feel so disconnected, like a robot. But better than just sitting I suppose.
It will be quite nice being up in the loft with the sound of rain. Reminds me of camping as a kid. Mam hated the heat so we tended to camp all over Britain, Wales and Scotland. Always rained. What I would give just to be that child again when the world was safe and I was free to be in a strop about whatever.
Lots of love my dear friend xxx


Hi Suzanne,
The missing passport and birth certificate only came to light because I needed them to renew my driving license online. They were missing from my folder containing all my papers. I had them ten years ago to renew last time before the creep moved in. When he carved out the hole in the wall it was a week before I knew that that was what he had done. I thought it was diy and that the noise had carried. In that time I’d been out most days visiting parents, having therapy etc. So I didn’t know he had free access to my house to rummage through my stuff. It was only when I got my loft boards delivered and got them up there that I discovered the hole. And because I was decorating I discovered a burn mark next to my boiler in the kitchen and creepy sticker on my fridge. The unlocked back door (before I got a heavy chain) made me think I was absent minded, even though I am ocd about checking the door and security in general. I then discovered the bamboo screen between our houses in the garden was not secured to the wall (garden wire). I also smelt smoke one day and thought it was my imagination. So until I need other documents I won’t know what else he has taken. He is the only person with access to my papers. Creepy beyond belief! He was pounding on the wall the other night when he got in for no reason at all.
I do love hearing about your animals at work. Look on it all as having mini adventures. The poor rabbit. Why do people get animals if they just give them away like that? I can’t understand why they have no love for it. Poor you with the little pooch. Made me laugh!
I think it’s lovely that your mam and dad’s friends check in with you. I don’t know if it’s a generational thing, that peeps were more closely connected in those good old days before the internet etc. My sister up north phoned the other day but I felt so withdrawn I couldn’t take her call. Being alone day in day out certainly takes it’s toll, especially as my niece has dropped me like a hot rock. Think her mam probably didn’t like her spending time with me. Swimming is booked I for Tues but it really is so bloody boring going on my own. I wonder if this is my life now until I meet mam again. Miss her so very much. Still hits me like a ton of bricks that she’s not here and I’m left confused, wondering how can this have happened, why didn’t I see it coming, why didn’t I stop doing everything and just sit with her and talk to her. Just astonishing that I’m left with nothing. She filled a gaping hole I didn’t even know was there. Upset again. I’ve been in zombie mode since the upset of the Queen. Haven’t been able to watch any news since.
Here’s a new blog out today for a 5 mins read Creating A Working Environment (
Will try to send you private message with a hello and see if it is indeed private and you can let me know.
Away in the loft now to lay the bloody floorboards again. Really pushing myself but I’m sure when I get going I’ll just crack on and get it done. The joy of new loft lights is encouraging me to get up there.

Lots of love xxx


Hi Christine
Just been reading through the article. Nice to get a quiet afternoon where I can catch up with these sort of things.
Lovely kind words saying that we are dear friends and I echo that along with Suzanne, Tina and everyone else here. We do indeed seem to have known each other a long, long time. In some ways I’d rather we didn’t like at this time last year as it would mean our Mums are still here.
Just booked my museum exhibition. I’ve booked the last time at 4.15 as I can have a quick bite to eat before my film without having to rush. Film finishes at around 3.20 and tube from Leic Sq to Sth Kensington takes around 15 mins so should make it OK. It’s free for me anyway.
Speak again soon
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


Hi Neil,
Maybe meeting each other is the ying yang of balance in the universe, out of tragedy comes friendship and comfort. I agree with you though, I’d much rather have my mam. I am still amazed that I lose my family because mam isn’t here, but my sister did try phoning me. She sounded much better. Her meds must have kicked in and her daughter has returned home with the grand daughter. Not sure how long they will stay for but it will be nice for her.
I got up in the loft and have been very productive indeed, achieving so much more than I thought I would. They say change is as good as a rest and I do feel rejuvenated. I strung up the lights, relayed the decking boards (don’t know why that was such a hard job this time round), moved all mam’s xmas boxes (was dreading doing that) sorted winter bags of blankets and bedding, moved summer bumph already up there making way for finishing the insulation at the edges of the roof before I move boxes along to make way for new textile boxes of projects already sorted and needing to be looked at. And swept up as I went. I amaze myself at how agile I am at my age (52), up and down that ladder and crawling around up there. Brought another box of textiles down to sort. Still thinking of mam the whole time I’m doing anything, wondering why it had to happen and wanting to go back in time to make the last times really count.
Your timings make me smile for your day out tomorrow. My therapy finishes at 3 and I have a blood test at 3.30 and a swim at 4.10. Wish I could swap you! I’m not usually out alone when its dark but was always comfortable out and about at night. I think there’s something soothing about it. Add in some rain and I’d be really happy (if I can ever feel true happiness again?)
Enjoy tomorrow and looking forward to the pics. I liked mooching around Kensington years ago. Got my belly pierced there and nearly passed out. Really not great with pain. It’s prob. changed a lot.
Here’s my very boring loft space but it gives you an idea of the work involved.
keeping fit, up and down that ladder

lights up

loft boards laid again

and mams xmas stuff relocated

making way for insulating area for new textile boxes

I’m really chuffed because Id been putting off doing it for ages.
Night hun, lots of love xxx


Hi Neil,

I know what you mean meeting you all is bittersweet imo x
I hate the fact like you all that I was put in the position to be on here but very blessed to have found you all x

Have a great day tomorrow as you sound like you have a fun filled day planned and I still haven’t seen Maverick so interested to know your thoughts x

Look forward to any photos you take at the museum :two_hearts: x


Hi Christine,

You have been a very productive bee haven’t you? x I loved the blog and so professional :+1: x

I hope you felt well enough to text your sister and tell her how you were after you didn’t feel well enough to pick up her call. She will worry despite what you feel/think.

Go enjoy your swim…to break up the monotony maybe try each length in a different stroke lol x

The bunny that was dumped on me yesterday is going in for her spaying operation tomorrow so hoping this will calm her down a little and stop her getting womb cancer :crossed_fingers: x
As for my dog bite it’s healing already…heal like Wolverine lol x

Take care and chat soon :green_heart: x

1 Like

Hi All

It was six months yesterday since Mum passed which was an odd ‘milestone’. Feels like yesterday and a million years ago at the same time.

@NEILB72 the V&A is a wonderful museum, you can’t take it all in even after several visits. They also do very good cake! Look forward to the photos

@christine51 you have been a very busy bee and going up and down to the loft plus swimming - you’re going to be hella fit at this rate. Look forward to catching up on the blog.

For the rest of the week I am in keep calm and don’t panic mode, well try to be. At the end of the week I go abroad for work. My friend is travelling with me Thurs-Mon, so hope to feel good, meet my European colleagues and then be a tourist. So used to travelling with Mum, my travel buddy. I know she would want me to go and would be proud of me doing so -try telling my stomach that. I am excited but nervous. Well all the emotions really. So trying to remember our mantra of one step at a time.

Beki x


Hi Beki
Sorry to hear it’s now 6 months. I get those days where I just think what has happened to us and the life we had just this time last year. Time flies but it also stands still when you lose someone so close as if they have only just gone. Others wouldn’t understand it .
The V and A had never really appealed before until I read up about how great it’s supposed to be and I put it on my must- visit list . Want to see the theatre and performance gallery but its temporarily shut until the middle of next month but will go back again when I get more time. I’m seeing the Africa Fashion exhibition which has been getting rave reviews.
Hope you’re having a peaceful evening
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


Hi Neil

Glad you’ve got things lined up to enjoy.

Couldn’t agree more with the job situation. The worst thing would be to take anything and then regret your decision for whatever reason. You’d get no benefit money if you had to leave the job and of you stayed in a job that made you desperately unhappy that’s no help to you.

The right solution for you, will turn up.

Love and kind wishes xx


Hi Becki,
Your trip seemed so far off and here it is. Time is indeed a strange creature. I’ve found through therapy to image the event as a black and white film. The more you do it the more you will have reacted naturally with anxiety. So when the real trip happens it will be a less intense experience and one you can enjoy to some degree. You are so brave. I know I wouldn’t even attempt it. But like you say, your mam will be very proud of you. You’re doing it for you and for her. The firsts are always going to be tough but this trip is massive. I’m so pleased you have a bud to travel with you for support. You’ll be able to share the excitement of going away and I’m sure she’ll want to go again. This could be the first to spur you on to having little mini trips away if that is your thing. It’s like anything. The more you do of it, the more it becomes ‘normal’. Have you packed yet? I always loved the planning of going on hols with shopping trips and repacking my suitcase however many times. Not sure what the weather will be.
I have quite a busy day tomorrow with my therapy, blood test and then a swim. Living the high life! I’m so bloody knackered off getting in that loft. Worth it though. It’s a real effort to actually get up there but once I’m up it’s quite a tranquil place with all my textiles around me. I’m getting there, especially now I have my lights up.
Great to here from you. I was missing for a bit as well. Just couldn’t climb out of that massive overwhelming deep hole. But I’m finding my feet again.
Going to watch some tents in the rain. It’s very tranquil, being tucked up warm in bed and watching someone exposed to the weather. Reminds me of all the camping trips I went on in the rain.
I’m dreading mam’s one year anniversary in Nov. Can’t wrap my head around it, how she’ll have been gone for a whole year and I’m still here, plodding on without her. Doesn’t seem real.
Looking forward to seeing all your pics on your return. Enjoy it! It will be over in a flash.

Lots of love xxx


Hi Christine

Lovely to read your posts Christine.

I know it sounds a daft question but can you put a time frame on when you think you last saw your passport etc. It may help you work out what was going on at that time and how Creep managed to get in. It’s such a difficult situation and I’m amazed at how well you are handling it.

You are right about the garden, I’ll just have to do bits at a time as I tend to go off on a tangent and then get overwhelmed. I’m trying to do it for Mum cos she hated mess, but every so often I get these nagging “what’s the point” feelings.

I can see why you’d have the thoughts you describe about Xmas. We weren’t really Xmas celebration oriented so it’s not something We miss in that sense, but there are certain things we’d do at Christmas which I do bother about as the time is getting closer. If you can’t decide on what to do with the ornaments don’t do anything, it’s much better than making a bad decision.

Its been a week since Zoe drank out of the stream and was poorly and I cant get any response from the local council on whether there was any updates on the algae in the park so I managed to find an App that people submit photos of possible algae growth to and then they get assessed and the relevant councils are informed. Something is better than nothing.

It will be 6 years since I lost my Husband on the 6th October. Keep pushing the date back mentally, but seeing as I’m not a magician it will happen anyway. Time is weird since loss I think. It’s not the same as before.

Colder whether is getting to me a bit as the other night I wax in bed at 10pm with a hot water bottle!

Are you managing to take good care of yourself Christine. I’m not. I just seem to have given up. I don’t sleep when I should, I can’t stop eating but I’m not hungry and it’s all junk food stuff, etc, I could go on but you know what I mean.

I haven’t done ant crafts for long time either. I shod try a bit harder really.

Well I’ll sign off for now.

Keep well and much love xx


Hi Tina,
Just a quickie to say hi and let you know I’m feeling a lot better. You’ll have read about my antics in the loft today. I am so buggared! But pleased I made headway after leaving it for so long. Check out my blog too. Creating A Working Environment (
It’s like I know I’m doing stuff but feel so detached from it I’m like a robot, going through the motions without being present. But I have made a good start on new textiles so have a pile of hand sewing waiting for me before I can move onto the next stage. Had to order more pins I’ve done that much work.
Have a swim booked for tomorrow after a blood test so a busier day than usual. Booking things in my diary means I push myself to achieve it. Ticking it off is better than letting myself down. It’s a strange way of getting through the week. I’m always relieved when Friday comes round because I can enjoy Gardners World and Gogglebox.
My new thing on You tube is watching tent and van living, especially in the rain. Really tranquil. I love the rain. Being tucked up in bed while watching someone watching a storm is quite soothing.
Hope Zoe is ok and improving. Poor thing. She’s always up to mischief in one way or another. Porsch is making a right racket having a wash. She’s so noisy! She loves the tissue paper bed I made up for her but I can hear her every time she moves. She is always scratching despite having flea treatment and I just sprayed the house the other day. It’s with going out in the garden.
Just read your post. I totally get that ‘what’s the point in doing anything’ feeling but I’ve found to be busy gets me through the day quicker. Planning small chunks of anything means I can achieve something. Like moving the rocks up the garden. I haven’t done anymore because the creep has been home. He was pounding on the wall the other night and I really don’t know why. I assume it’s another form of getting attention. If you read my reply to Suzanne I explain about having had the passport 10 years ago before the creep moved in and then it being missing after he carved out that hole in the loft wall and getting in my house through the ceiling hatch. There is no other explanation. But of course I don’t have proof.
I managed to move mams xmas houses and didn’t get upset like I was thinking I would. It’s strange not reacting in the way I think I will. I just felt empty and disconnected again. You are right in not making any decision. I might take them out of their boxes and group them together so I can sit in the loft and feel close to her. I always set them up on top of the sideboard with fake snow and little people sledging with fairy lights to give a xmas glow. It’s just so sad thinking how much she loved those things. They were precious to her. I’m getting upset now so I’ll stop.
Just a thought, you could join the nextdoor neighbour online thing in your area to check for postings about the stream for Zoe. It’s another thing to try. Can’t remember how I came across it now. Try googling it for your area.
Time is certainly a strange reality now. The dread of an anniversary and then the impact of the day is something like a car crash. Six years is a long time but will also feel like it’s just happened. I think because we cannot process trauma we try to hide from it, distract ourselves. But our lives will always be defined by those times. Knowing you’ll get through it doesn’t make it any easier to deal with. I’m dreading mam’s first year in Nov. Just can’t believe time has slipped by. How have I got through it? It’s baffling. We battle each day as best we can. Sometimes we cannot win and just have to accept defeat. Other days we have a bit more strength and willpower to do stuff. It doesn’t mean we have ‘moved on’ but are trying our best. I look at the work I’ve just made and don’t know why I did it. It doesn’t mean anything. Mam won’t see it. I can’t tell her about it. I was compelled to create it because I got it down out of the loft and it was easy chunks to do and then put back down. I think doing nothing is harder for me than trying to do something. When I have no focus all I do is think of mam and cry.
Going to find a raining camping vlog. Am I a geek? Not sure. But I do love it. It’s my new thing on a night.

Lots of love xxx


@NEILB72…have a great day today as you deserve it :+1::two_hearts: x


Thanks Suzanne
Usually a bad day Tuesday but feel better already knowing that I have something to look forward to this afternoon.
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x