Hi @christine51glad those photos were some inspiration, I have more!

Here’s another set from Park Guell. I think you’ll especially love the plants and mosaics.


Hi Christine
How have you been today?
I’ve had quite a decent day. Football on tonight and my trip out Sat( hopefully another in the middle of next week)and that keeps me in a better frame of mind knowing I have something to look forward to. That is so important to me.
Going to my local church wouldn’t really help me but a church in London while I’m there does. Its that Mum and Dad are not connected to it rather than one on the doorstep.
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


Hi Christine,

Nice to hear from you :slight_smile:

Sorry to hear that you’re not doing too well but I don’t like the thought of you dwelling so much on death of other people…it must be so upsetting for you.
Not having a great day today…feel sorry for myself but I’ll be fine after I have my pizza :pizza: lol x

I don’t know how anyone can’t like Star Wars :joy: I’ve been obsessed since 1977!!

Your attic looks very swish with the new carpet down, looks like you could make it a spare room it’s so tidy and clean.
Will check out your new blog later as look forward to seeing it.

I am very glad you are still swimming and reckon the guy at the skip wasn’t just being nice…certainly sounds like he was interested :wink: x

I can’t understand why your dad would do that at the hospital, I think that is just so cruel. Have you heard from him or your niece lately? Maybe better not to if that’s how nasty he is.

Yeah I can’t believe it’s over 10 months and am too dreading the anniversary and these dark nights aren’t helping x Like you I am not aware of dreaming about mum but think I must cause occasionally I’ll wake up and I’ll be thinking of her but I’m not fully conscious yet…if that makes sense.

Anyway I’m away for my tea but lovely to hear from you :green_heart: x

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Hi Christine,

I’ve looked on your blog, were impressive as usual, you come across as such a confident, I can rule the world person when your talking about crafting and textiles.
I’m very impressed with your carpet laying skills, the loft looks an amazing space to work in, you should be proud of yourself.

I would imagine the young man at the tip was just being nice and wanted to talk to you when you became upset. No other reason than being friendly especially as he sees you there regularly. I chat to my paper delivery driver at work, just because he a nice person no alteria motive.

I haven’t put any autumn bedding plants in this year, Doug used moan about pansies, secretly I think he liked them. I will have to get some, I love the cute little faces they have, all bouncing around in the breeze as if they are chatting to each other. I liked your garden photos, glad you have been able to start feeding the birds again. I’m getting a bit lazy, haven’t put much food out lately but now it’s getting colder I will have to start. Usually avoid washing day as birds pooh on my washing, that’s all the thanks you get.

I’m afraid I can’t see the beauty in a cobweb, just means spiders to me. Don’t tell Tina, I’m still dispatching them from the house when I see them. She told me she was going to report me to the spider police :joy:

Pond plants will probably be best left to the spring now, most of my pond plants have started to die off for the winter. They will grow again in the spring.

Glad you got your driving licence sorted. It’s lovely to see you are keeping up with swimming, do you hear from your niece at all.

I think alot of people dread the first anniversaries, I got Doug’s birthday coming up next week. I’ve already got his birthday card ready to put up. I know November is going to be a difficult month for you with the first anniversary of your mum, we are all here for you.

I have just ordered a memorial bench from our town council with a plaque on with Doug’s name. It is going to be put in local recreation park. Doug used to spend hours there watching our son play football when he was younger. Though it would be a good place. Some where the family can go to remember him in his home town. As Doug’s ashes are scattered in the sea at Looe we have no memorial stone or plaque, I thought this would be better.

I didn’t go back to work today, still testing positive and have symptoms, so not going back until Monday. I have completely lost my smell and taste, that never happened last time I had it. Everything tastes horrible, even chocolate. I hope it comes back soon.
I’m having my flu and covid jab on 2nd Nov.

Only a week to go then it’s half term week which I am looking forward to very much.

Catch up soon
Sending love
Debbie X X


Hi Neil,

Lovely to hear that you are feeling a bit better and have the football and ballet to look forward to.
I was meant to be going to a concert tonight but have decided no to go and really can’t be bothered driving 120 miles round trip and I saw them not so long ago. I will probably regret it tomorrow but they tour regularly so will see them again lol x

Are you planning on going to the church you visit when you go to the ballet? x

Got a free day tomorrow for once so hoping it will be a nice dry day because I want to go for a walk to check on a new local potential badger sett and I get to try out my new wellies :joy: x

Anyway take care and look forward to hearing about your show :two_hearts: x


Hi Suzanne
Shame you wont be going to your concert although it doesnt sound if it was a must see.
Determined to have a good few days taking me into next week. Hopefully another good result for us tonight and seeing the ballet on Sat. Three of the dancers I speak to a lot are dancing ( one I have already met) and hoping to catch them afterwards.
Wont be going to the church Sat as the ballet has the early start time of 1pm but probably will during next week sometime and combine it with something else.
Hope you have had your energy rebate/discount. Just noticed mine has gone straight on my electric as a £66 credit - better than nothing I suppose!
Anyway have a lovely free day tomorrow.Will hopefully be taking some pics Sat and will post them over the weekend.
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x

Sending love and best wishes


Hi Neil,

I had my energy credit today too, they paid it as a refund into my bank account. I think because I have so much credit on my account, they have even reduced my monthly direct debit by £13 a month. I see what happens over the really cold days when the heating is on nearly all the time.

Enjoy the football tonight, I hope they win, and the ballet at the weekend

Sending love
Debbie x


Hi Debbie
I suddenly remembered to log into my account and then saw the credit. I’m with SSE . Changed a few times years ago but they are all ripping us off. Next bill due on 1st Nov so will be interesting to see how much it will be.
Football kicking off soon and I’m sure I will enjoy the ballet as always
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


I’m with OVO, they are part of the same company now with SSE. Been with OVO for over six years, they have been okay.
Enjoy the footie
Debbie x

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I’m with SSE too and you are right they are ripping us off totally. Like Debbie my £66 went into my bank account and they told me I have to increase my direct debit to £150 per month based on last year but even when I told them that I wouldn’t be using that much anymore they wouldn’t listen!! Total jokes x
And apparently Southern Electricity and SSE are all owned by OVO…must be taking it in :rage: x

Hope you do get to meet your dancing friends as you always look so happy when you do :two_hearts: x


I’ve just put my direct debit down, they advised me to alter it.
I’ve never had any issues with OVO.


Wow, so much artwork. The first pic reminds me of an old cave we visited on holiday (Mother Shipton) where peeps hang items and make a wish. Everything becomes crystalised with the salt water. Can’t remember what I hung up but it was a thing we did because Mam wanted to. She loved stuff like that. She would have loved exploring all the old churches and buildings on your trip. xxx


Hi Neil,
I’m so pleased you are having a good day. After pulling myself up again and achieving tasks (food shop, emails, housework etc) I’m beyond frustrated at receiving the Ombudsman response to my complaint about the GP practice. This has been ongoing since March last year and they have found no great failings. Lots of excuses. Unbelievable. So much work and stress and waiting for them to investigate. It’s a case of my word against there’s despite their lack of scanning in my complaint, letters etc. Absolutely furious. And then to to top it all off the refurb phone I bought to set the cameras up is bloody tiny and I can barely see to use the buttons, can’t remember passwords so can’t even set the thing up to access apps through play store. Just going to give and go back to bed. I slept all day yesterday. I still have my carpets to lay in the loft but just don’t have the energy. Have lots of sewing I could do but can’t be bothered. Just having a really shit day. Shouldn’t have woken up.
Soz I’m not more positive. The daily withheld telephone calls to mobile and home are also getting in the way of answering genuine calls. But I do have unexpected good news that the council will be putting up a fence on the other side to me (rat infested hoard house cleared for his return). Be great if that does happen because I remember when he moved in he’d be waiting for me to go to the fridge in the outbuilding in my pj’s, scrunching on his plastic bags in anticipation. I’m surrounded by weirdo’s, housed because of their high needs. Hope the fence goes up before he gets back. I just want a quiet life!
Soz for the deluge of negativity. It does help to get it all out! I’ll let you get back to your peaceful day. I’ve never been into football but pleased you have that as another thing. My swimming is similar but I haven’t booked anything because I don’t think I’d force myself to go like I usually would.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Christine
Sorry you are having a bad day. I know the feeling when you are trying to gets things sorted and , not because it’s your own fault, you cant get it down. I can perfectly understand your feelings towards the GP practice. After not seeing Mum or I for about a couple of years they texted me for my flu jab- having that soon in my local pharmacy as usual.
Booked my Covid seasonal booster today as over 50s can do it as of now. That will mean going to the pharmacy where Mum and I went and it chokes me up as that was one of the last places she went. Booked in for early next Fri morning.
Booked another play in the week - Friday Rush ticket for £10- was in a long queue online and think I got the last one.
Hope you can get back into your swimming more regularly as I know you love doing it . We all have to continue to do things we love as our loved ones would want us to.
Got my new Debit card through today- expiry dates get longer , 5 years now.
Hope your weekend is as good as it can be
Sending you lots of love and best wishes
Neil x


Hi Suzanne,
You’ll see from my reply to Neil what a shitty day I’m having. Went to the garage last night (not something I usually do) for treats but it didn’t help. Being angry today is a new one because I’m usually exhausted, crying or giving up. So frustrated with the new phone set up that I’ve thrown it across the room! Hate technology.
Just realised, when I went out raving I would wear my hair Princess Leya style. It was so long I’d have two massive mounds on my head. Looked fab though. Have lost a good two thirds of my hair now so can only get a standard top knot now but it’s still really long. Thinking about shaving it off, like a Tibetan monk.
Yeh, I’m very pleased with the loft. Have three more carpets up there to lay under the eaves. It wasn’t as difficult as I’d thought it would be. Makes the space user friendly and the big cushions are off my parents’ sofa during the move. Mam was so upset because they had to cut it to get it out the door. Don’t know how it got in! But it means I can prepare works instead of dragging everything down. It has made the house warmer already and it’s quite chill now. I have to pop the heating on to get the clothes dry, otherwise I’d be holding out. Have you got your heater yet?
Haven’t heard from sister, niece, nephew or dad. My sis up north texted and said dad had been calling me but he hasn’t been so he’s lying to her or she’s trying to get me to contact him. I won’t do it. Like you said, the thing at the hospital was so nasty. I still don’t understand why he’d do that to me. He doesn’t like me as a person and I have always tried and I think we have tolerated each other for mam’s sake. But now she isn’t here he doesn’t give a shit. Being so angry at me, telling me I’d have a miserable, miserable life because I’m so grief stricken for mam is beyond my comprehension. It was ok for my sister to be so upset that she couldn’t stay at work (she’s back now because the meds have kicked in). He’s a bully and I will not take his shit. It’s always been there, under the surface. I won’t be quiet about it which just fuels his temper tantrums. I can’t take any more stress.
I am wondering who is phoning me every day and withholding the number. My ‘friend’ with the cats has stopped speaking to me since I gave one of them chicken because he was greeding Porscha’s. It’s ridiculous. I’ve always been there for him, lending him money, doing him a favour etc. The only thing I asked him to do was help me get the carpets into the loft and he blanked my texts and call. It was a bit of a faff but I managed by unrolling , rerolling and halving it (2x4 metres) and balancing it on my head as I climbed the ladder. I have a fear of something happening to me and not having anyone miss me, like on a film where there’s a stench or flies at the window before anyone notices. Mind you, my neighbours are so nosy they’d notice on the day. They’d be looking in my windows watching my every move if they could. I hate living here, surrounded by oddballs.
Might try to do one carpet just so I can feel a sense of achievement today. Everything is an uphill struggle at the mo. Like you said, the time of year doesn’t help. Mam’s little gourds will be in the shops along with all the pumpkins. I always helped carve them with the children and setting up all the Halloween decs in the garden. We had quite a collection before the rats got to them. I miss being part of family traditions. Mam loved the fireworks displays and even went when she needed a chair to sit on. Everything reminds me of her at this time of year until her birthday in Jan. If I could hibernate with the hedgehogs in the hutch I would!
Won’t be going back to the skip. Mortified at crying in public with men I don’t know. I’m a regular because of all the trips after doing the garden and shed this year. I was going to take them boxes of chocs or posh biscuits for xmas last year as a thank you for all their help but mam left in the Nov and I just couldn’t face it. Will try again this year. Put on a brave face like I usually do. Getting harder to do it though. It’s like my strength is gone and I’m barely propping myself up.
Looking forward to seeing Monty Don tonight with his new puppy.
Lots of love xxx


Hi @christine51 you certainly shouldn’t be mortified about crying - it’s totally natural. And sounds to me like the man at the tip was very understanding - and it probably made him feel good that he was able to help another human. Putting a brave face on it doesn’t help in the long run, it just pushes it down and it will pop out eventually. Let it out, no shame in it at all.

In case you have any blue textiles, here’s another set of pictures this time of the sea at Barceloneta beach

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Hi Debbie,
I always wanted to be an artist when I grew up (still waiting to grow up!) so really do relish the opportunity to write for the mag. I still have to tackle my own website with updates and blogging out. I let it all just stand still, frozen after mam. But it’s on my to do list. There’s links to my websites if you wanted to read about techniques etc. I taught myself with a free platform so the foundation is done and just needs updating.
So pleased with my loft. Have more to do but it is quite easy to cut when it’s in place.
I created a stack of textiles and just need to hand sew before the embellishment stage. Have no enthusiasm again. I have bursts of energy that are short lived. Will plough through them when the time is right. My no nonesense approach to getting things done has left me and it’s a real struggle to achieve much at all.
I’m so not used to peeps being nice to me for no reason other than being nice that I always wonder what they want from me. Usually there’s a reason and I always feel mugged off afterwards. I was saying to Suzanne I’ll take the boys at the skip some boxes of chocs for Xmas. Couldn’t do it last year. They are all so lovely and always help me. I was chatting to them about the fox before mam.
So relieved about waiting for pond plants because it was on my to do list and I’d gathered a basket together to sort through. Will wait until Spring. Pansies were mam’s favourites around the old pond. I’m wondering about doing that for her when I clear the area around the big pond. I have honey bushes to replant in the old shed area.
Haven’t seen any birds yet but glad I put some birdfeed and fat balls out. It’s getting so chilly now. I miss my little robin. He was always hopping about following me around the garden.
I think your bench for Doug is a lovely thing and very apt, filled with memories of happy times which the family can recall as they visit him there. I wish I had a place that was dear to mam like that but all the places we went to is over there because they moved there years ago when mam retired. And now dad isn’t speaking to me I won’t visit those places again and have nobody to go with anyway as I haven’t heard from my niece. Mam loved her old garden and visiting the garden centre but because they moved to the assisted living place I can’t even visit the old garden. Mam didn’t want to move and I told her she didn’t have to but they moved anyway. I feel so disconnected from the joy of my old life with mam, before she was ill. The potted plants were shared between me and my sister but she didn’t look after them and they all died. The peonies never reflowered in my garden. It just feels like I’m trying to keep going but everything is tinged with sadness. I’m so very tired of keep trying.
Poor you with the covid! I’m still so exhausted from having it in August. I’ve only been in the garden two days since then. That’s why my trellises are still waiting for me. I did such a lot of work and am always really deflated when I watch Gardners World and see the glorious sprays of colour. Have you seen the new puppy? He’s adorable. I cried when the old one died (Nigel).
If you’re back on Monday your week will fly by and your half term will be here before you know it. Just hope you don’t catch covid again!
It is freezing now. Thinking of popping the heating on for 2 hours to warm the place up for the evening.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Neil,
I totally get that upset about visiting places your mam went to. I’m lucky in that sense that mam’s life was away from here, otherwise I’d be in floods of tears all the time and it would be much harder to try going out. I understand there will always be ‘firsts’ in doing things or visiting places. It’s so incredibly upsetting.
Not sure I’ll get the booster covid jab but I should really because my immune system is so fragile. I’m still not recovered from covid in Aug. Think a second one would finish me off!
I read about you all getting a rebate thing on the electric. Will have to check. I was with SSE for years and switched to Octopus when my parents moved as they gave each £50 as new members.
You did very well indeed getting your ticket for £10. Well worth the long queue. Will make the performance all the more enjoyable and if it’s a bit rubbish you haven’t lost much. So pleased you’re getting back into the ballet. Hope you catch someone afterwards. Like you said, whatever we enjoy is worth doing. Anything is worth it if it lifts us up a little. I do feel so much better now after posting. It helps to get it out.
My new pic on the driving license is shocking! and I’m stuck with it for 10 years. Never heard back from the police about the creep nicking my passport. It seems if there’s no camera evidence then no crime took place. Wonder what they did in the old days before technology. The real injustice is that I’m having to live next door to the buggar everyday knowing he’s got away with it. I keep hoping he catches covid but that would mean he’d be at home which annoys me even more!
Looking forward to seeing the pics. Always cheers me up knowing you’ve enjoyed it. I’ve often imagined meeting up and going to the ballet with you, in my dream life where I’m not agoraphobic. Don’t panic! It will never happen. I’d never be able to get there for a start. I just like to imagine my life as it used to be, being out enjoying life. And I love remembering mam when I was little and the world was full of sunshine and nice things.
Lots of love xxx


Beautiful! I love blues and greys. This is my colour palette. The sandy beach reminds me of South Shields, stripy sand breakers, little sandals, feasting on sandy hot squidged cheese sandwiches.
Have you settled in now you’re back home? That took enormous courage. I’m so envious! When is your next trip? I know that was work related but do you think you’ll be ready to plan a summer holiday next year, perhaps with your friend who went with you? If xmas is going to be too painful (I’m absolutely dreading it) you could perhaps get away for a few days? Will you be spending it with your grandad? Maybe some distance would ease the reality of your mam not being with you. I’m already not coping thinking of mam’s Autumnal baskets. I’m so fragile I’m in bits at the slightest thing.
Enjoying your pics if you have more (I know you do!)
Lots of love xxx


Hi everyone,
Managed to drag myself into the loft again after sleeping until lunchtime. Got one carpet laid under the eaves at back of house and have 2 more to do. Really pleased with it.

Next area cleared

and carpet in place to do tomorrow

I’ve paid an average of £20 per end of roll (2x4 m). It’s not as difficult a job as I thought it would be and breaking it into sections per carpet makes it more rewarding than looking at the huge task of the entire area.
Had a bit of a tidy up after creating textiles and losing my oomph. Will hand sew what I’ve created before I do any more.
Just waiting for my shopping delivery. Have some Ben and Jerry’s to look forward to later and I think there’s something good starting tonight but haven’t a clue what it is. I have such a poor memory now.
Tina, thought of you when I was popping the butter in the microwave instead of the fridge. Made me laugh! Hope you are ok and Zoe.
Now I’m back everyone has gone quiet but it is the weekend. Haven’t been swimming since Tues when I did a couple of lengths and realised I hadn’t popped my bedges up and had to leave incase I got a ticket. Couldn’t be arsed going back in and this was after the crying at the skip. I think the bloke was just being really lovely and caring because I often chat to them when I’m there. He certainly got the wrong impression that I am quiet!
Going to pop some clothes on for the delivery. Sure he’d love it if I answered in the buff but I am a lady!
Will check in later on and if not will update with new pics of the carpet tomorrow. They’re all different and that adds a bit of interest.
Lots of love xxx