Don’t panic Christine, didn’t you think they were just moving to nearer your dad, from what you have said before that not that far away.
There are people around that would miss you, if your unwell. Your counselor, us on here. I’m sure your neighbours would notice too if you stop going out and about.
If your worried about being unwell, have you thought about getting a life line pendant. You would have help at the press of a button.
It will be fine, speak to you later
Love Debbie X X


Sorry Debbie, I’ve just realised it’s Monday because the binmen are outside and it’s your half term. Are you going away today? Have a lovely time xxx


Christine, get a pendant, I have one. If the council is offering you help being a vulnerable person accept it.
Being independent is different to having help on hand if you need it. Everyone needs help in their lives at some point, it’s not a failure to need help, don’t cut yourself off from the world.
Sending a hug and love
Debbie X X


Hiya Christine

I started a post to you at 6.30am this morning in reply to your post a few days ago and had to leave it half finished for later. Since then I can see you have had some bad news, that must have really knocked you and I’m so sorry. My original post was full of boring everyday chatter but I’ll not delete it, I’ll just add to it and post as it might be a bit of a distraction for a moment or two.

Hi Christine

I enjoyed reading your chatty post. (Obviously disappointed to hear about what your family have been up to but your unibrow did make me have a little chuckle somewhat.)!

I managed to get the biggest pane of glass out intact, it’s patterned on one side and although I didn’t like the idea of it being wasted I’ve not a clue what I can do with it. I thought if I could chop the remaining frame up it would take less room till it could eventually get taken to tip. Trying to sort out this garden is just an uphill battle right now though. That’s why I enjoy seeing your pictures as it’s interesting seeing what you’ve done and how it looks.

Had another “dizzy biddy” moment yesterday as I got up really early, put the bins out, had breakfast and it took me till 11am to realise that it wasn’t Monday after all but Sunday. It hadn’t even dawned on me that it was Sunday when I couldn’t see any other bins on the road and when I could see no kids going to school I just thought it was the school holidays! I can’t even blame it on the menopause as that particular “window”’ has been slammed shut for a while now!

I’m not really a fan of Sundays as my Brother always brings his Son home (he has two kids, one 21 and one 10). I was practically having silent hysterics as there were three of them (2 humans and a dog) chasing a ball round the lounge where all Mums ornaments etc are. I was too scared to go in but after they went I went in to scrub the carpet and tidy the mess. There was even coke up the white walls where the ball had caught the drinking glass. Before the brat left he was putting his trainers on and wiped mud on the white walls so I found some white emulsion and re-painted the wall. I couldn’t hold it in though and he got a restrained telling off. I’m not tidy at all but seeing my Mums personal space and possessions getting damaged haunts me. Especially as she hadn’t much over life, or wanted much. They were just little tiny things she saw beauty in and treasured them by looking after them. Making alterations is one thing, needless damage is another, so I was kind of losing it yesterday.

That actually reminds me, yesterday I was having a look through TikTok and there was this couple just moving into a house and were gutting the main room. The occupiers before them must have been very creative as there was a lot of transparent, coloured glass mosaic detail and they made the entire windowsill into a mosaic with shimmering glass jewels that caught the sun and they took a hammer to them all. Could have cried!! If I’m stressed I end up on TikTok for far too long!

Following on from your recent post, … I wish I had a bit of wisdom for you. I can imagine your Sister moving away has come out of the blue. One minute she says she is going and the next she isn’t. I know you’ve said it’s been on the cards for a bit but now it’s definite it’s a whole different situation and it’s only natural to feel shock. You’ve been through some rubbish Christine, you must be exhausted and I can well understand when you say there are other things as well as your Mum. How are you feeling now since you last posted? Do you have something planned for today? As ever, we are always here and thinking of you.

Speak soon and much love xxx


Hi Tina,
I am just so unhappy and scared. Even though my sister was ignoring me and didn’t tell me why (since Feb), and my niece had no time for me, I knew if I needed help that my niece would be there. They are 5 mins down the road and I pass the house going to and from therapy and if I go swimming. Didn’t see the text late last night and there’s been no response this morning asking when it will happen and giving a list of my things to collect. What hurts the most is that my sister has done this to me after mam, despite all the support I have given her and the children since they were born, despite my panic attacks. I would take her shopping and stand outside because I was too claustrophobic to go in the shop. She knows that I am severely agoraphobic and simply doesn’t care that I am totally isolated. If this was a stable and loving relationship her moving over to my dad (if that’s where they’re going) would be tough but I would have travelled over there. My relationships with my family are so volatile that I am not allowed to be myself, express any opinion, do as I am told etc. I am totally alone now apart from my therapist.
I’ve got cameras being delivered today so I have evidence of what the creep is doing when he’s outside trying to see in my windows. Even when he drilled out the loft wall nobody would acknowledge what was happening to me and that I should ignore the fact that he could just let himself into my house through the ceiling if I was not at home. It annoyed the hell out of them that I was so angry and scared and wanted someone to do something about it. There was no concern for my safety, just that I was creating a fuss as usual.
I’m so tired of forcing myself to get up every day. I’m trapped in the house now because the creep is outside with all the gardening tools. I cannot bear to hear him.
That is just awful about the mess you had to clear up yesterday. Imagine the state of the house if you weren’t there or didn’t clear up. I suppose your brother wouldn’t even notice it. I find baby wipes and anti bac wipes are fab at removing so many marks and generally cleaning up. Be lost without them.
The panes of glass you have collected could be painted different colours to create a lovely light installation against the window. If you collect the wrappers from xmas chocs you could cellotape them behind the glass and they would create lovely beams of colour too. Be a shame to waste them after removing them so carefully. And it celebrates all your hard work in the garden. The mosaic windowsill sounds truly beautiful. Imagine the work and time involved in creating it. Some people don’t celebrate art or have any imagination. I still have the wooden panels waiting for me to add the stick on mirrors.
You mentioned about the bins. It’s a bit hit and miss whether mine go out at all. If the creep is lurking I wait until dark and then don’t get them back in until I go to therapy.
I might just not bother getting any of my things and letting it all go. The pressure of being at the house with everything that has happened is so overwhelming I just don’t think I can do it. I kept saying over the summer to make a start but I wasn’t allowed in the house, even when I did them a huge food shop. I had to take the bags to the front door for my niece to take them inside. I do not deserve to be treated like this. I don’t understand why I have ended up in this situation. I know the reasons that have led me to being agoraphobic. But do not understand my family turning on me the way they have. Mam was the only person who accepted me for who I am and what I was able to do or not do. She thanked my therapist for the improvements I have made because she could see the difference in what I tried to do. Without any support, or pressure on me to not be who I am (I really don’t know who they want me to be) I find trying to do anything even harder. And when the trying stops I fear I will become completely housebound again, like I was when I was being stalked and had to move back into my old bedroom. I really don’t understand how my family can have no understanding of why I have the panic I do. It was a battle when mam was here and now she’s gone it is even harder. Mam is obviously the only one who loved me and cared about me. I just annoy everyone.
There’s still no reply to my text about what is happening. When my sister first told me she was moving away I actually fell to the floor and couldn’t stand up. That was how shocked I was. I’ve been living with this uncertainty ever since and now it’s actually happening. I feel trapped at home but am scared to be outside. I have nobody to protect me now. Mam always stood up for me. I don’t know why I am so hated by my family. We never got on but tolerated each other and now mam isn’t here they can say and do what they like. And they wonder why I find it so hard being around them!
Before I knew about the move I had cleared pinned textiles to the loft (it was thrilling being up there with the rain lashing down, just like camping) and collected fabrics to cut for a new project. I might do that while I’m waiting for my delivery. Seems pointless but it will pass the time. Can here the creep lurking. Have closed the blinds so he can’t see in.
You’ll be relieved that your brother is at work again after yesterday.
I set my cameras up in the house (at least!) and they’re so annoying, pinging all the time. If they were still up when the creep got in I’d have evidence and he would have been arrested and evicted. But I have to tolerate living next to him, despite what he’s done. If he gets in again I’ll have nobody to ask for help. I know I’m going on about it but the move makes me feel even more vulnerable.
Feel so exhausted. All of this and having mam’s anniversary soon, and then xmas. Would have been celebrating Bonfire Night with the tradition of the local fireworks display at the old house. I’ll not be doing any of the things we used to do. I bought a pumpkin in my shopping delivery and don’t know why. Just remembering mams little gourds makes me cry. She’d display a collection on the garden table and we’d laugh at them because they were the oddest ones she could find. I miss my mam so much. She’s the only one who would listen to me and know what to say.
Lots of love xxx


Hi again Christine

Just got back from Asda and thought I’d see if you had felt a bit better since last posting of if anything had changed.

I’m sorry if I’ve missed it (my brains have gone AWOL recently) but have they said where to and exactly when they are moving? I am sure I read somewhere that you thought it was to be closer to your Dad. My memory is getting so bad. I know you have a Sister in the North and always thought Dad was local to you but it sounds like he is now in the North as well. And now you think your Sister and family are going there too? I can see that is a lot to get your head around. I know she’s been on about it for a while but it’s not been definite so I did actually think she’d called it off so had felt quite pleased for you having a bit of stability. Is there a chance it could be that she’s moving local but hasn’t said yet. I can’t believe they haven’t said where because there is an element of cruelty in that, keeping a person in the dark breeds Anxiety. I know what you mean though about even if you weren’t speaking on a close basis that the knowledge of their presence is a safety blanket in itself. What would happen if you asked them outright where they were moving to? I can see you’ve not had replies from them. Would you be upto calling round at their house and asking them? Texts just seem to breed rudeness and if people don’t want to answer others it’s all too easy for them. It would take a lot of immaturity for them to say they weren’t telling. There is still every chance Christine that it’s somewhere local. She’ll have a job and her Husband will have a job and her children school/college I would imagine all that would be a bit difficult to find just like that in another part of the country. So I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you that when you do find out, that it is good news for you and they aren’t going far.

Thanks for the idea with the glass and making a stained glass effect with sweet wraps. Would you believe Mum collected them in a jar for little projects that didn’t get done. I’d forgotten we had still got them! Did you know all those foil and coloured cellophane wraps are being phased out now by Cadbury - killjoys!!

I hope you get back to the loft enhancing soon, I can well believe how cosy and relaxing being up there must be when it’s lashing down with rain. Like being a little kid again in a den!

No my Brother is off all this week on leave. So if we get to the end of the week in one piece it will be an achievement. It turns out he’s been watching late night TV in the lounge and fallen asleep with the TV on all night til 7am. When I went downstairs I was horrified to see an entire day’s worth of electric had been used in 7hours. He’s gone out with Zoe since and come back home, gone to bed whilst Ive struggled home with heavy bags of shopping! I wouldn’t have gone to shops today but I was buying him a birthday card and present as he’s 49 tomorrow.

Enough of my boring tales, I’ll leave you in peace and hope you get some good news.

Much love xx


Hi Tina,
It’s a relief to see you again. No replies to my texts. My niece said they would be moving soon but she hasn’t said where or when. My Dad is about 40 mins from me and their plan was to move closer to him. My sister doesn’t work and split from her boyfriend and my nephew didn’t go back to school (being home schooled). She moved out from the family home and it was a secret while my niece was left running the house and all the animals. So you’re right about the anxiety. I tried to support my niece when I’d found she was home alone and that’s why I did the swimming membership, took her shopping for food, gave her some spending money etc. But it seems my sister didn’t like her spending time with me and wanted her over there every day. You can imagine how awkward it will be if my sister is packing up the house and I turn up to get my bike etc. I want the rocks because they were from the old garden and mam’s precious fairy dell. It hasn’t been taken care of if they haven’t been there. Mam was so careful with her things.
If you have loads of choc wrappers you could make a stained glass window. Cellotape them all together, overlapping the edges and then tape it to your bedroom window (I’m sure your brother wouldn’t like it anywhere else in the house). I did one to stop the creep watching me and it’s effective and quite lovely in the sunshine. Very bohemian. Your mam will be so pleased if you create something with her collection. I often wonder what will happen to all my fabrics. I asked the magazine to donate them to colleges or schools specialising in textiles to be used as stock. There’s so much time, energy and love goes into collecting. That’s why hoarders are so attached to their hoard. It’s heartbreaking to watch them so distressed but I do love a good clear out and wonder how fragile they are afterwards or if renewed by the relief.
Still no reply to my texts. I’m sure they’re mad busy and I try to keep some perspective but I’m just left hanging. When mam left it seems nobody has any thought for me at all. That’s just the way it is.
Feel so very sick with all the drama. Just got a reply text now to me asking if she is there and she says she doesn’t know anything. How can she not if she’s moving? I just can’t make sense of it. This wouldn’t happen if mam was here. If I went to the house like you suggest I would be confronted and accused of being controlling and being nosy. She clearly wants to move and cut all ties with me. That’s how hated I must be. I cannot imagine doing this to anyone and knowing how upsetting it would be. She likes to punish and play games.
Hope your brother is paying the electric bill for his night time tv. He probably doesn’t even care. I really feel for you having a whole week of his delightful company. You are a saint getting him anything at all for his birthday after the way he treats you. I wouldn’t have.
Will text my niece to see if I can find out more and will get back to you.
Lots of love xxx


They aren’t even moving over to dad. They’re moving away from here. I won’t see them after they move. I’m so upset. My niece is texting me back like nothing has happened and we haven’t spoken since she stopped swimming. Am I over sensitive? I don’t think so. I don’t treat people like this.


Hi Christine

How has your evening gone Christine?

Not exactly done anything eventful myself. Usual housework and cleaning. I went to Asda in the afternoon just 15mins walk away. I would have thought all the Mums would have been at home with their kids with it being school holidays but the place was full of kids. It was like Blackpool Pleasure Beach on a Bank Holiday weekend but I was a kid once and got taken to the supermarket when I probably would rather have been out playing!

Nipped in to the charity shop just for a nosy around but didn’t buy anything. I had a do once at collecting branded mugs with logos on them with a view to reselling them but you know what, the likes of Ebay are full of them for pennies so didn’t carry on. I don’t really think people are into collecting memorabilia the same in this age now as noone seems to value things the same from the past. Mum was a hoarder. My Husband was a slight hoarder. The distress Mum would feel when we would ask/need to make some space was heartbreaking but even then we didn’t fully understand why. Hoarding is quite a complex thing isn’t it. Like you say it’s very distressing for the person and you watch these hoarder programmes on TV and wonder how things get that way. I am trying not to buy much stuff though as you can’t appreciate everything when you have forgot you bought it.

I’ll do something like coloured glass with those papers. I used to do loads of stuff growing up and it’s waned over the years as life takes over. It’s sad really that most people spend their free time with their phone in their faces these days - myself included if I’m honest. Don’t think I’d like to be growing up in this era.

He’s out at the Gym at the moment so I’ve been keeping Zoe company. I’m not “allowed” to buy it a squeaky toy as he complains they get on his nerves so I picked up a squeaky ball for it (her!) today! How can you deprive a little dog of a squeaky toy! He had bought a non-destructable plain ball for her yesterday for £10.00 but she won’t even look at it, and the only reason it’s non-destructable is because they are too big for a dog to put in their mouths! Mine cost 99p and she loves it!

Have you still been doing your soups? I need to start doing stuff like that now. My Husband used to do a lot of stuff like that. I’ll try something simple, I’m not really into blending and stuff, more just dump and go!

I hope you’ve not had any more bad news to contend with. since you posted. Maybe you’ll hear some more tomorrow. Maybe by tomorrow the dust will have settled a bit and you’ll have a bigger picture. Did you say once you had an Aunt nearby or a relative from your Mum’s side? We haven’t got any relatives from Mum’s generation.

I hope you feel a bit lighter Christine, things might be a bit better tomorrow for you.

Much love xx


Hi Tina,
So happy to see you again. Just been watching Oscar Wilde. So heartbreaking that people are so cruel and judgmental. And he was only with that Bosy for 3 months when he got out of prison. We don’t choose who we love as they say. Callum Best is quite delicious in that though. I don’t generally go for blondes.
Had a few texts back and forth where my niece thinks I stopped speaking to her for no reason. They’ll be gone by the end of next week. So that will be it. I’ll be totally alone. Don’t know how she’ll be a carer for my dad when she’ll be even further away from where I am. So I’ll have to collect my bike and the rocks and plants if there are any still alive from mams old garden. My sister fought over them with me and then didn’t even look after them. I’ll salvage whatever I can. Mam seems so far away. Think it’s because I’ve got the move swirling around in my head. She would be so upset with what is happening. I’ll have to pass the house every week for therapy. I cancelled my swimming tomorrow. Just can’t face it. Will have to collect my things this week so really dreading it. I will only have my therapist now and he never answers the phone because he’s so busy.
Chatting about hoarding reminds me of mams glass jars for pickling and jams. She did it all her life. But the jars didn’t get used in the end because she wasn’t up to making the jams and I’d have to have a bit of a clear out which always upset her. I think they represented a life where she was vibrant and full of busy. Life is so cruel. We don’t realise it’s slipping away until we are too old to do the things we enjoy. Can’t think of anything more sad. I’ll never use all my fabrics in the loft and they won’t mean anything to anyone when I can’t get up the ladder anymore. I’ve always been afraid of getting old. Don’t know why because it’s the most natural thing in the world. We don’t celebrate it and value the wisdom that comes with age. I wonder how mam managed getting older. Why didn’t I notice she had aged? It’s so upsetting.
I can’t think of anything worse than a supermarket full of kids. They’d be stocking up on Halloween treats and pumpkins. I don’t know why I bought a pumpkin in my shop. I always carved out the faces with the children, freezing in the garden while they went in to warm up. I always decorated the garden too. I feel so lost not being part of the traditions. There was loads of fireworks going off tonight. I didn’t even look out the window.
I much preferred life without all of this technology. I can never just sit and do nothing. I’m always on the laptop when I’m not busy. Mam loved to read. I want to get her bible out and make a start but it’s too painful. Getting upset again.
The best toys (pets and kids) are never the expensive ones. I loved my carboard house set where you pieced the rooms together to make different houses. I wish I’d thanked mam for who she was and for making me have such happy memories growing up. I got so caught up in my panic about stuff that I lost sight of how special she is. And now it’s too late to tell her she is everything to me.
I’ll be started another batch of soups in my next shop. Frozen cut veg and stock cubes with herbs. It was very stressful at first but it’s routine now and really handy because I add corned beef or stewed steak. Healthy and I don’t need to think about it.
I’ll be the only one living here when they move. I’m still thinking of selling everything and buying a camper van or bus to live in somewhere. At least then I can always be on the move and not trapped. Or a retreat. I just can’t bear where I am. I can’t imagine a whole lifetime in this house waiting to be with mam.
Discovered some garden pics from the other day. Will post tomorrow.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Christine

Get what you mean about your Mam getting or hoarding stuff and not getting use from it. It’s dawned on me in my experience though that maybe they’d probably not get used at all as I think the compulsion or attraction in hoarding things is more of a goal to hoarders than actually using them. I think it must fulfil a need they have so in that sense we shouldn’t feel too sad about the things not getting used.

Just having a quick coffee at the moment then hopefully going to do some more with the garden. Once it gets too cold and the grass gets too wet it will be chaos. Must give Zoe her tablets first. I’ve bought her some joint supplements and chop them up in some sardines. You don’t really know if they help but something must be better than nothing.

Hope things aren’t too stressful today. I can see you mentioned they plan not to be here at the end of next week so there’s still time for you all to talk things through. I remember you saying your niece hadn’t text for a bit but as it turned out it was because of a misunderstanding so that must be a bit of a relief for you to know there was no malice behind it. If you need to go and collect your things maybe it will give you an opportunity to have a chat in person. Mobile phones can be quite a dangerous thing in delicate situations.

Well, I’ll get Zoe’s tablets done, I’ve already taken him his breakfast up. It’s his birthday today but I always take his breakfast up when he’s not working as otherwise the kitchen ends up looking like a custard pie party from that infuriating 80’s kids show Tiswas!!

Much love xxx


Hi Tina,
Your brother really doesn’t need a wife when he has you at home spoiling him. He’d only miss you if you weren’t there to tidy up after him. But I get what you mean about the kitchen. I think it would drive me mad to live with someone as I have my routines of getting things done.
I always hated kids tv in the 80’s. It was too chaotic. But I loved Dallas and Hammer House of Horror, though I wasn’t allowed to watch it and slept over my friend’s house. My parents were really strict about sex and swearing. That’s why I need to express myself freely and not be controlled.
Have you googled the joint supplements or asked the vet? Maybe’s worth checking. I remember reading about a fitness fanatic who drank so much water he died.
I texted my niece again to see if I could drop off boxes and a trolley for the rocks so she can have some ready to be collected after therapy but she hasn’t got back to me. There’s really nothing to talk about when I see her. She won’t accept that she kept cancelling swimming and so I gave up booking it with her. And when they move that will be it.
The thought of lugging the rocks over and having the pea gravel delivered this week too means I have a lot a lot of manuel work around the large pond area and weeding out the debris. It’s going to rain here everday after today so that will be fun! Has your brother taken the stuff to the skip? If you have lots of small bits of brick and stone they’d make a good hibernation corner for insects. Would save you a job. Are you having all this rain?
Feeling a bit better today after the shock of yesterday. But the situation remains the same, that I am isolated and alone. I know my niece doesn’t want to go but she won’t speak up. I’ve given up trying. But when I don’t say much they will ask what is wrong. Whatever I think or say doesn’t count so there’s no point. I’ll get my things and they will go and I will be left behind.
The creep has been lurking all morning and banging about when I didn’t get out of bed as usual. The banging then stopped. I can’t leave the house for my therapy if he doesn’t go to work because he’ll follow me. I’ve seen him quite a few times driving round the street where I park.
Will have to get dressed now. Chat later and I’ll post the pics I took the other day of the garden and the fishtank. Loads of baby snails for Elsie.
Make the most of the sunshine.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Christine
Just thought I would post a few photos from Hunstanton. Today we went on the beach and into the sea life centre.

I will take some more tomorrow

Love Debbie x


Love the photos Debbie especially the clown fish :heart_eyes: x

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Just been catching up your posts and that’s some bombshell they’ve landed on your lap.
Can your niece not stay with you if you know :100: that she doesn’t want to move?

I don’t mean to ask a personal question and don’t answer if you don’t want to but does your therapist help you with the agoraphobia only or does he help you navigate through your grief? x if not have you had specific grief counselling to help you help you especially with next month looming. I do not expect you to be ‘fixed’ or ‘medicated’ so you can make it easier for others but I so wish you could be guided to find even a flicker of hope for the future x

I’ve had a pretty crappy week or so, so I get there’s no magic formula for making the hurt and loneliness for missing our mums go away and that’s why we are all here for each other and no one here including myself will ever judge you for grieving x

As Tina (I think it was) said if they are not away yet then perhaps it’s still time to talk to them before they leave x

I do hope today has been kinder to you and brought you a brighter day.

Always look forward to hearing from you :green_heart: x

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Sorry haven’t posted in a bit but had a couple of rubbish days but think it was cause I had to work 7 days in the trot and was exhausted but had a couple of days off so a lot better now.
How are you doing just now? x what have you been up to? Anything interesting? x
I have one final webinar tonight and this one is all about his report wildlife crime so should be quite interesting.

I’m off next week on holiday but have a couple of things planned with it being Halloween so looking to that.
Do you do anything for Halloween? x
When do you next go to the theatre? x
Not really looking forward to the clocks going back this weekend but it’s gonna happen so just need to accept it.

Hope your friend phones tomorrow as usual as always lifts your spirits x
Look forward to catching up :two_hearts: x


Hi Suzanne
Had a very quiet day . Today was Dad’s 7 year anniversary of him passing and being on a Tuesday, my worst day anyway, it has been a struggle. I did phone Samaritans, which I planned to anyway, as they always help and feel a bit better than what I did earlier. Got him some of his crysanths that he liked and put them in two large vases. I buy more flowers now than what I have ever done.
Got my energy bills coming in next week to add to the stress of everything.
No theatre booked for 3weeks but hope to get out next week to a museum or two probably on the Wednesday( unless any last minute theatre offers come up).
Hope you enjoy your week off. I’ve never bothered with Halloween myself . Not looking forward to the clocks changing and getting dark earlier but as you say nothing we can do.
Sorry you haven’t had a good few days either. It’s all a bit crap for us isn’t it ? The thought of Xmas fills me with dread too.
Anyway speak soon
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


Hi Neil,

Love to you on this special/hard day and he and your mum will be so proud of how far you’ve come in the last months x

Although none of us can physically be with us all we will all get through the next few months together :two_hearts:

I’ll send my blessings your way for your dad xx


Thank you Suzanne
Dad’s passing was very different to Mum’s and I could handle it as he was suffering . I very often talk to him about what to do in different situations and try and think what he would say or do.
Lovely that we are all here for each other and supporting each other x


Hi Debbie,
The seals and Penguins are adorable and made me laugh. You’ve had good weather for the beach. I’m looking forward to more pics.
I’m feeling a lot better now after my massive panic. Going over tomorrow to collect rocks from the garden, only because they were brought over from the old garden and shared between us. Hope it will motivate me again into the garden. Car is packed with trolleys and tubs. Will be awkward with my niece because she thinks I’ve stopped speaking to her. I just didn’t see the point in booking swimming when she cancelled so many times. My family always try to make out like I’m the one at fault and they aren’t to blame. Anyway, there’s lots to have to do and I have my therapy booked for the evening because I had to cancel today to take Porsch to the vet because she had a sore paw. Didn’t know the claw had grown over the paw and stuck in. She was so well behaved and we arrived early and were seen very quickly so I managed without a huge panic attack. I just kept saying to myself that I’ll not have to do this again. Also got my cameras set up after months of trying with my other phone. It was so old I couldn’t use it to get the app. I bought a refurb iphone 5 and it is tiny. I have to wear glasses to see the buttons but I’ve had a breakthrough so quite chuffed.
Still haven’t eaten today yet so looking forward to tv with a big bowl of veg soup and stewed steak. I’d be very healthy if I cut out all the treats of crisps, chocs, ice cream and pot noodles!
Enjoy tomorrow!
Lots of love xxx