Hello Christine
Just thought I’d read everything what’s gone on before I write any replies as things can change so much so quickly can’t it.
I love the newest pictures. I was intrigued with the little dolls pram. It’s quite a piece! I don’t know how you can feel your fingers after a session in the garden right now. You need to treat yourself with a hot toddy, a lovely sticky toffee hot pudding and then a little cuddle with Porsche next to a hot fire. That would be my ideal but I’ve turned into a bit of a mardy-arse where cold is concerned. I love that you got some unusual things in your garden, they are really intriguing and add character. You could have thought “sod it” I’m too disheartened to carry on (like me), but you just keep pushing on, good on you for your spirit.
Zoe has been absolutely ragging me to bits recently. Not literally although that isn’t an impossibility! This morning I put some grated cheese in a bowl at the back of the kitchen top but she was misbehaving outside, I went to coax her in through the window only to find she’d eaten the cheese. She won’t drink tap water so I found her breaking up the thick ice in the garden and running around with that in her mouth. I’m losing the struggle with her as she’s strong-willed and bigger now. Of course she is all icing sugar and moonbeams when he comes home so he thinks I’m exaggerating how bad she’s been. I shouldn’t complain though because Zoe is one of the few pieces of glitter in the dirt-pile that has become life. I am thankful as it could have been a different story after she found a hidden strip of ibuprofen just a few days before Mum’s service last year.
I’m glad you got a bit more contact with your niece/nephew. It could be the start of something positive. I truly hope so. I’m also glad you’ve managed to get all the bits from their garden. I do get what you mean about your Mam being the type to look after her things and stuff in general like the brollies etc. Mine was the same and I can see how it being now would have affected you. Sadly in life general I think it’s a generation thing. I remember (as I’m sure you do) that jumble sales/car boots/charity shops were full of barely useable things as people used to get so much use out of their items but now they change their furniture and possessions on a whim. But that’s me getting old!
Brother is at work til 3 30pm today so hope I can get a fair bit done but if I can only tidy so much as he says I’m interfering but if I leave him to it I then have (in his words) done nothing and have no self-respect. Can’t win really. It’s not new, he’s been this way for many years.
We were never a fan of socialising at Xmas so won’t miss that at all. I don’t really know how I’ll be as it all under the veil of shock last year. I keep getting my days mixed up to as the anniversary is just a day away, then the 1 year bubble will have popped and it will be like a different existence again. Sorry if all that sounds a bit morbid. We’ll go with flowers and a card and also a wreath on Christmas day - but it still all seems like a different persons life and circumstances if you know what I mean.
Mums cousin passed away 5 months after Mum and she had a son and daughter the same age as us. It will be their 1st Christmas without their Mum and although we don’t and haven’t spoken I don’t know whether it’s appropriate to send them an acknowledgement card that we’ve thought of them. What would you do? Just seems an odd situation and I don’t really know how to approach it.
I’m just going to sign off now to check on something but will try and get back later.
Just something you said about replies to posts, don’t forget you and Neil are always welcome to talk on WhatsApp. You can chat as little or often or even not at all, whatever takes your fancy. Or even just put up photos and videos. It’s just the same as here but is also a huge help when you feel so crap and just need a little chat immediately.
Catch you later Christine. Much love xx