Great news. Meeting my niece for lunch Wed during her lunch break so hope we can sit in park and not have to hide in car from rain. Relieved but also quite anxious because not sure if she really wants to see me. Also trying to arrange a swim for after work with her.
Now going to lug my gravel up the garden before I get dressed for therapy this afternoon. Shattered after yesterday but if I do it it’s done then and I will have done my garden bit for the day.
Hope to update pics later today xxx
Hi Suzanne
Harry Potter is in two parts- an hour and three quarters each and have the same seat for both. Waiting for my eticket to be sent two days before.
Hope you have a good week
Love and best wishes
Neil x
Hi all,
Garden update so I can get up to date with my pics. Really just putting off doing the shingle as the bags weigh a ton and I have to carry them as the wheelie trolley doesn’t travel over gravel. So here they are:
Jobs: Trellis painted and cut into 3, cobbled together using old 2"x2’’ from the shed.
2 new arches to create doors into top section.
Cut back brambles and hedge at tricky space to trellis. Having a nightmare with the spikes and posts (will have to dig out spikes and cement in post).
Cemented broken tile but discovered that isn’t the entry for rat so will have to contact council to remove plastic facias they put on last year to cover rotten wood they didn’t replace and will request they fill holes with expanding foam.
Painted bamboo rolls and cut to size.
Pond lights. Plants seem to be doing well but I was quite miffed when Monty said to leave planting ponds until it turns warmer. Didn’t realise.
Seeds and tubers planted (looking very sorry for themselves - stored from the old garden so very old).
Cut back heads on hyacinths but leaving the leaves to die back naturally so all the goodness goes back to the bulb for next years show. These really have been splendid.
Staked the tulips after ‘foxgate’. Seems to be working.
Thrilled to have new tulips about to open as others lose their petals.
Tina, I painted my little houses and added windows with a paper template (like the xmas decs mam used to make when I was little.
Used mams pastry brush (doesn’t belong in a cooking capacity for me!) and paint recycled from the old house.
If anyone wants the breakdown on how to make I have lots of pics showing the different stages. Took me ages! But I now have my little village. Thinking of creating a bee housing estate! by drilling holes into the windows and maybe adding to trellis tops so they can buzz about without frightening me.
New brolly area planted up:
This wasn’t as daunting a task as I thought it would be. So planted in honey bushes, roses, iris and shade loving plants.
Top of the pond/path up the garden section contains a border of honey bushes, climbers, my ‘candelabra’ tree (not sure what it is), a bamboo and verbena.
The prickly tree makes a fab entrance with the arch
So pleased that the space has taken shape naturally by throwing together what I had in pots. This little guy is a lemon scented plant. Thought it was a nettle. Looks great against the purple heukera.
I will create a grass carpet going from the doorway to the water butt (recycled the stepping stones to the bench to create a steady seating area at the small pond)
and to the top of the big pond (so I can fiddle with pumps etc if need be).
I never thought this area would become what it has. It’s been an organic journey starting with fixing the big brolly in place and then planting up around it. Still more to do as I have compact fruit trees arriving soon so hope this area will be large enough. Still have climbers to plant too along the fence.
The path up the garden is thriving with forget me nots and bluebells
and the clematis has so many buds.
It’s true that when plants find their right home they will thrive.
Porsch has been enjoying the sunshine.
When she’s not outside, wrapped in her blanket if it’s a bit chilly, she’s snoozing in her drawer in the wardrobe.
Hoping my plants arrive this week so I can get potted up and thriving over summer before they are housed along the new trellis fence (behind the pond). Be a relief to get all the garden jobs finished so I can sit back with my puzzle book and enjoy my hard work. I’ve been enjoying doing light tasks and look forward to doing a bit of tidying up with my secateurs. Have to tackle the top shaded area but that will consist of lots of potted plants as the areas are tree bound so no depth for planting (tried and lost most of my hostas, grasses and foxgloves. Found nasturtian seeds on Amazon so have the bathtub ready with topped up compost and will carry them through to the pond (if they can do shade). Mam always advised me on where to plant things. I was always good at following instruction and doing the manual labour! It’s much harder having to plan it all myself. Wish she could see what I’ve done. The garden has been an ongoing project to nurture since mam as I feel closest top her when I’m gardening as that’s what we did together when I visited her (every other day / several times a week). That’s why I feel so lost now. All I can do is keep going.
Will update again with new pics of yesterday.
Off now to lug those stones up the garden!
Lots of love xxx
Hi Neil,
Wow, that will be a massive day out, to be immersed in a magical world of adventure. My parents loved Harry Potter films. I liked the orcs the best. Always attracted to the dark side. Fabulous costume. Is that Harry Potter? Am I getting mixed up?
Just posted garden updates. So exhausted. Never worked so hard in my life! Taking it’s toll now but most of the heavy work is done apart from those bloody trellises. Heard the creep yesterday saying I was going to pull the fence down when I was wrestling with the post that wouldn’t go all the way into the spike and then wouldn’t come out again. I was furious. Glad he got a whiff of my temper tantrum! Off to lug some gravel bags up the garden to extend the path. Wish me luck as I’m putting off doing it but if I do it now it’s done.
I know Tuesdays aren’t the best but how is today? I have my therapy this afternoon and tomorrow I’m meeting my niece for lunch, even if it is just a sandwich in the car in the rain. Be nice to sit in the park in summer and I’ll plan a swim on those days too. Be nice if it becomes a regular thing. And we can start going swimming after she finishes work. So things to look forward to with summer when it arrives. I do so much better when not stuck at home all day every day on my own. When I have balance of being in / out I cope much better and feel in control.
Hope you enjoy the garden pics. Taking shape now that much of the planting is done and I don’t have all the trellises hanging around the garden. Will pop back later x
Lots of love xxx
Hi Christine
Hope your therapy goes well and tomorrow with your niece. Looking forward to hearing about it. Great pics as always . Bluebells are so beautiful. Have loads right under my front room window.
Harry Potter something to look forward to. The orcs were Lord of the Rings by the way😀
Not a great day for me again, being Tuesday, so just trying to get through it as best I can
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x
Hi Neil,
Sending extra love on your Tuesday. I seem to be always on the brink of tears and for no reason other than mam is always with me. Glad the coronation is over as I was imagining what I would have been doing (party at mams) with the family who I thought accepted me. Still can’t get over how cruel my dad and sister are to have excluded me. I know it’s about them and not me. I’d have me as a friend. I wonder if they ever look any deeper into their actions or whether it’s all just surface content.
Fabulous to have bluebells. Mam always said they were fairy flowers. You can just imagine the fairies sporting their bluebell bonnets and dresses! Taking on the garden as a huge project is getting me through but I’m a shell when I’m just sitting with tv or whatever. I wonder if I’d feel the same pain if I had a loving support from my family. Debbie reminds me of mam and her love for her family. Nurturing, encouraging, accepting and so proud of them all. I can’t remember ever being praised by my dad. It was always mam. He was never there.
Knew I’d got the orcs wrong! But they are fabulous, the stuff of nightmares. Also loved the huge ones who were preparing to roast their captives. My fave book was the first Tolkien with the dragon on the front. My memory is so bad! I’d love to live in the little village with all the little people (can’t remember them either! Shocking!!)
The way I get through my off days (more like time capsules) is to know that it will end and my days will begin to brighten again. Not that the ‘good’ days are anything special either but are manageable when I’m kept busy.
Must dash for therapy. Have my camera to update him on my garden escapades. He has a beautiful garden and so it is a real passion we share. And he’s just a lovely, very kind bloke. I feel so lucky to have him in my life and really do not know how I would have managed otherwise. He puts things into perspective and believes in a spiritual realm, whatever that may be. How can so many peoples of the world be wrong?
Lots of love Neil. I didn’t manage my gravel bags. I have those to look forward to when I get back!
@christine51 Don’t take too much notice of Monty, I’ve planted my pond plants and they are doing okay. Shouldn’t get any frosts now .
Great photos again, your hard work is paying off. Enjoy lunch with your niece
Love Debbie xx
Hi Debbie,
A couple of my pond plants are thriving (lots of new growth) so not worried (despite the massive snails munching their way through everything.
Really pleased too with my newly seeded lawn.
Found this little beauty as I was popping about
and this little guy hiding under the spent leaves of the hyacinths when I was removing the heads now they’re done.
Started clearing the shaded tree area leading to the small pond.
Removed the water butts which have been there for years and cleared the weeds to find a climber, grasses, heukera, buttercups (reminds me of mam looking under my chin to see if I was sweet!) and a little fruit bush I assumed had perished.
Hope the trees can recover the water damage caused. They have ‘knacky Ned knees’.
Will try using pots to fill the areas embedded with bricks
and hope to unite the areas as one long bed, sweeping nasturtians along from the fairy bath tub if they’ll take the shade.
Was delighted to find this very pale blue bell hiding under a chair.
I created a little shelter for anything needy from offcuts of wood.
Planted my new rose bushes and have had to secure everything for fear of cats and foxes rummaging and pooing in the lovely compost.
Used bits of the bamboo roll to arch over here.
Pots are sorted for my heukera, hostas, ferns and a recycling tub for my sweet peas. Found some pea sticks for them to scramble up into mams xmas tree, which I will leave and hope it gets roots and comes back again. Will look pretty covered in sweet peas though, even if it is ‘rusty’. Mam always had it by the kitchen door and the perfume was lovely, capturing summer every time I came round the corner.
I had a very productive day between showers, securing the wall planters with new positions. They are now filled and ready for ivy.
The old cast iron bits of the bench from the old garden have finally found a home. I secured them to the pergola legs with recycled 2x2’’ from the old shed and plastic ties.
It really is satisfying getting things done that have been lying around the garden for ages.
I even cut the palette up to create a bench at the top to sit under the brolly.
Planted my bramble at the arch corner to create a sense of solidity when entering into that space.
Treated myself to a beautiful lime hydrangea. Hope it doesn’t die on me as it’s to replace mam’s which perished when planted at the top lawn.
I’m so exhausted after yesterday that I didn’t get my gravel bags up the path. So disappointed in myself! I am such a slave driver!! Meeting my niece tomorrow for lunch so will have a day off. Be lovely to catch up with her. Haven’t seen her for weeks.
Will pop back later. Can’t imagine I’ll be awake for long.
Lots of love xxx
Hi Christine
Lovely photos and Porsch looks so cute x.
Sitting having lunch in a warm and sunny Glastonbury as I type and just how it makes me feel so close to mum but not in a sad way…a very contented way and dunno how but my mind is almost at rest down here whereas everywhere else my mind doesn’t stop. So relaxing here.
I’m glad you are meeting your niece today and if she hadn’t wanted to meet you she wouldn’t have agreed and understand what you mean about being comfortable alone but not wanting it constantly but that was always something I spoke to about my counsellors in that (and it’s not a case of wanting ego boosted I can assure you) but I have never understood why anyone would want to be my friend as I think I am an inherently nasty person but I now know this can be because of having ADHD (need to go to the dr about this) so there is hope yet. I am so pleased you can see that you make a lovely friend as if you hadn’t I may have had to argue with you x
Your garden looks amazing and my normal postie, Dougie, seems to be on holiday and I reckon that’s why I’m having probs with my mail. I don’t eat honey but my friend may have some so will try that if the cuttings arrive.
Will post some photos later but need to do some more shopping lol xx
@NEILB72…the show then isn’t as long as I had feared for you but least it’ll be value for money.
Just wanted to see how you were today after a low day yesterday x
Will catch up more after I shop some more lol x
Take care and much love x
Hi Suzanne,
SOOOO glad it’s lovely and sunny for you and that you feel a closeness to your mam rather than sadness being there. It’s obviously a little oasis of calm and peace for you. I know exactly how it feels to be always on the go with a frazzled mind. I’m ok as long as I feel like I’m in control. Had to have a nap earlier which put my schedule out for sorting the delivery of birds seeds etc and then shopping. Even shouted at Porsch ! because she was always under my feet trying to get things sorted.
Suzanne, I’m really shocked that you think you’re a nasty person! How can you think that? We all love you here! xxx and I think you are very perceptive and talk a lot of sense when I’m on a mission to understand my family. I know you’ll always see through the bullshit. You are so deluded about who you are ! I can say that to you as a mate and hope you laugh at the notion that you aren’t a great friend!
Met my niece for lunch in the park which was a very quick but lovely catch up. But just at the end she told me very sad news about her other grandad being in hospital. She wants to see him but my sister (her mam) is fighting against it because she doesn’t want my niece having any relationship with her dad! I’m so upset. I’ve known the family for years but because of the situation with my sister cutting me out of the family (as well as them) I’ve had no contact with them for a long time. They weren’t even invited to mams funeral. I want to reach out to them with love and have even suggested to my niece that I go with her and her dad to the house and hospital so she can see them and I’ll bring her back. She can stay at mine and I’ll drop her home or work the next day. I really am so very shocked at how my sister behaves. She has such spite in her. It’s shocking, especially given the circumstances. I really cannot understand it. Surely this is having an awful effect on the childrens well being. She’s obsessed.
Thanks babe saying my garden looks fab. I am still aching after having 2 days rest now. Feel so guilty that I’m not a machine to just keep going. But by chance I stopped off at the local shop for big pots to plant up the new trellis area. I have bamboos, acers, foxgloves, heuchera’s, hostas and ferns coming. Once positioned and planted up my work will be done. Hooray! I will then tackle the top area. I have plans to remove the very old decking boards and just top up the root bound area with compost and have pots positioned with my bush roses. I can envisage it now. Just need to complete the planting and pathway. I was thinking of you after chatting about the borders you want to do. Debbie has the same edging that my parents had. Lasts for ages as it’s plastic and therefore weatherproof. Can be painted too. And comes in small strips so very easy and effective to do.
Babe I can’t imagine the cutting will survive all this time but you can try to revive it. I found some honey in my cupboard and haven’t a clue how it got there. Must have been the fairies!
Looking forward to seeing your pics. I had to get a new sd card for my camera as I’d taken so many pics and it had started again (don’t know why). Will have lots of planting up to do in the next few days so will have updates as per. My niece suggested she come over mine for a birthday tea which I am thrilled about. Can show her my garden. It will be unrecognisable now. It’s so long since anyone has been to see me. Hope the creep doesn’t creep!
Enjoy your Glastonbury, you lucky thing! Lock your experience in a box so you can revisit it when you need a calm down. So wish I could escape like that. Mam was always inviting me on hols but I couldn’t go. I feel so guilty that my anxiety stopped me doing stuff like that with mam. But she did understand.
Porsch is crying for her drawer so I’ll go for now and check in again later. Make every second count. You’ll be back to work in no time at all and wish you could be where you are now. And when you’re in your calm place your mam will be right there with you, so very proud of what you have managed to do. I’m well jel!
Lots of love babe xxx
Hi Nick,
Love your historical reenactment photos! I know we generally fantasize about living in old castles and it being romantic but life must have been so harsh. I’m surprised anybody made it into adulthood. But they did. The girl hanging out the washing made me chuckle. I thought they were massive men pants! So pleased we live in our world where women have rights and independence. My parents loved reading about and watching historical stuff. I can picture mam now, tucked up in bed with her bedside light, wanting to finish her chapter even though she was falling asleep. I remember now the last xmas box I got her was a collection of books but I can’t remember what they were about and whether she finished reading them. It’s things like that where I can’t ask her now that really upsets me. I was going to convert all the very old photo’s from the film reel into digital for her but she was gone before xmas arrived. It’s such a blur, that whole time.
Soz, it doesn’t take much to start me down a rabbit hole of remembering mam and what could have been. I know you’ll understand that about your brother. How is little Tammy? My Porsch is snuggled in her drawer (my wardrobe). It’s her favourite place to be. I just wish when she comes in from the garden, when it starts raining, she would bring her cushion in with her! It’s been very hit and miss with the rain showers and we didn’t get the thunder that was promised. Hope they stay away so I can get my planting done tomorrow.
I did enjoy sitting in the park waiting for my niece to arrive today. Haven’t done it for ages and certainly never on my own. It was peaceful watching peeps as they stroll along with their little dogs and the goth skateboarders arriving to practice their tricks. I sound so ancient! I’m now determined to get my bike chain cleaned (if I can get it off and then back on again) so I can zoom around the park when I meet for lunch again. Bought a couple of small flasks so we can have a proper cuppa too. I feel like I’m back in the real world again, just for that half hour meet. It’s so not good being tucked away day in day out with no human connection, other than once a week for an hour with my lovely therapist.
Hope you enjoyed my garden pics over the last few days. It will be good to finally finish for summer so I can sit back and watch the garden take shape. It’s been a mighty hard slog but will be worth it. Just hope everything survives the heatwave we are supposed to be having (coming over from Spain). Just hope I get finished before then because I literally melt in the heat! I’m just not designed for it.
Any funny adventures on your park / field strolls? People always look so free when they are walking. I must try it, but not be in a hurry to get round the park and force myself to take a leisurely stroll. Will try to address being less driven and more relaxed.
Will pop back tomorrow x
Lots of love xxx
Hi Debbie,
I did enjoy seeing my niece today, even though it was only for half an hour. I feel so much better for connecting with her again. I gave her a big hug and said how I’d missed her. Planning on another meet Friday as I’m waiting for a plants delivery tomorrow. I did get some shocking news though about her grandad (her dad’s dad) being in hospital. Brought it all back about mam and having to dash over there and hoping I wasn’t too late. I hope I can visit them. I’ve known them for years and they are lovely people. But my sister has isolated them from seeing the children as well as me. How can a grown woman be so selfish? I really don’t get it. But I hope I can see them before it’s not too late.
I got your card today! Had to gulp back the tears as I read the words ‘hope your day is as lovely as you!’ I’m such a softie now! I was thrilled when my niece said about celebrating my birthday and coming over to mine. Will be very proud to show her all my hard work. Think she’s missed me as much as I’ve missed her. She has a lot going on living at home.
I was just saying to Nick I can imagine zooming round the park on my bike after I’ve had lunch and she goes back to work. Determined now to get the chain sorted. I’m quite looking forward to finishing the garden and getting out doing fun things over summer. Massive turn around for me because I imagined being stuck at home surrounded by my awful neighbours.
Little Porsch is snoring in her drawer!
Hope those pesky photocopiers are behaving themselves!
Will pop back again tomorrow. Can’t believe another week is nearly gone again. I always look back on a Friday to see what I’ve achieved. It will be 24 weeks of the second year for mam. I always mark my diary on a Thursday, the day she left me. I still haven’t been able to post about the coronation for her. It’s just too upsetting for me to see her smiling at me. Upset now. I’ll pop back tomorrow.
Lots of love xxx
Hello Neil
It was interesting to hear about the walkie talkie building. It’s astonishing. It’s even more surprising that it is something that is free! Have you been in the Blackpool tower? I often thought how fortunate I was as youngsters to live 40minutes away on a train to Blackpool so was able to go quite often. There’d be holiday makers on the train who were travelling from inner city areas that were nowhere near a beach. Then of course my Home is still there even if I don’t live in it and although it is lovely to be able to walk to the beach you tend not to appreciate it as much as when you are a tourist visiting.
I am so sorry to read your cousin has early onset Parkinson’s, like can be so heartbreakingly cruel sometimes. I can imagine as Suzanne says that it will be bitter-sweet and emotional but rewarding at the same time. Not so long to go now til June.
Speak again
Love and best wishes xx
Hi Nick
Thanks for sharing the photos
They are so colourful and lively that they could almost tell the story in detail for themselves. Since losing my Husband and Mum I don’t have the same interest in photography for myself. We’d take loads here and there but I don’t go anywhere special and have noone to photograph. Niece and Nephew are in Truro and Australia and my Brother has never been a fan of being photographed! I have Zoe, our dog, that I’m forever photographing but they are just snaps on my camera phone. Going back many years I remember Mums Box Brownie camera (if I remember that name correctly!)
Hope you are doing ok in yourself. Weather is being forever unpredictable. Supposed to be another mixed day of sun and showers tomorrow as well.
We will see I guess!!
Speak soon
Love and best wishes xx
Hello Palou
Are you doing OK?
I hope you are getting along and life is being as kind as can be at the moment.
I was thinking how quickly time seems to have gone by and we have got to May, but at the same time seems to have been ages since Christmas time.
Hope you have a gentle Thursday
Speak soon
Love and Best wishes xx
Hello Christine
I had hoped to get on earlier to do some replies but there always seems to be an urgent matter to attend to for some reason. I’m sure I generate drama and chaos to keep my mind distracted!
I love your “Gardening Diaries,”. You are very ingenious. Am I thinking of the right word? Maybe I mean innovative but I reckon they are similar. The little painted blocks are so eye catching. I took a few pictures in my garden but they are really nothing to write home about but if I can I’ll attach one or two before I sign off. I planted the honey bush the day I got it and keep looking at it, willing it on!
Sorry to hear you’ve had some upsetting periods again but glad to read you have found some comfort in that fabulous garden of yours and have done all that stuff and you made me chuckle about having a little rant to yourself! It does you good to get your frustrations out. I reckon though that even when you decide it’s exactly how you want it you’ll still do things to it. I can’t imagine you can sit out and not want to get cracking with something or other. I like your idea of a village and I think I might try to make a bigger house, and put some solar lights inside. Whether that thought turns into a reality is anyone’s guess!
Also, before I forget, don’t go thinking nonsense like no-one wanting to be friends. If anything they should be queuing up at your door fighting for the privilege to be your friend. You are warm-hearted, friendly, chatty, kind-spirited and compassionate. More than can be said about a lot people in these times.
I meant to write a bit more bits 1.40am and I’m knackered! I said Id attach the photos but will have to add them on tomorrow.
Have a good day tomorrow.
Speak soon, Love and Best Wishes xx
Hi Tina,
Lovely to hear from you. I always miss you when you aren’t here but like you said it’s so easy to get distracted with things to do. It was lovely having a couple of days off from heavy gardening work. I feel so guilty when I’m not slogging away at it. Really want it done before we get the heatwave we’re being promised on the forecast.
Love that my little blocks are inspiring another little village to pop up. Some things I do are straight forward but others evolve over time. If I can’t quite decide on something I know they’re destined for something special. Just have to drill all the big bee holes and attach it to a plynth and position above the pond. I was drilling holes in my new pots yesterday but it started lashing down so couldn’t do anything other than run inside. So frustrating. Putting lights in your village sounds very special and would look amazing if the light shone through any ‘windows’. I’m wondering if I can use mams xmas houses but I know she wouldn’t approve and not even sure if they’re weatherproof. I feel guilty about leaving her chair outside but I can’t get the buggar down to bring in! Wrestled with it a few times and had to give in. It’s a cushioned fabric so gets soaked.
It was so lovely seeing my niece, at last. I always wonder if it’s me, like I was saying. But it is silly because she had missed me too and has a lot going on. She’s not enjoying her work and I think she feels a bit lost. I was so shocked at my sisters behaviour, fighting with her because she wants to visit her grandad in hospital and see her nanny. I’ve offered to take her and for her to stay at mine when we come back if she wants to. I don’t know why life isn’t simple. It would be stress free. Thank you for your fabulous character critique! I am delighted!! Because of the way my family have behaved towards me I’ve had an insight into really judging who I am as a person, having been pulled apart by them because of who I am. It’s all about them, not me. My therapist says they just do not understand who I am.
I’ve been berating myself for not posting on mam’s tribute site about the coronation. I’ve decided to keep it simple and just post my fave pic of the knitted / crocheted crown decorating a postbox. I would always see them on the way to mams at xmas or for charity events. It was a regular thing. It’s always so incredibly upsetting seeing mams smiling face on her site that I am in bits every time I go on it. I’m the only one who posts anything. I always feel better though for visiting her.
My niece said about celebrating my birthday and coming round to mine so I was chuffed because I hadn’t suggested it. Hope it’s nice and sunny so we can sit out in the garden. It’ll spur me on to get cracking today. I’m looking forward to seeing your pics. I enjoy the ‘everyday’ details (as you can see by mine!). Capturing time in a garden is something quite special. And to have an fabulous display of colour and form is great but when I see a little guy on it’s own in a sea of green I’m even more thrilled.
Hope my new plants aren’t tiny. I bought very big tubs for the new trellis area behind the pond. I’ll have to clear the debris and position them and fill with compost in preparation as they’ll be too heavy to do and then move into position. So that’s my job for today. And getting the gravel stones done. They’re pink when dry and blend quite nicely with the greenery. They were red when they arrived and I was really not happy. Things tend to work out in the end. Getting older with experience and knowledge gives a sense of reassurance that it will work itself out. I’ll rescue a small path I had created with slate at the top bit and it can go at the edge of the pond. Another type of material for the wildlife.
I thought I heard a frog calling the other night when I was faffing about quite late on. So fingers crossed they are coming. Hope so after all that work with the logs and rocks. Thinking of removing the old decking boards at the top bed and replacing with large rocks so it ties in with the pond structures. The raised beds will be so root bound with trees and plants already there that it will stand it’s ground without any help needed. I love doing a job with little effort and greatest reward. The impact will be fab. So lots of pics today. Hope to post later on but when I get immersed I’m out there until it gets dark. Seeing my niece tomorrow for lunch again so have a full day to get things done today. I’m really aching though.
Keep watching that honey bush! I’ll be spurring it on too. Hope something grows after all the faffing of getting cuttings and posting. Poor Suzanne hasn’t had any post for ages so I can’t imagine she’ll have any luck with her little one. I’ll have to try again. Just remembered I have Becki’s as she said she was going to Cornwall and so I asked when she’d be back for posting. I took 2 for everyone so if she doesn’t mind I’ll send one of hers to Suzanne. It was Suzanne who was asking about sunny plants in the first place.
Oh, I saw my magpie return this morning while Porsch was fiddling about in a little patch of sunshine. Hasn’t been for ages. Waiting to see if my crow comes back. My robins moved to a new nest after the cat, Bud, was chasing them and lurking at the buddha head. I’d be chasing the cat and the robins would watch me, like they knew I was doing it for them. I had been looking forward to hearing the babies every morning at my kitchen door but I’ll have to make do with the noisy chirpings of feeding time. Can hear them now and I’m in my bedroom. So noisy!
Didn’t realise you were doing a late one. My thing now is falling asleep from bout 11 and waking any time from 4.30 onwards. Porsch must be tuned into my breathing because she’s straight there and insists on being fed. If I don’t do it she starts her screaming! Such a tinker as mam would say.
Going to get dressed and get cracking. Wish I had a helper. I now know how much mam must have appreciated what I did in the garden. I’ll be 53 on my birthday and some days, like the last 3 days, I’m really feeling my age. Must start swimming again so I have regular exercise. It really did make a difference to feeling lighter in myself.
See you later hun x
Lots of love xxx
Hi everyone
Been a little quiet on here this last few days as the data allowance on my phone is running low ( new data tomorrow) so using internet sparingly. Been reading the posts and sending lots of love to you all.
Will post again sometime over the weekend
Very best wishes
Neil x
Hi Christine
First thing I must say to you is Dougie my postie must be back as came home late yesterday to find your cuttings through my door and they were still damp so hoping they will grow roots x
Secondly I would like to say your sisters behaviour surprises me but it honestly doesn’t. Problem is your niece will regret not seeing her grandad if that is what she wants to do. Your sister (and I’m sorry to say this especially as I don’t know her) sounds a very spiteful, selfish and controlling person. Was she always this way or has it gotten worse since your mum passed? x Do you think it could be her husband trying to separate her from her family? x just trying to make sense of it all even if it’s to put your mind at ease and understand x
My mum never stopped me from seeing my dad however I never wanted to so was never an thing but would like to think that had I wanted to mum would never have stopped me.
What if your niece said she was going but wouldn’t speak about it to her as was obviously still an issue for your sister? I do think that was nice of you to offer to take her and let her stay over at yours especially knowing how hard it would have been for you….best auntie ever x
My hire car was a Polestar (which I had never heard of before lol) which was not only automatic but also electric and a ‘23 plate lol. Didn’t need the key to do anything but open the doors and it was all automatically started as soon as your arse hit the seat x I’ll post some photos of the car (among other things as I’m obsessed with it.
I was sitting in the car hire place looking it all over and of course linking up my music before I started off and this guy kept looking at me so I put the window down and laughed and said ‘yeah I haven’t a clue’ and the cheeky prick said to me ‘are you going to be able to handle this car?’….my reply was ‘give me 5 minutes and I’ll be fine’…only took me three minutes ….condescending dick
I’ll away show the car and post more photos later…just loved this car x
Chat later and remember you are awesome x