Hi Suzanne
I’m seeing my cousin and her husband a week today. We will be watching Moulin Rouge at this precise moment! I had a pre-planned call to Cruse this afternoon as I wanted to talk about my Dad to someone. Will do the same thing for his birthday next month . This is one of my ways of coping and keeps my mind in the right place.
Hope you have a great time in London . Looking forward to seeing what you will be up to!
Hope you have a good rest of the week . This weather set to be around for a while yet!
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


Hi Tina,
I feel so stressed with Porsch (she’s now trying to wee everywhere in the house! and has never done that before) but she’s taking her medication well so I know things will work out in time. Going to the vets is very stressful because of my panic and having to do it alone. I panic in the heat (car is an oven on wheels as I need to sort the air con) and am then very claustrophobic trying to stay inside the building. Don’t think I could manage another pet after Porsch.
Bet Zoe was surprised by the egg! Should have thrown the whole box at her. Maybe’s that’s the punishment for naughtiness from now on! You really do have to have eyes in the back of your head with her. She’s such a handful.
Think I’ll get some of that Virginia Creeper for the fence. I have one fence panel (a small one) and 3 trellises to get up to finish the fencing to the house. There’ll still be gaps with tree trunks and roses but if I do get some mirrors and place them like you say he will be watching himself in his mirror. It’s a constant battle to maintain a degree of privacy against all the sneaking about (I know because my camera keeps buzzing but there is nobody recorded because they (he and his mate) must know where the line of vision is when they go in and out of his side gate). Haven’t heard from the council yet about the roof and his creeping about at 4.30. Can only imagine how devious he is and the energy he must have in keeping up a normal facade to the neighbours. Can’t quite believe my reality of how I’m living.
Your metallic mosaic will be lovely glinting in the sunshine. I don’t think I’ll be tiling the patio but will concentrate on the step into the garden, making a feature of it. Need to dry out the area where I dug out all the old bird seed (that torrential downpour yesterday was exactly not what I needed) and fill it in so I can feed the birds on their bench again. They keep returning to it even though the lawn is full of seeds. It felt like I’d created a real haven for them and now I’ve lost it. I know I just need to get that bit sorted and they’ll be back as they were.
I tried posting pics yesterday and they wouldn’t load but have to do the fishtank now so will try again later after therapy. The roses are blooming all around the garden so will have to get an update to show you. Your little grape hyacinths remind me of fairy hats. I had some too. Such delicate little structures. I always google how to care for plants now:

How do you look after grape hyacinths?
Grape hyacinths grow in sun or under a little shade; they don’t like extremes, so don’t plant them where it’s too wet or too dry. Be careful where you plant the bulbs because grape hyacinths spread very quickly.

I’m still finding a lot of digging and pulling out new plants which is annoying. Must be my family of squirrels. Lovely watching them darting up and down the trees looking for their peanuts.
Must get dressed and sort Porsch with her tablet (Primula paste is working a treat!) and get the fishtank cleaned before I go out. A hideous job that takes 2 hours to empty and refill with a floor and bathroom clean afterwards. But I do find the water calming. Back later.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Neil,
I’m always impressed at how pro active you are in managing your grief. I’m still amazed that we aren’t told about this generally. Nobody talks about it until we have to endure it. I wish mam was here to give me some peace of mind about Porsch and that what I’m doing is right. Feel so alone without her. But I imagine what she would be saying to me. Never felt alone in my life before she left .
Have you got a card, flowers etc planned for your dad? Because I don’t go to the shops I don’t see it all around me. Whatever you do will be special. It always is because it is done with such love and care.
Must dash as I’m cleaning the fishtank before my therapy and it takes ages with a full bathroom and floor clean up afterwards. So wish me luck in this heat!
Will post pics later. Couldn’t load them yester. The garden is in full bloom with all the roses coming out.
Lots of love xxx
Lots of love xxx


Hi Christine,

Have you managed to get Porsch to wee yet, it’s as if they know what you want them to do and just being awkward not wanting to cooperate. At least she is being treated, being a woman we all know what cystitis is like.
Words fail me as far as your creepy neighbour is concerned, he can’t be right in the head to deliberately torment you. I hope for your sake the council catches onto his antics and move him.
My pond is a preformed plastic, so I don’t get an issue so much with mud, only what gets washed out the plant pots. Some of my pond plants are not growing very quickly either. It must be this topsy turvy weather. I mean last week I had my heating on it was so cold and this week it’s a fan. We haven’t had any rain in this area for weeks, yesterday looked promising, only ended up with couple rumbles of thunder one flash of lightening and very light shower. So I’ve had to water the garden again tonight, just this minute finished.

I have some pretty flowers on my succulents and red hot poker starting to flower. My red rambling roses are starting to put on a show.

I love peony’s but they soon go over.

I bought this shrub in a garden centre last year, can’t remember the name but it has pretty delicate pink flowers.

It’s the best part of the day right now, still warm but pleasant to sit out.
It’s been really hot and uncomfortable at work, always glad to get home. I’ve had my boiler serviced today and the guy turned the heating up full blast to test it.

Speak to you again soon
Love Debbie xx

Hi Neil, Nick and Paulo, hope you are all okay and surviving this heat.

Sending love
Debbie xx


Hi Neil,

I’m glad to hear you were able to speak to someone about your dad and hopefully you were able to remember the good times and think of him fondly.
If you ever would like to tell us about him or your mum then all ears.

Next week will pass so quickly and I’ve heard the weather is still meant to be good so you should be able to have a great time x

Hope you are doing fine this week especially these couple of days and hope your friend is still phoning you on a Wed.

Knowing new happening up here so won’t ramble on lol x

Chat soon, take care and much love :two_hearts: x



Just wanted to say hi and love the photos but wanted to say as far a Porsch goes have you tried using any of the feliway products to relieve her anxious/stress behaviour? It’s a plug-in diffuser based on synthetic pheromones that help cats be less stressed.
They apparently work very well. There is also a spray but I would only recommend them before vet trips as you spray it in the car/the cat carrier about 15 mins before you start their trip and you can use it before coming home too x

Just wanted to check in with you and will chat more tomorrow but off to bed as sleepy :sleeping: x

Much love :green_heart: x


Hi Debbie,
Your garden is looking lovely and I love your succulents (just like Monty!). Haven’t been in the garden again today as I went swimming after therapy in the outdoor pool but I was so tired again I left before my usual half hour. So exhausted again. Think it’s the stress of Porsch but she’s taking her medications well (hiding her tablet in Primula spread works a treat) and seems to be able to wee more frequently now, though I have caught her trying to go just anywhere in the house, doesn’t even try to hide what she’s doing. So the extra work is in cleaning up after her is never ending. I was all dressed for therapy and sat down to feed her on the kitchen floor and discovered I’d sat in a wee so had to get changed again. Haven’t heard back yet from the council about my complaint / creep / rat in loft. Just want the stress to stop.
I think not getting into the garden for a few days always makes me feel very lost. I love your purple lupins. Looks fab against the pink of the peonies. Reminds me of the old garden. I don’t seem able to grow cottage plants, despite years of trying. My red hot pokers don’t have any flowers on them but I’ll keep an eye. Surprised they’re still there after planting up last year. Your rose bush is beautiful. I really miss the old garden. I worked so hard in it for years. Would love to just sit and feel close to mam. Missing her so very much at the mo.
Too tired to now to post pics. Hope to get out there tomorrow but it’s so very hot that I’ll not get much done physically.
You’re so lucky to have missed the torrential downpour. There was a clip on you tube showing the flooding of the M25 with a water fall from a bridge pounding all the cars. Couldn’t believe it hail stoned.
Catch up properly tomorrow x
Lots of love xxx


Hi Suzanne,
Porsch is still struggling but is taking her medication well so I’m just waiting for her to get back to normal. She seems more settled again. Might try the feliway and see if that stops her trying o wee everywhere. It’s like she’s avoiding her tray even though it is clean. She’s always been very particular about her toilet so it makes no sense. It’s so exhausting cleaning up all the time. Fell asleep again today when I got back. Thought of you when I was wafting away the dead flies in the outdoor pool. Loads of hair too. Didn’t stay long!
Will catch up again tomorrow.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Christine

Thanks for that info about the grape hyacinths. I heard the name Hyacinth and immediately thought of an indoor plant so was surprised about them being an outdoor thing.

I’ve spent all the morning pruning back a climbing pink rose. Its profusely covered in pink flowers and covers the whole hall window so was definitely a hard going job as I’m only 5.2ins !! Its become entwined with a wild pink rose and as you probably know the thorns on the wild roses would have your eyes out in a flash they are so sharp and robust. I tried to add some photos to my last post but they wouldn’t process for some reason.

Are you still waiting for some tests back for Porsche did you say? At least with some treatment she’ll be feeling much more like her old self as you say. We have this visiting cat that’s constantly in the garden but yesterday I left the door ajar with the chain on for Zoe but this cat is obviously hard-core as it was nicely walking through the door. Bold as brass aren’t they cats. I don’t know if I’ve told that story previously as my memory is having an off period at the moment, so apologies if so.

I’ve made two of the mosaic tableux now but once the powder mixture is all mixed up and gone I’m not doing another. Its so messy and because of Zoe it’s far to dangerous with random shards of glass turning up. Maybe I’ll think of something similar but safer.

We had some shocking rain and thunderstorms yesterday and I had expected it to be cooler today but it was as hot as ever. Apparently no more rain for a while.

I can imagine only too well the “face” the Creep puts on for the unsuspecting and gullible natives. No-one knows what you know, they’d soon have a different opinion if they did. There are some people who can be quite good at pretending to be something they clearly are not.

Well I’ll see if I can have another try at uploading a photo of two!

Hope Porsche continued to feel better too.

Much love xx


Its hard to see that those roses cover an entire window, they don’t photograph that well. The pink rose is from a 30odd year old rose bush!


Morning to all of you.

Hope you all manage ok today in the heat. Looks like the storms have done little to lower the temperatures.

Nick, hope the morning anxiety has given you a bit of respite.

Neil, be careful in this heat!

Palou, have a peaceful and stress free day.

Christine, hope you have some nice things to do today and that Porsche is continuing to feel better.

Much love to all xx


Morning Tina
Missed a few posts so just scrolling down and saw yours first!. Got a UC appt this morning then seeing the Royal Ballet this afternoon for the last time this evening. Different to last week as I am not so far back and am not in London during the afternoon so will be nice and relaxed . Will post any pics tomorrow at some point.
Love the pics as I do for everyone on here❤
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


Enjoy yourself Neil xx


Hi Tina,
Loving the pic of Zoe with her massive log. Butter wouldn’t melt with those eyes! Wonder how she keeps cool in this heat with that fur coat. My sisters dogs used to lie on the cold kitchen floor as it was slate and didn’t absorb the heat (sure they were outdoor paving but looked nice and were there when she moved in). Did Zoe see the cat come in? Can just imagine the scenario!
Porsch is quite up and down with her weeing. Like I said yesterday, didn’t know she was able to wee properly and when I discovered the pool I was sitting in just before I went out I realised she’d emptied her bladder so the medication is working but she’s back to trying hard to go again but then hasn’t been drinking much water in this heat (unbearable whenever I move!)
I missed a call from the council (about my complaint of the creep and roof). Left a message but explained I couldn’t chat because as soon as I made the call everything went silent to listen to me. Didn’t get a call back but sent another email. I had been holding up my phone to record him looking through the gaps in the fence as I could see him pacing up and down behind it. He left and hasn’t been back again. He’ll be wondering what I’m up to. And so the drama continues. Need to see if he still has that massive mirror up to watch me from his window (through the gap of rose stems). Need to get up the ladder but that will alert his nosy mate who seems to be in and out every time I make any noise because I can hear her dogs going mad. Just have to not react. It’s so very stressful with the two of them. She’s his eyes and ears when he’s not there. I don’t understand why she would believe a lump like that over a woman living alone and minding my own business. I have nothing to gain by telling tales and making stuff up. She’s clearly just as bad as he is. I heard her saying that he needs to keep doing what he’s doing. And then later that the bullying wasn’t working. I refuse to move which I’m sure is what they would like because I have exposed him whether people believe me or not. Dear knows what the new person thinks if she sees what is going on. My reaction to knowing he is there is clearly that of panic and fear. But I was determined to sit there with my phone recording him if he did anything. He’ll not like that, being on the receiving end of what he does. Will let you know what happens.
Your roses are amazing!!! I know it’s a ‘vintage’ but do you know if it’s a ‘fairy’ roses bush? It’s so similar to mine but on a massive scale (mine’s not in the sun)


I love the old roses with open centres for the bees. Established roses have found their way up through the climbers and structures in that section, reaching for the sky so there is a layering effect taking the eye up and into the sky window.

Voluptuous peach blooms nestle with the pinks at the arch going up the garden. Love peach.

My climbing rose in the fairy bathtub is full and smells divine!

David Austens are bursting forth with a heady fragrance and lots of buds to follow heavy heads which bow along the lawn.

Pleased to see the new ones from last year flowering.

Delighted to see my ramblers have finally bloomed over the pergola where Porsh and I sit.

It’s just a fluke that both roses over the pergola are white. The side nearest the house drapes over the structure

and reaches high up into the sky beyond on big blowy stems.

Certainly feels like summer has arrived. Been enjoying my puzzle book between moving all the pots from the shaded trellis / back of pond area (so annoying because I’d placed everything to balance the space) to clear that space and air it out because it was becoming mouldy after the pond pump failed and emptied the pond water. Think I over watered the pots but then some still feel quite dry. Means I can turn over that area in preparation for Autumn planting.

Plants can grow in their pots in the shade of the top pond.

Big pond looks very sad now

and the plants aren’t doing well at all. Wonder if the creep is adding something to the water (I know I sound suspicious but look at all the bubbles).

Very disheartened now with the pond after all the work I’ve put into it. Might have to take out some of the mud again and see if that helps. Was delighted yesterday though when I was filling it up and I heard a big plop next to me. Hoping the bubbles are frogs.
Will get out there again early tomorrow if the creep leaves early for work. Not looking forward to having to deal with the council and getting more repairs done to the roof. I just want a peaceful life!
Creep is back and Porsch is on the move so will go now and see what she’s up to.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Neil,
Hope you don’t pass out. It’s been terrifically hot today. Looking forward to your pics
Lots of love xxx


Hi Christine, it’s the heat that causes those bubbles, I used to get it alot in the pond I just taken out, even get a little bit in this one.
Just finished a couple of hours work in the garden, cut my grass and reseeded the bare patch. This time I’ve pegged netting over to try and keep the bird away a bit.

Bit shattered now, need to shower as covered in tree sap off the cherry tree where I was working underneath it.
I hope the council are more proactive this time with next door, they shouldn’t be ignoring him.
Your roses are beautiful, such lovely colours.
Speak again soon
Love Debbie xx


Hi Debbie,
Hope the netting works. I used compost over mine and the patched lawn has worked but nothing on the new one yet. Your garden reminds me of the old garden. I miss it so much. I’d give up everything I’ve created in my garden to be with mam again. Burst out crying watching the news. No clue why. Keep thinking I’d do anything to go back to having cancer again so mam can come back to look after me. I can picture her now watching the tv and loving her freedom because dad was so controlling about what they watched. She used to make me natural yoghurt and honey for breakfast. If she came back I would do everything for her.
Think I’m exhausted. After moving all the pots to the top of the garden I started taking up the paving and excavating the debris and stones to relay it at the corner. It doesn’t matter what I do or achieve it’s never enough. I just want mam.
Lots of love xxx


Oh Christine, I feel your words so much - I miss my mother so so much…
Thought your garden photos lovely once again and loved the pics of Porsch and Debbie’s and Tina’s too with the beautiful Zoe!
Lots of love to all xxx


Hello Palou

Nice to see you.

Sometimes this nice weather can bring many mixed emotions about our Mums. I’ve caught myself doing things and think I’ll just go and see if Mum needs anything or then completing a little garden job and wanting to show Mum. It’s nice we have this little “comfort place” here that we can all chat/read depending on how we feel.

Much love. xx


Hi Palou,
Sometimes it just hits me from nowhere and I can’t make sense of it. Being busy in the garden is just a distraction and when iI’m immersed in what I’m doing I feel like I’m in control and coping. But it doesn’t last and none of it means anything really. I’m so exhausted. Thought I would enjoy being in the outdoor pool after my therapy but felt so sad I couldn’t even stay for half an hour. Everyone was having fun in the sun and all I could think of was mam and that I didn’t do enough nice things with her when she was able to. I wanted her to be with me and she can never be again.
The sadness is so intense. I can’t stop crying again.
Lots of love xxx