I am so sorry to hear about Porsch but if she’s not in any pain you don’t need to make any decision right now and she could quite easily have a couple of years left but I know your focus will be on not having her in pain but try a couple of things first.
Yes the renal food that’s low on sodium, protein and potassium like some of the specialist Hills renal food won’t reverse any damage unfortunately but could help not make things any worse immediately. Try wet food rather than dry kibble. Warm the wet cat food up a little as often cats prefer food that is warmer and a water fountain to encourage her to drink may help.
The vets diet food is not cheap but if you tell me what you I can order it with my staff discount and get it delivered to you….just say the word.

It is nothing you could have seen or done anything about especially as they were looking at her thyroid etc. weight loss in cats can be attributed to so many conditions so please do not blame yourself.
If you have any questions just ask cause I’m sure I know enough vets and vet nurses I can ask x

I am truly gutted for you to blindsided by this diagnosis but don’t be forced into making any decisions (I know normally you aren’t but when it comes to our pets it’s a different situation).

Lucy can’t access here again but wanted you to know she sends her love and hugs and having just lost one of her pups not long ago she can empathise x

Love to you and Porsch :green_heart: xx


The vet really wasn’t helpful and hadn’t seen Porsch. Didn’t know that Porsch still had blood in her wee (couldn’t see it) and needed me to collect anti biotics and it was too late with traffic on a Fri evening. I’ve ordered renal food from Amazon from the list she gave me and I’ll get it tomorrow. I have an appoint Mon to see how Porsch is but was told that if I need to rush her in over the weekend to just call them so it must be end stage to be saying that to me? She couldn’t tell me what to do. My therapist said to try the food and see if she picks up and that animals can live comfortably sleeping and picking at food if they are on meds and to not panic like I have. I honestly thought she was off her food and being sick with fur balls and when I tried another food she stopped being sick but hardly eats anything. I just don’t know what to do for her. I can’t let her suffer but I don’t know how ill she is and if the vet is telling me that the time is now without actually saying it. I’m so devastated. I really am. I feel guilty that all my time has gone into the garden because I didn’t know she was this ill. I was totally shocked when I got the call today. When mam died Porsch was off her food and being sick then and I tried other food before taking her to the vet. She must have been ill this whole time and if I’d done something then she wouldn’t be so ill now. Poor Porscha. She deserves so much better.


I should have acted sooner and then she might not have been this ill now. I changed her when she was being sick and can’t even remember what medication she was given back then. It’s all a blur.
I know she feels well loved but I wish I had paid more attention to her. She’s always been attention seeking and I though part of the being sick was that because she would do it regularly before she was ill. I can’t bear to lose her. I really can’t.
My therapist makes me feel so much calmer when he says to try everything before I let her go. But what if she doesn’t have long? I’ll be waiting everyday now for her to be so ill that I’ll have to get her put to sleep. How can I do that to her? I can’t handle this. I really can’t


I’ve ordered the Royal Canine Renal food on Amazon as Hills didn’t do next day delivery. Thank you for the tip. I’ll heat it up. I’m dreading Mon incase she is worse than I already fear. I can’t bear to lose her but can’t bear to think of her in any pain. She doesn’t seem to be in pain and I’ve Googled symptoms. So she barely eats her cat food and is so thin but drinks lots and wees loads. She’s quite wobbly on the legs but I just thought she was getting old. We’ve always had cats into old age. She still looks so young. I’m terrified she will die now in her sleep. I kept checking on her and telling her not to die yet, trying to make light of it (my sense of humour). I should have cared for her more. I should have known and acted sooner. But there was always a reason and a thing to try. They didn’t suspect her thyroid after mam left when she was being sick. She’s always been a drama queen for attention and when not happy she would be sick and then watch me having to clean it up. I want her to sit on my knee but she’s in her fur nest again. I’m so shocked she is this ill. I didn’t have mam here to tell her and ask what I should do. I shouldn’t have been gardening. I should have spent all my time with Porsh. I kept thinking she’s getting on and sleeping loads is to be expected. I can’t imagine my life without her
Thank you Suzanne.


Dear Christine, I am so sorry to hear that and hope and pray that Porsch will adapt to the new food so that she can remain in a stable condition. I understand it’s so very hard but do think that what your therapist and Suzanne said are wise words… Sending you and Porscha much love and thinking of you both xxx


Hello Christine

I’m so in incredibly sorry to hear about Porsch. I know how absolutely heartbroken you will be.

I’m just going to catch up now on everything that you have written since you found about her not being well. I just read the one post and decided to say how sorry I was right away.

My cat had the same, it’s invisible to a degree for a while so can understand why you weren’t prepared for the news.

I don’t know if you’ve called your family (niece) as I haven’t read anything yet but you can’t manage this on your own in the physical sense. We are always here, day or night for emotional support and anyone of us I’m certain will chat on the phone but you need some physical support, even if it’s your niece to drop by and help you with stuff.

Will get back to you very soon xx



Thank you. I can’t even process the news properly. I don’t know when she started being ill. I really am heartbroken that she will leave me like mam. What will I do then? I feel so sick. I didn’t see it coming. I’m really shocked. She doesn’t want to be fussed and cuddled so I’ve been sitting with her and telling her how loved she is and I don’t want her to die. She’s had another bite of warmed up catfood like Suzanne suggested but only little bits at a time. Why didn’t I see how thin she’d got? I’m so shocked looking at her now.


hI tINA,
I texted the news to my niece and explained but she’s going away for her birthday with her boyfriend and didn’t say anything about coming over so I’m not going to ask. I’ll just have to get on with it like everything else I have to do. My niece hasn’t rang me and will have told my sister but I haven’t had any phone calls or texts.
I don’t want her to die. I can’t be without her. I won’t have a reason to get up in the morning


Sorry Christine and may just be a typo but it’s Hills feline renal you need as canine is for dogs x
If you have ordered the canine it’s easy to just cancel the Amazon order and order feline :green_heart: xx


Hello again Christine

After I wrote my reply to you I went and read everything that you had said.

Under no circumstances, don’t go blaming yourself that you didn’t act fast enough. We had our cat to the vet every other day, first for wee sample, then antibiotics but until you know for sure all this isn’t really noticeable at all. Porsch lives a life better than a Royal, so don’t go berating yourself on that score. She can’t possibly be lacking for any more love and attention. As far as shouting at her goes, it’s simply words and it’s the actions that speaks loudest and she definitely wouldn’t get better looking after from anyone else.

Just take it bit by bit. I have experience, but no wisdom but will always lend a shoulder where I can if it helps you.

I’ll check back in a very short while Christine.

Much love. Xx


Hi Suzanne,
It’s [Royal Canin Feline Renal Mix] because it was next day delivery and I would have had to wait with the Hills. I’ll try it but she’s so very picky anyway. I did try warming her catfood up and she ate more than usual. She wolfed her crunchies down so she is hungry. I feel so guilty that I should have known how ill she is sooner. I had been getting up during the night to feed her and now very early (from 5.30) but she doesn’t eat much and goes back to bed. I can’t recall when she stopped ‘chatting’ to me. She’s always been very vocal. I’m so heartbroken that I haven’t done whatever I should have earlier. I’ve left it too late to help her properly. I can’t forgive myself. I’ve never been a natural caregiver and find it very stressful. But she’s always been very demanding and I’ve always given into her whether it’s treats or different food. I don’t know what I should have done but it should have been more than I have done. I’m just so very shocked. What if I didn’t notice properly because of mam? She might have been trying to tell me and I’ve been rushing around being busy the whole time just to not stop because that’s when I cry for mam.


Hi Tina,
I just want it to not be true. And I’m here because she doesn’t want me fussing over her. I can’t stop crying from when I heard the news this afternoon. I’ve googled end stage but it can be weeks or months or really drag on. I feel absolutely helpless. I don’t know what to do. I get the food delivered tomorrow and hope her appetite will pick up and get some weight back on her. I feel so guilty that I should have known but I know I tried various things and got her to the vet and they didn’t test her for thyroid then. It’s all a blur. I’ll be so lost without her. She’s everything to me.


Oh Christine
So sorry to hear this news. Sadly our pets are one of the family and they can’t tell us when they are not well.
Keeping everything crossed for you both. As Suzanne said, she could live another couple of years yet . You haven’t done anything wrong in your care and please do not think you have.
We are all here for you
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


Thank you Neil,
I don’t want it to be true. Porscha is the only thing I have left to love after mam and when she leaves me too I don’t know how I will cope. Think she’s had enough of me fussing over her with warmed up cat food and cuddles. Just wants to be left alone now. It’s so hard knowing how ill she feels. I feel like I’ve been too busy to notice when it started happening. She seems to have become ill very quickly but that can’t be true. I have nobody to help me. I feel so alone and unable to make the right decisions. Mam coaxed our Marmalade back after he had a stroke on the ironing board by wrapping him in a warm towel and snuggling him like a baby. I don’t have those motherly instincts. I hope she has felt the love I have for her. I’m really not good at expressing how I feel usually (before mam). It pours out here but in real life I keep it hidden. I wish I hadn’t told her she was naughty whenever she weed outside her tray. I hope she can forgive me because I can’t forgive myself.


Hi again Christine.

There’s nothing for Porsch to forgive you for Christine. You are an incredibly loving companion to her. You aren’t a vet and aren’t meant to know what can’t possibly be seen. I can imagine the pain you are in at the moment, I know words are of no consolation but please try to get some peaceful moments if you can.

Thinking of you and I’ll drop in again before bedtime, probably around midnight but I will drop in.

Much love xx


Hi Christine,

Tina’s right, you love Porsch and there is no way you could have seen this coming. It’s not your fault you look after Porsch and love her and there is nothing to forgive.
You had alot to deal with lately and gardening is distraction to getting by and Porsch has been out there with you keeping you company.
Don’t think the worst with seeing the vet on Monday, you can collect the antibiotics and with the new cat food you have ordered just take one day at a time.
Have you let your sister up north know, she just might surprise you. Hang in there Christine we are all with you.
Love and hugs to you and Porsch
Debbie xx


Christine I’m going to bed now, I will catch up with you again tomorrow, try to get some sleep. You and Porsch are in my prayers :pray:
Love Debbie xx


Hi Tina,
I’m so exhausted. Was up at 5 this morn and not sure if I went back to sleep. Have been sleeping on the sofa with Porsch on cushions at the fireplace as it’s cooler there. I keep tempting her with warm cat food and it seems to be doing the trick. She’s so very hungry when she does eat but not a lot in one go. We’re ready for bed but she has already soaked her training mats as she doesn’t like getting into her tray now (not sure why as it’s the only litter she likes). I know to some people she’s just a cat but she is my companion and we seem to have lived together in sync. She has always hated me leaving the house but seems to have slept when I’ve gone out recently. It’s still so shocking to not see any of this coming. I’ve never been able to accept death, getting incredibly upset in films and so in real life it’s too catastrophic to take on. I hope she settles down with her new food and medication but not sure if the end is coming quicker than I want it to. I’m so torn between what is best for her and feeling so desperate for her to not leave me yet. She has always given my life meaning. I donlt know how I will get through the day without her. Can’t stop crying because I know the emptiness ahead of me and saying goodbye. I think she feels too ill to wonder why I’m so upset. Now I know I can see how poorly she is. I just thought she needed a boost with her appetite. Didn’t know all of this was coming. Absolutely dreading Monday when I take her in for her appointment.
Will go to bed in a mo as my eyes are red raw now. I hope she is ok while I’m asleep. I hope she sleeps too.
Will pop back in when I’m able. Becki said it is the price we pay for love. I can’t put myself through again. I won’t be able to love something again. I can’t take the pain. I keep asking mam to be there for her when she’s ready. I wonder if she knows she’s coming to an end. Wish I could join her.


RC food is one of the best you can get for her and it’s one of the best sellers we have to order in as because it’s a prescription diet you will need to order it in so just saying that so you can order more ahead of time and not leave yourself short x

Cats (as someone has already said) are masters of pretending everything is fine until things are a bit further down the line than we would like however it’s not all doom and gloom. As much as we love our pets we can’t always see things as they are and sometimes does take a test result or some to actually say anything before you notice. I remember my old cat Ellie…I knew she was older and had lost a bit weight but didn’t think much about it cause it was Ellie and she was indestructible but took a pal to say to me that her appearance wasn’t looking good and when I looked at her again I could see it…however until it was pointed out I couldn’t see anything wrong. The reason I bring this up is cause you are berating yourself for not seeing anything sooner etc but it isn’t your fault. Nothing about any of this is your fault. You couldn’t have foreseen this and please don’t start looking back and trying to see signs ‘you missed’ cause I pretty much guarantee you haven’t.

I am so sorry that your niece/family are not being more supportive but if I can help at all just let me know :green_heart: xx


Hi Debbie,
I can’t seem to calm down and get a perspective on the situation. I’m still imagining her leaving and me being left behind. I keep talking to her, telling her I don’t want her to leave me behind. She must be so frightened. I’m amazed she keeps making the journey to her tray she’s going so often. She’s always been such a clean cat, more than any others we have had. She must be so uncomfortable and keeps getting too hot and going to the door to cool down. Might take her fur away. The house is hot because I can’t open any windows. It feels like I’ve been blind to how ill she has been getting. I just didn’t see it, like mam. What is wrong with me?