Hi Alison

Nice to hear from you and oh no what a thing to happen. You have a bit of a thing for banging your head by the sounds of it. The holiday sounds wonderful and lovely photos you have shared. You must really be looking forward to going back.

The carbon monoxide sounds a worrying situation. I’m in two minds whether to buy a 2nd one then should the 1st one not go off the back-up one would. Maybe that’s being a tad over-cautious but the scary element of it is not being able to see it smell carbon monoxide isn’t it.

You are very right about seeing the photos Alison, it’s been twice as long for me and I simply can’t look at photos of my Husband and like anything else it seems to be harder as time goes by so I can understand totally what you mean. We used to have lots of photos everywhere but couldn’t now.

I hope you’ve something nice in the agenda today Alison. Apart from this BT engineer coming I have to nip to town but nothing exciting!

Nice to hear from you and much love xx


Hello Neil

I hope yesterday was kind to you on your special day Neil.

I had been thinking of you the day before as I was walking to town knowing it was the day after but didn’t remember to log on to send some best wishes to you, so apologies for that.

Hope you are feeling ok today.

Much love and have good day xx


Greetings to Nick and Palou too. Hope neither of you had been affected by coughs, colds and viruses. They seem to be everywhere right now

Much love xx


Hello Tina19, I have not posted for a long time now (15th of October) but I do read all the posts here. My brain is still not working and the the depression is still going down and then up again. - I am selling my bungalow and moving into my brother’s house, it is set for the 22nd of November. - I too had problems with Talk Talk and went to BT. Well, not so easy but I will get there. I am waiting for an Openreach engineer today because there is a fault on my line. Broadband is too slow. (I only get about 18Mbps, should be 55-80Mbps download and 13-20Mbps upload, I only get about 0.6 to less than 4Mbps .) - The only thing I can rely on are my headaches. I have digital phone now but the handset is still analogue. I had to plug in the phone into the back of the router. - I have to work out how to setup some of the digital phones I bought before COVID. (I was going to setup my own little telephone exchange, just for fun. - Perhaps I will do it for my friends next year. - But, no connection to the main network.) - Good luck with the engineer. I think my engineer is not coming today, only an hour and 40 minutes to go now. - Nick


Hi Tina and thank you.
Managed to get through a difficult day yesterday.
I am thinking about doing something I did last year on 2nd Nov and that is All Souls Day at St Pauls Cathedral where I lit candles for Mum and Dad under the famous St Pauls dome. The requiem eucharist was a great experience so hoping to couple it with ballet in the evening.
Had flu jab this morning and had to pay for it this year! Might not have bothered orherwise. Still its done now. Waiting to be called up for the next covid jab.
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


Hi Alison,
So pleased you are back with us again, especially being so busy. I always feel very lost when I’m not posting. Our group is very much a real friendship circle. We send each other cards and little gifts for birthdays and xmas. Private message to join us with your address and I’ll give you everyone’s too. Makes such a difference to me. Like you said, xmas is an especially harrowing time, especially being on my own. When mam left my whole life fell apart. Every occasion was a celebration with mam. So without her I either do it alone or do nothing. I was really enjoying working on my Halloween scene preparations last night and have pics to post. My niece / nephew will come over. They are the only ones I see now. My sis (their mam) and my dad stopped speaking to me. I was always the one collecting my sis / her kids to go over to my parents whenever anything was planned and so without them there is nothing. I honestly didn’t see it coming, that I would be excluded from the family the way I have been. But that is the way things are now.
Can I just give you a little boost and say that I am really surprised that you are your age. I got the impression that we were the same age (53). I do believe it is just a number and we are who we are, experiences molding us. I’m still 18 ! but with a lot more determination and life experience behind me.
You did make me smile with your mam being afraid of the sea and living next to it. Just like my mam with the boat. She can’t swim. I remember she had to go ashore to get help when we run aground and had a leak. I can still picture her clinging onto the other boat in sheer terror. What courage it must have taken her. When we went swimming at the pool I go to now I was forever trying to coax her further along but she’d only go up to the flags, clinging onto the side rail.
Your holiday memories sound lovely. So lucky to have precious pics to look back on. I really feel for the people losing everything in the floods at the mo. I know we will always have those memories in our heads but looking at photos captures a time and place, transporting us back there again. Brings back memories of the Kings Head in Majorca years ago, our favourite pub. It rained half of the holiday but it didn’t stop us enjoying it. You are such a lucky girl going away for xmas. I know you’ll still have the sadness but it might be more diluted, less stark than being at home surrounded by memories and the absence of your beloved Rich. I must say your Harrogate hotel sounds delightful! Loved Faulty Towers. It’s a real myth about staying at home being more affordable than abroad. But mam and dad really enjoyed their stays in hotels and cottages on their travels. Dad goes with his mate from work now. He’s carried on with life as if mam left us years ago. I just can’t understand how he can switch off and just carry on like that. He goes to my sis up north for xmas. I will be sitting alone and crying. But if I have the cats to care for it won’t be as bad.
Here’s my pics of my Halloween preparations for Sat. Witches broomsticks are ready, parked in the old pram,

to fly us up to the fire burners , dried out and ready to toast fat marshmallows.

I managed to pop to Sainsbury’s (though I never ‘pop’ anywhere with the anxiety, more a determined effort to see a plan through to the end once I’ve made a plan) and got a good selection of gourds (for mam) and a not very hairy turnip (my childhood up north) to join the pumpkin which will be carved on the day and probably be taken away when I take them home.

So here is my Halloween creation. I created angel dresses for mam and Porsch out of garden fleece.

I am the top tier pumpkin with the gourd head bun. Detail of Porscha’s tail.

Here is mam’s dress, created from 2 wire coat hangers, a double layer fleece ‘dress’ and ties created from lengths of fleece. The second coat hanger is suspended inside from the first (tied at the neck with a length of fleece, creating the waist / hips and shoulders.

Detail of bow.

Porscha is a child angel with her tail,

flying high,

changing colour in the fairy lights. I love her as a blue angel here.

And mam is dancing, as she always loved to do. Reminds me of her beautiful wedding dress.

The hanging ties from the should bows create the arms.
I’ve taken them inside until Sat but they will come back out to accompany the xmas tree when I get it. I also splashed out for a mother and baby deer set for the lawn to expand the scene. It’s all for them now, in their memory. Creating something beautiful to honour them until I can join them again.
Good luck with getting the garden tidied. Your ‘mums’ give a fab splash of colour. I might do that too. I like the rust colours because mam did. Still haven’t got round to making an order for pansies. Can’t believe I’ve left it this late. Might have to be viola’s. They are just as pretty.
Hope yopu take pics of the Halloween trail. I’d love that. Can’t imagine being on a group activity with the actual freaks! I’m living amongst. I had a very eager audience watching me doing the Halloween dresses and taking my pics. Couldn’t see them in the dark but I was obviously lit up like a xmas tree under the fairy lights. The drone made an appearance too and when I looked for it, scissors in hand, it quickly vanished. It’s what I have to endure living here if I am to do anything outside. At least you aren’t watching for the creeps watching you when you are in your garden and doing the Halloween walk. Think of me beside you as you walk, relishing the ‘normal’ world again. It’s like I’ve been transported onto Craggy Island with Father Ted and the oddballs!
Just had an influx of very angry starlings after all the treats. What a commotion! Must dash as I need to wash my hair before my blood test for cholesterol. Went to the park yester with my niece and the wafty lady boy. Will post pics on my return and catch up with all.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Suzanne,
Glad the squirrels have survived the weather. I thought of you yesterday on my walk around the park where I used to live with the family. There were squirrels cavorting in the trees,

much to the amusement of Buzz, the wafty lady boy! Here he is.

Just adorable.

Had 3 poos on his walk! So the poo bins featured heavily while we were out!

We were lucky enough to have the pea green parrots show up. They live as a community in the surrounding parks. They were really quick so hard to get a clear pics. But here is one enjoying a rosehip he had just picked off the tree.

Took quite a while wandering round, having a breather every so often as I’m ‘well unfit’ if I lived in Essex. This carved out tree trunk was a handy find on my travels.

I used to zoom around this park on my bmx, 20 years ago, up and down the hills, before I got the second breast cancer , doubled in size (quite literally ) with the steroids and have had a hard job trying to get back to normal, despite all the swimming I do. Just got back from having a blood test and a swim after. It was quite the obstacle course, dodging balls being slammed about (glad I only got hit on my bun!). Made a new friend with the young boy who was forever having to fetch his ball but as I was nearer I was getting it for him. Made me smile, thinking of my little nephew, though he’s not so little. Ten and already up to my chin. Reckons it won’t take long for him to be bigger than me. Oh to be young again! His new naughty thing is giving me the finger. He was a bit shocked that I gave it back! Testing boundaries just makes me laugh.
Have some fab pics of trees but I’ve already posted a batch of Halloween things for my Sat bash so I’ll do them tomorrow.
Enjoy your time off and your concert. Can’t remember what you were going to see. Think you might like this though. A rock skull on the nobbly bits of the bridge.

Has a sleeping pig with horns too.

Really old

Love the little windows carved into the rock

and all the ivy.

Had a fab day in the sunshine. was quite amused with this.

Not sure we’ll be getting flooded but you never know.
Have fun hunbun and keep checking in while you’re away. I really do feel like I’m back at home with you all! Makes me anxious and lost being away in the dark.
My niece still hasn’t done my character reference. She’s so bloody lazy! Might have to do it myself and give a glowing reference. Just a formality, I’m sure. I forgot to ask my therapist what he’d said. Looking forward to getting some little ones to love but I am aware to not get too attached. It’s like I’m getting them prepared for their new home, quite literally if they’re feral! They’ll be clambering up and down the curtains, in the shrine, hiding in the bed canopy! It might be chaos but I’ll be loving the challenge.
Have fun!
Lots of love xxx


Hi Neil,
I was thinking of you all day yesterday and can totally understand how losing your mam has made your dad’s leaving really raw again. I know Porscha is just a cat and not a person but when she left me it intensified my grief again for mam. Each day it seems I am hit with variations of sadness and despair for both of them. I can’t imagine it will ever get any easier. I know that time dilutes feelings eventually, so that they are perhaps less intense than just after but it is still real and painful, and having a good cry is totally to be expected. I honestly don’t know how you get through the days / weeks and now years with your enthusiasm to keep going, picking yourself up again and again. But you do and I’ve said before that you are an inspiration to us all. Everything is an effort but it is worth it. I really enjoyed my walk yesterday with my niece and the beautiful Buzz (wafty lady boy!). Being out in the sunshine, breathing in the clean air, enjoying the very old trees and spectacular scenery. Puts things into perspective, driving me on after not being able to do anything but sleep. I don’t really have an in between. It’s mad energy doing a lot or being so exhausted that I can’t do buggar all.
I thought of you when I was wandering. The statue has been replaced (can’t remember what it was before but I’m sure it must have been part of the slave generation statues.

And look at this fabulous crown. Glad the giant wasn’t knocking about!

The very old house in the park was closed for drinks in the cafe bit but when it opens I’m determined to go there and make the most of the outing. I have always been too claustrophobic to go inside myself.

I did some some nibbly bits on the way round but decided to be good and not wait until I got home.

Hope you saw my Halloween pics earlier. I couldn’t resist the big tub of sweeties I’d got in for Sat and then started on the marshmallows! I have no willpower. When I tell my nephew to collect the bits from the kitchen I’ll have to pretend it wasn’t me and I hadn’t noticed the seal was broken. They’ll never believe me but it’s worth a try.
You’ll have lots of ballet shows to choose from in the run up to xmas. Mam loved taking the children to see panto. My fave was The Nutcracker. I always watch it on telly when it’s on. Be lovely dropping into the choir too. Always brings tears of joy.
I’m sure you will be still be feeling quite delicate but you will get back on track again, as we all do. I’m pleased you liked the verses. They made me cry posting them.
Keep popping in.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Alison,
I see you’ve posted to Tina but to me. She’ll find it. How is the lump on the head? You’re lucky you weren’t knocked out. I bet yours is bigger than mine on my neck from the wasp bite. It’s still there after a few days and the other lump that came up too. I’ve had a stiff neck since. I do envy you going away to lounge around in the sun. I used to love sunbathing. Shopping and packing for the holiday was just as exciting as going away. Just before I found the first breast lump (aged 25) I was preparing to go back packing around India, not staying in hotels but seeing the real thing, using hostels, camping out on the beaches and hiring a houseboat. But it wasn’t to be. I’d still love to go. The freedom of always being on the move. I bet it would cure my anxiety.
I’m really pleased Bev got you a new alarm to give you peace of mind that it’s just a faulty old one. Really dangerous as you could go to sleep and not wake up. A peaceful way to go, not being aware of it. I had a terrible fright when my smoke alarm went off with my joss sticks and candles burning for Porsch and Mam in the sitting room at the shrine. So deafening.
You are just like me with the veg soup maker. I hated veg until I got my thing and now it is easy to create batches and pop in the microwave for 2 mins. I add lumps of cheese or ham (the chunky tinned one with the very tricky key). Always reminds me of mams broth in the winter.
Did you get your gardening done? I’m still waiting for my winter plants. But I did see some lovely berries

and flowers on my walk in the park.

I have no colour left now apart from my summer begonia and some geraniums. I’m inspired to get some ‘mums’ on my next swim as Tesco is on the way to dropping the children home. If you are looking for violas and pansies check out the offers on all of the online catalogues before you buy. Subscribing is a great way to get bargains but I also use Coupert and Dealfinder voucher codes. Just Google and download the app thing. It’s worth it.
Bye for now hun. My second post to you in a day. I am doing well. ‘Back in the game’ as Micky Flannagan would say.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Nick
Nice to hear from you today. Sorry to hear the depression isn’t far away, as is usually the case with depression isn’t it sadly.
I really do despair of what they deem “progress” these days. This “upgrade” is proving problematic as it is now dropping connection as well as the other issue. Also a little bit sneakily is that they have classed this as a “new” contract for two years which means they have tied me for a fresh 2year period. Queuing times for customer service is horrendous. Can’t say they aren’t courteous because they are but it really is a certain case of the left hand doesn’t know what the right hand is doing! Still, it seems the way of the world now doesn’t it. Oh, for the simple days.
I hope the rest of the arrangements go smoothly with the move. Things are all the more frustrating when total control of events aren’t in your own hands.
Well keep safe Nick and don’t be tempted to overdo things!
Warm wishes


Hi Neil
That’s seems such a meaningful way to honour your Mum and Dad by combining it with something you love as well.
I’m beginning to wonder if I should be paying for a flu jab when you say you have to. The NHS sent me an invite and I’ve got a new appointment tomorrow after being ill for the first time. I will have to check when I go as it’s too late now.
Good to hear that despite it being difficult yesterday, you managed and got through it.
Love and best wishes


Hiya :slight_smile:

So lovely to hear from you <3

I love the squirrels and Buzz is such a cutie x

I’m away out to a Halloween walk in Edinburgh tomorrow night with some friends and then my concert on Saturday and I am way too excited about it already lol x
Got into the car this morning and heard my exhaust seems to have blown and can’t fix it until Monday but luckily someone else is driving tomorrow and my friend has loaned me her car for Sat so I can stop worrying on how to get there lol x

Your Halloween decorations look amazing and very ethereal. I love Halloween :jack_o_lantern: my favourite time of the year and with the clocks going back this weekend we all get an extra hour in bed :smile: x

If your niece is anything like mine they forget you have asked them to do anything the second they leave your presence lol x she will remember to do it but you need to remind her :joy: x I do hope you hear about the foster kitties soon x

Sitting watching the Good Life right now and I remember it from when I was growing up but understand the fascination for that life style now but seems too much hard work lol x

Glad to hear you are getting out and about and keeping on with your swimming as that will be a massive boost to your mental wellbeing x
My mum ms friend is still in hospital but even though her speech is still bad her mind seems to as sharp as ever but the stuff she was telling me (I will check with her partner) was unbelievable m. Apparently she fell and smacked the back of her head off the floor and cut her foot and cause she’s on blood thinners the bleeding took ages to stop but they took ages to help her so she just lay on the floor laughing at herself trying to get up! Then another patient who was in the bed next to her had some kind episode and attacked her by digging her nails into her neck and face. So bad the police were called. What did the nurses do…give the offending lady a room if her own and let her walk about as she sees fit.

Anyway it’s not all doom and gloom as I make out lol x

I will let you know how we get on with our spooky Halloween walk and have a great couple of days :green_heart: x

Hi Tina,
That is just such a shame with your bro’s 50th and it being a massive row. I totes understand how you must be feeling. It’s just not necessary. I was usually on the receiving of it and could never understand what was happening and why. Still confused. Suzanne summed it up with my sis being a drama queen and creating chaos to stand back and watch the reaction. She knew I would always react with anger because I refuse to be taken advantage of but then I would look like the one who was making a big fuss. I just hope mam could see through it all, knowing who I am as a person. I used to say to them, why would I make my life more complicated than it already is with the anxiety etc? I think your sis stands up to your bro and all his antics, whereas you allow things to slide and so he thinks he’s won (what is the prize?) and continues to be a bully. Nobody wins. You probably do have an easier life doing nothing to antagonise him further. I do think he’s acting out in his grief for your mam and also angry about the cancer scare. I was angry that it had happened to me. But it seems he’s so self destructive that even a sense of relief that he doesn’t have cancer isn’t a ‘win’ for him. I really do think he needs to express himself through therapy, to explore his emotions and lack of control. Soz if it sounds a bit preachy. I’m a massive fan of expressing emotion (as we all know! I never hold back), letting it out and not being restrained. I think that is why my dad and sisters really don’t like who I am. I prefer transparency over mind games any day. My parents move from the old house was organised by my two sisters without them involving me at all. I didn’t even know it was happening until I was needed to do the packing up.
Thank you for your fun wishes for my Halloween do. It’s true that it’s no fun doing it for myself. I’ll be carried away with excitement, back to my old self but also trying to stay aware of the bloody nosy neighbours watching us in the dark as we have fun. I’ll have to be the grown up and watch my nephew with the fire and make sure he doesn’t scald himself with hot marshmallow! I was always ‘fun’ auntie, tormenting the life out of them when they were younger, leading them on rummages through the cupboards in search of treats, always getting told off chasing them through the crowds at the fireworks do’s. I miss it all. Since mam I’m not allowed to be me. But I do get glimpses of myself now and again. Hope it doesn’t rain and spoil the garden festivities. I’ll dig out old pics where I decorated the garden and dressed up as a dalek on actual Halloween. But I’ll post my pics of Sat on Sunday. I’ll need a rest. I’ll be collecting them, go swimming, back to mine getting a chippy on the way, and then play in the garden. Have to put the dresses out before I leave. I just realised I haven’t got any cobwebs or the usual decs. Might collect some on the way back. Be fun to do it together. We used to have so much stuff collected over the years but the rats in the loft destroyed it all. Such a shame. I know I’ll have to get more sweets. Nearly polished off the tin now!
I don’t bother at all with the front of house. All I have is a dead tree trunk after the police told me to remove it and install cameras to capture the creep and the bitches across the street with their anti social intimidating behaviour. They’re so quiet now. I used to have beautiful hanging baskets and wall planters under the windows. People would stop and say how lovely they were. It’s like 2 different worlds, front and back. I have no interest or participation in doing anything with the neighbours I have. I’m sure they know I hate them as much as I am hated by them. I’ve noticed since putting up that plastic wall the creep has started standing at his door again when I go to my bins, go out. And he sits in his van. I scowl at him now when I go to my car and he will not look at me. Everything he does is in the shadows, underhanded, sneaky, lurking. Never direct. He knows I won’t keep quiet and will scream at him if he does do anything to me. I have never lived in this situation. It is so stressful all of the time. He is still at home and not going to work. Soz Tina, just had to get that out!
You poor thing having to deal with all the faff of getting the phone sorted. I keep putting off calling the council to replace the light in the bathroom. I looked at it, thinking I could just replace the entire thing but it’s tricky wiring and they’ll have to do it. Means stopping in all day so I’ll do it next week.
Babe I was going to post the rest of my park pics with the majestic trees to cheer you up but I’ve run out of time with Big Brother. I’m into it now but had no interest at the beginning. Don’t have a favourite and there’s not much drama going on. But still worth watching. So I’ll post pics tomorrow. Might pop back tonight to cheer you up. It annoys me that your bro brings you down and makes no effort to be nice to you. It’s just mean. Wish I was near you. I’d be round to do fun things in the garden and mooch about the seaside eating icecream and catching things in rockpools. Your bro would hate it!
See you later babe.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Nick,
Lovely to see you again. I know I dropped off for a bit with the posting. Losing Porsch seemed to intensify my grief for mam and it was really hard coming back from that this time. So I do understand to some degree what you are feeling. Are you taking anti depressants? My sister has been on them for years and had to up her dose after mam. She can’t function without them. I think anything that helps, even a little, is worth a try. I tried quite a few anti anxiety tablets but the side effects were worse than just tackling the anxiety head on. And so I take each day as it comes and go into battle when I need to with it. Finding an easier route through life helps, with online shopping so I can reduce the level of stress and the exhaustion that follows. I hope you can get back to posting. I find it really helps me to be connected to you all.
Your phone and broadband sounds complicated. I’ve been with Plusnet for years. Maybe’s it will improve when you move into your brothers house. I assumed you would be all settled in by now. How is the sorting out going? You must be nearing the end now and be relieved that it’s nearly done. Will be nice being there for xmas with memories of your brother all around you, although that could mean missing him more. Grief is such a complicated business. Having my photo galleries of Porsch is a comfort but also very upsetting, a reminder that she is no longer here. I’m still waiting for my niece to do her character reference so I can start fostering cats with the RSPCA. Being able to love again should soften the blow a little. That’s what I’m hoping anyway.
I hope you’ve been popping in. I’ve been posting pics again. I had a lovely walk yesterday with my niece in the park where I used to live with my family. Twenty years now. I love that it has never changed. Are you still getting out for a walk in your field (is that right?), chatting to the dogs? I find that having routines, making the effort to get out, however hard that is, is rewarding. Brings a new perspective. Enjoying the small achievements keeps me going.
I’ve been really busy getting my jobs finished in the garden, adding fairy lights over the patio, filling it with colour, and fence lights to give texture throughout the garden. Alison was saying about the clocks changing this weekend. Mam always reminded me about stuff like that. I’m lost without her. Like a small child.
Having a little Halloween do in my garden on Sat with my niece and nephew before he returns to school. Really looking forward to it. I got a selection o f gourds for mam because she always had a collection waiting on her table and we’d find it hilarious. Not sure why. Will you be having a pumpkin? We’ll carve it at the party and my nephew will probably take it home with him. As well as anything else he fancies!
I’ll be posting pics of the park and the beautiful trees tomorrow. So hope you pop in again. See you then.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Neil,
That sounds lovely and could be a new tradition in the run up to xmas. Not that far off so something to pick you up after your dad’s anniversary.
I’m still waiting to hear about my flu jab. I had my blood tests done again today (to monitor high cholesterol) and a swim after, though it was more of an obstacle course with all the ball throwing and kids in the way. Still worth going though.
I’m going to watch ‘Censor’ now on Film 4. I remember the video nasties of the eighties. I wasn’t allowed to watch horror, sex or swearing. Very strict! So I would stay over my friends houses and be scared silly watching Hammer House of Horror and Texas Chainsaw Massacre! That’s probably why I love horror now. The nastier the better. It’s about to start so I’ll see you tomorrow with more pics.
Lots of love xxx


Hi Christine
I saw Censor at the cinema just as they reopened after covid restrictions eased and thought it was really good.
Last night I saw The Shining on TV which I hadnt seen for years. One or two good horror films in recent years but prefer the classic horrors from the 70s/80s
Sending love and best wishes
Neil x


Hi Tina

Sorry to hear about your brother & sister feuding. That must be really upsetting for you. I hope they sort things out between them.

Good job there is not a lot in my head to damage really. :sweat_smile: I was more embarrassed than anything, lots of people surrounding me - just wanted to get to my room. We had a lovely holiday, after getting over the travelling. The flight is at 7am, get picked up at 3am by the taxi - so not a lot of sleep the night before. I detest flying. But mum is determined we are continuing to go there. I shouldn’t really complain as she paid for the holiday.

British Gas have been yesterday & there is no problem with the gas/boiler. It was the carbon monoxide detector. It only lasted 3 years. The gas man said my new one was a much better on. My boiler is in the loft, so the detector is upstairs. Anyway problem solved, thankfully and can use my heating without worrying.

Your comments about not been able to look at photos of your husband are actually reassuring in a way to me. I thought I was odd, really glad it is not only me. I have 1 photo up, which I do not look at.

Nothing special or exciting on the agenda for me yesterday or today. Need to fuel up the car & get it washed. Lots of jobs to do around the house. Hoping to get into the garden & get some pruning done. I think it is the last garden bin collection for me on Monday until March, so like to get as much into it as possible. It poured down here all day yesterday.

Hope you have a good day today & some enjoyment.

Take care Tina & lots of love xx


Hi Christine
I’ve just logged in on my tablet as the site isn’t loading right on my phone and isn’t even showing some posts, including your pictures but I can see them now. They are really wonderful. As Zanna said, very ethereal. They will have such a wonderful time. Naughty, naughty. for opening the treats! Saying that I bought a multipack of sweets for my Nephew when he comes on a Sunday but ate the lot so I’ll have to buy some more. It was a pack of the little Haribo sweets and there’s only about 6 little chewy things in each pack so it wasn’t like I’d gone mad with them! But I’m the same with willpower, very little self control on my part lol. It’s a pity I don’t have a lack of willpower with healthy food but salads and vegetables aren’t as much fun!
I do so love your pictures of the park. The dog is absolutely delightful. He looks such a happy little soul. They are really nice pictures.
The BT engineer came and as he was in he dealt with them. The engineer didn’t really want to carry out a particular part of the job and to be honest I’m very submissive and wouldn’t have put up a fuss but because they were dealing with a male it was a completely different story. It’s the same with most tradesmen who don’t think there’s a man in the house.
No I don’t think you are being “preachy” with your feedback/advice about my brother. I think what you are saying makes total sense I’m just a.t

Sorry Christine I’m going to leave my message and come back to it part of the screen has gone black can’t see a word I’m typing. It’s the same on my phone too. I’ll try again later mush love to you and all xx


Hi Christine,
Heavens you have been busy, your Halloween decorations are amazing, it looks fantastic. You must have spent a fortune on pumpkins & gourds. Well done for managing to get to Sainsburys and raid there supply of pumpkins - you must have been their best customer that day. Your niece & nephew will love it. I would love it. Shame we are all so far apart in the country - I would be gate crashing your Halloween party on Saturday!
I would be a bit perturbed by the drone, who do you think is using it? Have you seen it going over any other gardens/houses around you? People are very odd.
I am planning on walking the village Halloween trail on Sunday afternoon. I will take my camera with me & post some pics.
I totally understand what you mean about your whole life falling apart after your mam left you - that is how I feel after losing Rich. I have a life, but it is not the life I want at all. I would just love my old life back. I really feel for you that you are excluded from your family, just awful.
Thank you for the little boost, some days I feel 21 other days 81. My mum is 81 but nobody believes her age, she looks way younger and behaves like a kid. She just loves the kids toys in the shop that make a noise. She sits behind the till playing with them. And all the little kids love her, they all know her name and are asking where she is when she is not there. I keep out of the way of kids. We are totally different, but luckily we get on.
The floods are awful, those poor people. I live on a hill so hopefully no flooding here. When we lived in York many years ago we lived near the river & the houses at the bottom of the street often got flooded. Don’t know how they stood it, they must have been constantly watching the river when the weather was bad.
I will private message you.
Short message this morning, will message again later today. I have got to get to the garage to fuel up my car & wash it, and then on to the post office. Hoping to get into the garden & prune some of the large bushes. Very foggy here this morning, it poured down all day yesterday - so hoping for a much better day weather wise today. So many jobs to do today
Hope that you have a productive, happy day.
Lots of love, Alison xx

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Hi Suzanne,
How lovely to go on a Halloween walk. You must take lots of pics! I think it’s fab that you’re excited, like a small child. I would start screeching with the nearer we got to the car bootie because I couldn’t contain myself! Much to the horror of my sister!! It always amused the children but they refused to join in.
Thank goodness you got a friends car to use. I’ve had my exhaust done in several parts and because it’s a big car it was costly. But then it was worth doing to keep it going rather than fiddle about to find a new one. I got the 7 seater to fit us all in years ago and it’s great to get the bikes in and trips to the skip with all the seats folding down in the back, more like a van. Enjoy your concert babe. I think the last one I went to was taking my sis to the Take That concert when they were all the rage. She nearly passed out she was so obsessed with them (Robbie in particular). I preferred Oasis, Blur and East Seventeen (Brian Harvey!) That was before I got into my raving and hip hop. Oh to have fun and be naughty again!
Oh thank you for saying the dresses are ‘ethereal’. That is exactly what I wanted, and they will join the xmas tree scene when I do it. I’ve been setting up my new Doe and fawn set. Here it is, unlit until tonight when I will take more pics. I thought it would be fun for my nephew to discover. Going swimming during the day so I’ll pop the lights on before I go so it’s all done for getting back with the chippy supper. Here it is at the top of the lawn (you might need your specs to see them!)

I’ve tested them and they’re very lifelike.
I also have an addition to the Halloween bits. A cucumber I had knocking about the kitchen serves as a fab wand. And a bottle of perfume as a magic potion. To be discovered in the basket.

Just hope it doesn’t rain too hard on the evening as it’s forecast.
I’ll be reminding my niece again about doing my reference. She just ignores my texts and doesn’t answer her phone. It’s so true that when she isn’t with me I have no hope in getting her to do anything. I had a visitor this morn. Buddha from along the doors was sitting on the kitchen bench waiting for me because I’d opened the back door to set the deer up. He wouldn’t keep still for a pic. Had a good wash on the tea towel before leaving. It will be hard keeping him out because he visits a lot and I obviously can’t have that with any ‘guests’. I do hope the cats are amused by the birds. It will be lovely for them to sit at the window on cushions on top of the radiator in the winter. The starlings are quite a menace to everyone else, so vicious for treats. Fun to watch though.
Glad I have the extra hour for the clocks changing. Mam always kept me right about stuff like that. The days really are short now. I love that you enjoy The Good Life. I always wanted to be the glamorous one but I’m now much more the other one, up to her eyes in muck. So much more fun.
Your mams friend sounds like she’s having fun in hospital! Mam told us that lots of stuff was happening too one of the times she had to stay in and nobody believed her except me. She was very frightened and was given a room of her own. They passed it all off as being hallucinations because of the medication but it could have been true. Just like nobody believed me about the creep and the loft. Mam wasn’t a liar and didn’t exaggerate. I believed her. Hospitals really should have cameras everywhere to protect patients and staff.
The sun is out! Hope it lasts.
Enjoy your things babe!
Lots of love xxx