Crying my eyes out every night

Hey Soz . My dad died of cancer Sept last year. But every night I go to bed. I’m sobbing cause, I can’t remember him having cancer and apparently dying downstairs… It’s weird.

Anyone know if grief can cause memory probs?? lol.

What’s helped also is I committed suicide a few years ago and actually went to pargerty. (Can’t spell it) And it’s helped cause I know the kinda place he’s gone to… cause purgerty was (sounds strange it was like on the moon :S ) God knows where heaven is lol.

Hi Rubberquacks,

So sorry to hear about your loss and the impact it’s having on you.

Please speak to your GP or contact one of the organisations in the link

Take care :blue_heart:


I’m so sorry for your loss.
Grief does all sorts of crazy things and it can absolutely cause memory loss.
Think it’s your brains way of protecting you from trauma?

I’ve always had an excellent memory, I lost my sister when I was 11. And realised a few years after she passed that I couldn’t remember birthdays or christmases when she was alive, I could only remember them after. I have some memories with her but not many, and it’s odd because she was my best friend, we shared a bedroom.

I’ve made peace with it now but for a while it was very upsetting to me.

It will get easier to cope as the days go by. But there’s no time limit on grief.

I really hope you don’t still feel suicidal, please reach out for help if you do. You belong on this earth x