
Bless you, Sarah. I so hope that too.
Hugs Ann xx

Hello Ladies, Just a reminder - my heart goes out to all of you - if it were possible I would do my level best to fulfill all of your wishes - however that’s not the case - all I can offer is my sympathy and my best wishes! Stay hopeful - I know it’s not easy but we are all in this together.
Herb (aka greencat1950)


Dear Herb,
Thank you for your kind wishes. I know it’s not easy for you either. I am gla£ you seem to be coping, and it’s lovely that you still find the energy to sympathise with others. Take care of yourself. Hugs, Ann X

Hello AnnR, I just do the best I can - it gets difficult at times too. It seems I am always thinking of the woman I lost - (I truly miss her), So when I come on this site, I spend my efforts in offering what sympathy I can. It sort of helps keep my mind on the present. I think about the things and conversations we used to have. Like many on this site - I feel a part of me is missing. I hope that part is with her wherever she may be. Thanks for the nice message! Take care,