Dad, grandad k and grandadi.

Hi, its been okay thankyou! No she is still in hospital but she should be coming out very soon thanks for asking :heart: i did i grew up with younger children and i thought i like younger children so i done some courses and i really enjoyed and havent changed job carers! Wow thats very long! It can be very tired and exhausted though! But their litle smiles and hugs are precious​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts: xx

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Hi, I hope you’re ok and your great nan is back home now.
Working with children can be exhausting but rewarding! I always wanted to work with them too but didn’t get into my role until late. I work in the school my sons attended so I was familiar with the staff.
Have you anything nice planned for the weekend? XX

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Hi, yeah im okay i just feel reallu drained and tired this week! I hope youre okay! :heart: my great nan is back at home now she just needs to take care and rest up! Awh thats good then the people knew you and they took you on! But you still wanted to know what you did, and you didnt give up!:heart: i dont this weekend, just gonna chill this weekend. I have so much coming up in the next few months! Hope you enjoy your weekend!xx

Hi, Glad to hear your great nan is home :heart:. Sure she’s glad to be back in her own surroundings bless her. It’s exhausting being with the little ones all week. Nice to just stay in and relax now and again. I went for a walk and a coffee with a friend today as the weekends are worse for me with my youngest not here now. It was freezing but I enjoyed getting out. Have you got a lot of social gatherings coming up in the next few months? I hope you managed to relax today :blush: XX

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Yes she definitely is! Thankyou for your kind words!:heart: yeah thats nice, im glad you managed to get out sometimes a distraction really helps and thats the best policy! Yes i do, but it should be okay, as im with my friends and my partner but i am still nervous about it all! I have a friends party at the end of the month so really nervous about that as i dont really know many people! And i did thankyou after a draining week! Glad you had a good day!:heart:xx

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Good you have managed to relax and a party sounds like a good distraction. I can understand you feeling nervous - I’m quite an introvert myself! You dread these social occasions but after a while you forget the nervousness and start to enjoy it ( usually after I’ve had a few drinks for courage).
Had my cousin around today. She lost her youngest son and 2 brothers a few years ago. It was good in a way to be able to talk honestly about our loved ones without making the other feel uncomfortable.
Have you been to visit your great nan since she went home? XX

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Hi, yes definitely once a drink is in me i should be absolutely fine! Drinks can help muster the confidence or so :joy: im so sorry to hear that, im glad she has you around for support though and glad you managed to speak about your loved ones - they will be watching down smiling :heart: yes i know that feeling sometimes i cant speak to my family without not wanting to hurt them!
The weekend actually ended up with my great nan being back in the hospital - shes still be sick and were not really sure whats happening :pensive:
I hope you had a lovely weekend and a nice monday to start of the week!xx

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Hi, I’m sorry to hear about your great nan being back in hospital. Must be worrying for you all but she will be looked after and hopefully they find out what is causing the pain again.:pray:t3:
I’m not much of a drinker but I do have a few for Dutch courage if I’m out with people I’m not used to.
My cousin is an amazing person and can still smile after everything she’s been through. I admire her.
Today was ok thank you. The distraction is good. I hope you had a good first day back too and have a relaxing evening.
Do you enjoy films or reading in your spare time? XX

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Yes it is worrying for all of us trying to stay positive but its really hard! Thankyou for your kind words :heart: awh thats nice, im glad the both of you are so close! Must be a nice comfort :heart:
Good im glad, can never go wrong with a distraction! Mine was okay, me and my partner went out for food this evening which was nice!
Im normally a series kinda of person than a film person, but im into puzzles at the moment too now!xx

That sounds like a lovely evening and nice not having to cook.
You need to stay positive for your great nan. It’s hard not to worry but she’s in the best place for now :heart:
I don’t have much family so it’s good to reconnect with my cousin and we can talk about our sons without worrying about upsetting the other.
Puzzles sound like a good way to keep you busy and your mind active. Do you have any favourites? I remember my boys having a Nintendo handheld thing with brain training games… was really good XX

Yeah it was thankyou! We dont live together just yet but when he comes round he doesnt actually cook it me and i have to tidy up after too!:joy: yes people tell me that but because of past experience its just hard to trust that people are but trying to stay positive!
Awh that is lovely to hear; do you have a small family? No not at the moment just trying to find my feet with it! Oh yes i remember that, they use to give you daily tasks and everything?
I hope youre doing okay?:heart:xx

Hi, I hope you’re ok. I’ve had a bit of a busy evening catching up with friends I haven’t seen since my son’s funeral. Exhausted but nice to have company.
How’s your great nan today? Feeling better I hope :heart:. It’s easy to say stay positive in lots of situations but deep down there is always the worry… it’s a natural response.
Do you and your partner plan to move in together or are you taking it slow and have you been together long?
My son enjoyed cooking but the mess after! I miss that now but it drove me mad at the time.
I have most of my family in Ireland so just a handful over here. We aren’t extremely close but support is there when it’s needed. Do you have a large family close by?
Yes the brain training game had tasks and I think there was a professor Layton? Had to complete challenges… that was really good. XX

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Awh i bet that was a nice catch up though and something that you needed!:heart: company is the best medicine sometimes! She is doing better but in talks of her coming back home so hopefully very soon, thankyou!
We are in talks of moving in together but its like weve been together for ages and its gone really quick, its a year next month that i’ve been with him!
Yeah definitely i bet you do, did he ever tidy up the mess? I cant imagine what state he may have left it in though!
Yeah i do but sometimes blood doesnt mean anything, i have a very close unit of family with support :heart: yeah definitely i remember that, that was definitely a thing that i used to play too!xx

Hi lovely, I hope you’re ok. Sorry I’ve been absent for a while.Had to have a bit of time out as mother’s day approaching last week really got to me and yesterday was a bit difficult but It’s out of the way now and another first done. I had videos from my son’s friend of him working away which gave me some comfort listening to his voice :blue_heart:

How have you been and how is your great nan?
It’s lovely that you and your boyfriend are talking about moving in together.and you feel like you have been together for a lot longer than you have - shows how comfortable you are with each other :heart: What does he do for a living?
My youngest son did make a mess when he was cooking and rarely cleaned up! I mainly did it because I was more thorough than he was!
Did you do anything nice over the weekend or have a get together for mother’s day? XX

Hi, no sometimes you just need to do whats best for you and sometimes a break is whats needed :heart: awh i bet its very hard; but im so happy you managed to get through it even though it was hard for you! Sending hugs!:hugs: awh thats a lovely thing that you could receive! Did you manage to do anything to take your mind of the day?
So my great nan ended up back in hospital she came out last friday! She is doing amazing now though, but my uncle has come down with covid so hes had to be really careful and wiping down everything cause he lives with my great nan! We get through one thing and then another thing happens :pensive: but on the plus side he is okay!
It was nice but i think it just came round so fast, i saw my mum and nan and ended up having takeaway!
How are you doing and your other son? I hope youre doing okay considering the events :heart:xx

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Hi, thank you for your kind words :heart: I’m sorry to hear about your uncle having COVID. You forget sometimes it’s still around! I’m sure he is being very careful with sanitising everything living with your great nan. Glad to hear she is out of hospital again and is keeping well! Reassuring for you having your uncle with her and hopefully he feels better soon.:pray:t3:
My eldest took me for lunch Saturday as I knew I wouldn’t want to go out Sunday. I planned to get out in the garden but it poured down all day so I just stayed in and spent the day doing nothing much. He’s been ok thank you. Talks about his brother and his memories of him :blue_heart:. He’s had some comfort from the videos too as he can listen to his brother’s voice… you worry you forget what it sounds like.
A takeaway sounds good and saves on the washing up! I’m sure it was lovely and relaxed… just being with your family is enough :heart:
How have you been keeping this last week? Xx

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No need to thank me at all!
Yes he is being very careful, yeah its still around but its like flu but still have to be careful around high risk people! Thankyou, yeah i am so glad she is home and doing well!
Lunch sounds good did you enjoy it the best you could though? Sometimes a distraction is all whats needed with important people around you! Thats good im glad that you both are able to talk about him together though :heart: i talk about my recent grandad and i still get really upset about it, but doing well with talking about him more each day!
Yes definitely, i always worry that ill forget them but they mean everything to me​:see_no_evil::disappointed_relieved:
Yes definitely was thankyou!
Ive been okay, i think im just taking it one day at a time, but still working on my emotions and everything! I have a work colleague thats like a work mumma and i always vent to her but still struggling with not having anyone to vent to! And works has been keeping me on my toes too thankyou!:heart:xx

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Glad you’re ok and can speak about your grandad a little easier. He’ll always be in your thoughts as will your dad and other grandad but it does become easier to talk about them without getting upset :heart: One day at a time is my mantra at the moment - can’t think too much into the future as the guilt sets in. You’re doing so well and come across as positive even with everything you are going through​:heart:
It’s good you have someone supportive at work you can vent too… doesn’t help to keep everything in and you can always vent to me if you want to. Work is a blessing at the moment. Do you get time off at Easter or do you have to book holidays?
Lunch with my eldest was nice really and we haven’t spent much time together outside of home so that was good for both of us :blush:.
Have you anything nice planned for the weekend with your boyfriend? XX

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Yeah im learning to talk about them more and more each day :heart: thankyou so much for your words, its like i have to be kind to myself! And think positive but some days can be so hard to do that!!
Awh thankyou that means a lot, same goes for you❤️ we have the bank holidays off, christmas off and the bank holiday week in august but the rest we have to book off!
Im glad you both got to spend time outside and do that though! Just even being in each other space is comfort :heart:
No not this weekend really, were going to london for a friends birthday at the end of the month though, so looking forward to that! How about you? Hows your day been?xx

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Hi, a trip to London to celebrate your friend’s birthday sounds like something to look forward to. I’m sure you will have a great time.
I don’t have anything planned for the weekend but hopefully the weather improves so I can get in the garden. I want a bench for my son so it needs a good tidy up! Weather here is awful at the moment.
I take it you’re in a private nursery. Do you have a holiday planned for the time you book off or do you just spend it relaxing?
It’s good you are being kind to yourself and you will have days more difficult than others but you will get through them :heart:. Sounds like you have good support around you with your boyfriend and friends.
Are you doing anything at work for comic relief tomorrow? Our children are just wearing something red XX

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