Day centre

I’m about to start a shift at the day centre so you all have the best day you can xx


You have the best day too. Christine will be by your side.
First of my positive day done, been shopping and ready to go to the crematorium with my Dad’s birthday flowers.

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If I was mobile enough it’s just what I would want to do. I always loved helping others. My last job was on a technical software support desk. I loved it. Unfortunately my bosses didn’t love me and were trying to get rid of all their older employees.


Hope you’ve had a good day x

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Yes, thank you @Braztash56. I managed to go to the crematorium, felt very emotional but did it! The grounds are massive and I sat by a small pool for quite a while, reflecting on my life really with my parents and grandparents whose ashes are there. I asked them to take care of Richard until we are all together again. When I left, I felt more lonelier than ever. I then had lunch with a friend.
I hope you had a good day at the Centre. x


My lovely brother has just sent me an e mail. He and his wife are going to drive 4 hours next Saturday to come and visit me for a few hours and then drive home. He wants to know if I need anything done. We didn’t used to be that close as children. Xx


That’s wonderful news, Sandra. It will make you feel better with a nice visit to look forward to.

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I hope you had a good day and found a lovely peaceful place.

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Sorry didn’t see your last post. It sound a very emotional and yet also possibly cathartic day.

So many memories came flooding back. We always enjoyed our birthdays and it made me think of past ones, as it was my Father’s today. I am very glad I went but the tears have started again. It’s my mother’s next month, so I will go again.
I hope you have a better night having had such nice news. x

I would have been amazed if you weren’t tearful. I have had a few tears today. It just washes over you. My brother and his wife are even going to bring lunch. I would like to see my sister in law whilst she is still feeling well as with the chemo we don’t know how long she has.

It sounds to me as though the timing of their visit is perfect for all of you.
I was hoping I could see my brother tonight but he had made arrangement to go out. I think I shall have a very early night as I feel very alone and sad.

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I can understand that. You have had a very emotional day and that can be exhausting

I did thank you and hope you can repeat your trip and see if it gets easier, I’m off to football to watch Burnley FC X

Hope they win

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Wow, you have a cracking match with Man City. There’s going to be more reminders to hit me with the new season, Richard loved football and as he became more immobile, he watched it all.


Hope you managed to enjoy the game … sorry about the score. Do you have a season ticket?


Hi, yes I have a season ticket, we did ok to be honest I was quite pleased. Have you any plans today ? X

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So pleased you enjoyed the game. My husband would be enjoying the start of the new season, following the games today. Makes me feel so sad he isn’t watching Soccer Saturday.
Yes, my lovely neighbour has invited me to have a cuppa with her this afternoon. She is just home from a month with her family in the US, so I’m looking forward to hearing all about it. She has been a great tower of strength to me.
Lunch with my brother tomorrow.
Have you plans?


That’ll do you the world of good, I’m just watching England ladies in the World Cup. Bit of shopping to do then a guy I’ve made friends with on the complex have decided to have a couple of pints across teatime, might get a bit of food to x

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