Death of my daughter

Thanks for the response. I hope the meeting helps you next Wednesday. I have searched my area but don’t seem to see anything.

My story is very similar to yours. My beautiful girl passed leaving behind 3 children. She fought so hard to stay with us but it wasn’t to be. I miss her every day . I struggle to leave the house I feel vacant & often find myself motionless just thinking & staring into the distant. I really feel that those around me are unable to understand me the only person that does is my best friend who lost her son 2 yrs ago but although we have been friends for 30+ years our stories are different the grief we feel is the same

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My beautiful son James died suddenly 7 months ago. I will never forget that knock on the door that changed my life forever.
Days and weeks passed in a blur as i struggled to adapt to this new world that makes no sense. My days are filled with crying, anger and questions that will never be answered. I feel like I’m suffocating in a silent grief that i can never explain to others. I have no words to describe the heartache that haunts me and the physical pain that leaves me unable to breathe. Only parents that have lost a child will understand, no explanation needed.
I will never be the person i once was because the life i created has now gone. I cling onto memories so i don’t sink and feel blessed to have 31 years of wonderful memories which i share with James through the endless sleepless nights. We talk about football, cooking and growing veg, all the things he loved, i tell him about his sisters incredible bravery. My heart swells with pride, i know he would be so proud.
His beautiful picture gives me the strength to open the curtains in the morning, step into the garden and feel the sun on my face. Although James died, he also lived, he lived a beautiful simple life surrounded by people who loved him endlessly amongst his chaos and clutter. He had never been happier.
This unbearabe pain cannot be for nothing. One day at a time.


Laura thanks for sharing those powerful words . All you say is so very similar . I have sent you a private message.