Death with no goodbye

First father’s day without him., after 5 months ive decided to go through hos stuff , been crying my eyes out for the past 3 hours i just want him back , what did my children do to deserve their dad dieing in his sleep aged 43, he has kept all of the cards that the children gave him. I wish it was me who died and not him. Life is unbearable without him

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@Taz21 I feel the same , 4 weeks now and it’s raw . I look at our 6 year old and my heart bleeds . How are your children doing ?

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My children refuse to talk about Dad they are heart broken he was the main parent , he stayed home with them and worked weekends, its horrible why is God so unjust .

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@Taz21 my 6 year old is the same it worries me that the fall is yet to come , he just seems to have accepted it and comforts me when I cry. His dad did all the school runs, school holidays and clubs so I’m a bit lost and I just talk about daddy in everyday conversation . I have struggled to understand why God would take a father from his baby boy but I have to also believe in God and one day be reunited as well . Big hugs we have to keep going xx


I know it really questions your trust in God doesnt it ? Why did he take our lovely men - when others survive ? Its partly cos of covid you know ! I really believe that ! Because drs werent doing their jobs properly … we couldnt even get appointmenrs cos of covid !
Take care of yourself xxxx


We have no choice but to keep going , for the sake of our children, we are still here and there has to be a reason , i also hope that we will all be reunited one day. In a place where there will be no separation no pain


It’s been 3 years since I lost my mom after palliative care with my 2 brothers and then during that time my husband got Ill stroke amongst many other illnesses had to leave him at the weekend after working all week to look after my mom she passed lovely with us 3 being with her then hubby after 2years of illness at 54 had cardiac arrest never came back to me is currently in a care home with 24 hour care I feel so lonely and pissed off that this is now my life I could go on swearing but I won’t what the hell do I come to terms with this

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It’s the loss of a future 52 alone and three kids and a career to try and juggle , should have grown old together . It needed two of us now only me and it seems too daunting xx

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It’s horrible I just don’t know what to say I’m there it’s lonely n daunting and so unfair

@Deb5 he just turned 6 , two weeks after his dad died . So that was a first and this is another first in last 4 weeks xx

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So many people so many heartbroken stories absolutely devastating we’re all here together let’s get together somehow and be in solitude

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Àw bless him… poor kid. Hope he is ok - they say children are a lot more resilient than we realise but take care you and yours xxx

@Deb5 thanks he is coping the best so it is true, my 15 year old not coping . It’s raining I went and stood in the rain arms wide and let the rain hit my face and shouted why , it was a release like tears rolling down me x


Awn bless you ! That was a good idea ! Although i couldnt do that cos all neighbours wouldve seen !! I dunno why either ? And it is so unfair to take our beloved away from us :frowning: i was trying to console my daughter last night ! She was in a bit of a state - first fathers day without her dad :frowning: she loved him so much …
absolutely devastated hes … ypu take care - this rotten life ! I damn well blame covid and also a woeful NHS who do not look after people properly because theres too many people in this country and not enough staff and the system is under too much pressure ! Its just damn well ridiculous ! It wasnt like this 15 years ago when i worked at a drs - although bad enough . … they just need to sort it out - makes me so mad ! X

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Its so very painful.for us who are left behind ! It really is ! I not sorted my husbands stuff after 6 months ! Just cant do it ! Not yet :(. Don’t put too much pressure on yourself xxx