DIY Anyone else struggling going through partner’s things, not having a clue what some things are for?? Unlikely also to need again as likely a life of handypersons/ professionals coming in for everything??? Its driving me barmy!! but all needs going through, tidying sorting etc think drills work benches cutters sharpeners tools… thank my Lord we didn’t have a shed too!

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Oh yes, that sounds so familiar!
Hubby’s fishing stuff has been dealt with but the garage is an Aladdins cave.
I’ll never use the tools but I’m not giving them away willynilly.

It’s so upsetting seeing them idle but where do you start? .

Take care


You said the word :blush: START that’s the stage I’m at. Very very small doses even after a long-time the work is not reducing I I really struggle running everything

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I can do bits but have certain conditions that prevent me , some things I can learn, others my brain explodes into over drive! I wasn’t really to touch anything like that . I am mostly talking complex electrical I was sorting etc I certainly wouldnt set a work mate up!? Wouldn’t even be able to get out the box & as for tile cutters that’s pushing it​:sweat_smile: sanders may as well do by hand :blush: tool box as such I pick up a screw driver ir spirit level. Be nice to learn eg how to hang a picture!!!. He was A REAL UGG :two_hearts::woman:‍:heart:‍:man: we were very old fashioned. I do tryvwhat I can I even painted gloss!! Was never allowed bear painting :sweat_smile: x he was a total perfectionist , we both are, hence I guess having our roles x

I too have a garage full of his tools and such like. I wouldn’t know what everything is for. I can paint as I have just started redecorating. He hasn’t been gone 12months but this was what we were planning on doing this year anyway so I have started for him. One of my children is going to come and have a look at what’s there when the time is right. Even tools that are no longer working are still there as he wouldn’t throw anything away. Some are brand new so will definitely be going to good homes as I have told the lads that when they are ready to take what they want. I can do small jobs but my son’s have said they will take care of the things I can’t do. Trouble is they have their own lives to lead so I don’t want to rely on them too much.

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Hi there
All sounds very familier. My husband was an artist and had a room full of equipment along with his beloved camera collections and a million photographs, not forgetting he was also a musician so there was these Instruments. The loft (which I had never been in) was full to capacity and as for the shed I had to climb ontop of about 3ft of things to get to the otherside.
I have managed to sort out the majority and the shed is neat and tidy but still full of tools that I probably will never use. Some I use, some I have found new homes for though and I could provide the whole of our town with nuts, bolts and screws. Plus a car load went to the tip. I had to be firm with myself and his camera’s, painting equipment and musical instruments have all gone. What was the option. Letting them fall to pieces in the loft.
Take your time to sort though it. If you haven’t touched anything after a while then it better to get rid. I was never a hoarder but my husband was and I had no idea how much was in this house and shed.

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My sister commented if I hadn’t used anything in the garage then order a skip and clear out.
I reminded her that when she divorced her husband , he left and took all his stuff with him. His was model railways not a lifetime of tools!
My hoard of wool will be easier to deal with :grin:

It takes time and only when the time feels right for you.

G. X

I thought I was the only one who hoarded wool😃. At least when I start to declutter when I’m ready to downsize, I won’t have a problem sorting that

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I agree. Do the sorting and getting rid of when the time feels right. I went at it all like a mad woman at first. I wanted to get some order in the beginning rather than later but there has still been a lot I have had to sort as the time rolled by and each time it felt right to let go. I doubt I will ever really get there though.

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Good memories to have.

I’m imagining the tracks going round your bed and you have to wait till train stops at station before you can get up!!

G. X

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Hi Sheila and Grandma
Oh how you have brought back memories. My husband was also a great transport lover and could name every plane that went over us or we travelled on. To me they looked like any other plane!!! Space was also a great interest of his and he loved to visit train exhibitions and wanted to build lines all around our garden. Can you imagine having to jump out of the way as I put washing on the line…
As he was keen on sailing he had hundreds of photographs of the Solent and all the activity that went on out there. Tankers/yachts/ ferry’s, even the ships returning after the Falklands war. I gave his photographs to the local Heritage Society as they will be a part of history.
Thanks for the memories.

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Hi Sheila
Its so sad when we have to get rid of their things. My husband was also an artist so I had to find a home for all his books and equipment which filled a room. His musical instruments which I was tempted to keep but what use was they to me and it was nice to think of them being used again. Some went to Auction. I offered his camera collections which was extensive to his daughters but they wasn’t interested.
To the newly bereaved my heart goes out to them as they now have to make their own decisions on what to do with their loved ones things.
Give that Citroen club a call as I’m sure they will be delighted to hear from you.

Hi Sheila
I found there was charity shops that were only too pleased to take on older items. I was wondering what I was going to do with my husbands older camera’s, all imaculate and some still boxed but outdated. There are enthusiasts on Ebay that are keen on the older things. I didn’t want to sell them myself so I gave them to the charities that were only too pleased to receive them.

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Oh the joys of records :sweat_smile::musical_score: cassettes , MUSIC FULL STOP :blush::two_hearts::musical_score: Million happy memories, a very important God sent gift to our lives :blush: dvd’s list goes on. Some can easily go :sweat_smile: oh the jokes berween us of who I cant abide !! - all the ones everyone else loves elton john beatles genesis … no thankyou xxx but tgere were loads we live together like Floyd :blush::two_hearts::musical_score: same with dvd’s, a few can go but not many xxx records - I wont know where to start ! Prob magpie for cd’s but shops for records x

Wow that’s generous! We Give loads, but modern camera equip might find out how to use!!! The older / vintage camera/ equipment may go to a shop for them to e Bay x

Learn to play the instruments???:blush::thinking: x

Hi Sheila
What a wonderful collection. If they bring you joy and memories then keep them. We have to do what feels right for us. I bet its all worth a bit though.
The collectors would have a field day if they came to your house.

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I did think about learning to play his instruments but don’t really have that much time and no one to show me how. I kicked myself that I didn’t get him to teach me how to play musical instruments when I had the chance. Too many for me to get my head around so some went to an auction and his guitars were sold privately and it did give me comfort to know they was back in use again and not rotting away. I do still have his keyboard so you have given me food for thought and I might just give it a try. I wonder how long it will be before my neighbours start to complain!!!

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Hi , I get that at work . People moaning about their husbands . It makes me so angry . Try walking in our shoes . I can’t even say anything to them . I want to tell them to love and cherish them every second of every day . But I know I would just cry . Xtake carex

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Hi Sheila and broken.
I’m with you there. I also tell women who moan to cherish their husbands because they will be thrown into hell when they lose them.
I know a woman that was always going on about her husbands illnesses and on one occasion it was a hernia. It just came out of my mouth before I could stop it and I said. “If all I had to worry about was a hernia I would be happy. be thankful you have your husband” My husband had died two months earlier… and she knew this.
I also looked after my husband at home until the very end and it did exhaust me but I was proud to be caring for him and would have done it for much longer if God had granted us more time.