Doing ok then wam

Mind you it could be 10 days before I have one piece of info I need for probate. At least I now have all the info for the annuity. That could take 6 weeks.

I had to wait for information before I could sent Probate off.
Some of the posts are getting mixed up because there’s two titles the same! x

I’m not sure, went to my neighbours earlier who is a really good friend, said hi and burst into tears. Had a good chat and feel bit better. Today I feel it is a curse being told to stop crying. My eyes are so sore. However they say it’s good to cry instead of keeping it in. I hope you have a better day tomorrow xx

Thank you i just got heavy no problem

Help i can’t do this any more

I do hope you mean this site and not life. I find you need to log off every so often and give it a break but I find I keep coming back. Sandra xx

What’s wrong, Linda? Do you want to talk? xx

Never fallen in love in love with someone but i did

Yes please i can’t deal with this anymore

Please tell us what has happened.

Just can’t cope without husband anymore

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It’s ok i will be ok

Thankyou it’s okay

I feel exactly the same, Linda, I miss my husband so much it hurts. Life is awful for us all but, there’s nothing we can do unfortunately.
Can you go for a walk with your dog?
Please take care x

Thank you dog says thanks too her name is Ragsy a short for Ragdoll

I’m new to this site and struggling today but if I can help you in anyway I will xx

Thank you i will be fine again (Seether ) just a bit lost

You will fit well on thus site. I have a thumping head. Must be all that paperwork. Plus been sitting funny so my knee is killing me. Hopefully the paracetamol will kick in soon

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You’re fantastic strong women

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I hope you are okay x