Doing ok then wam

Hello Linda and I am Julia xxx

Hello Julia i ve really enjoyed talking to pudding i appreciate she’s going through a rough time im on the wrong site as I’m a bit further down the line

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Hi Linda
I’m Rosemary @Rome18 and Sandra is @Pudding

Just about everything was in joint names just 1 isa and a bond. It is the bond that is causing probate which is a bit of a bind. Also when he died we were changing our pensions. I would be better off if they were cancelled and started again so that is what we are in the process of doing hence all the paperwork.

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I don’t think it matters how far down the line you are Linda. It’s how you feel. Sandraxx


Been there done that the love of my life is still dead

Hi Linda I always see your posts . It’s shocking for us all on this site. I am waiting for accountant as hmrc want Andrews last year . He doesn’t owe anything but I will have to pay accountant . He said he was coming at lunch but not been yet . I may go out as he didn’t respond to my earlier text .

I know he owes HMRC. Just waiting for amount. But I just got a rebate for last year.

I’ve enjoyed talking to you too Linda. I always get on with strong women which you certainly are even if you don’t feel it currently.

Me too crying all day, I lost my son aged 35, 19 weeks today, the pain I feel today is horrendous, my partner who is wonderful has said stop crying but I can’t today, I’ve had some really good days then like you say back crying, Will be glad when today is over. I know we can all get through this but it’s so difficult. Big hug xx

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Been texting with my nephew as he has some of the info I needed. His daughter is in Korea with the scouts so he sent me some pics. Never used text before my husband died.

If you can’t stop crying you can’t stop crying. I sometimes cry until I can hardly breathe. But I haven’t got anyone to tell me to stop. Don’t know whether that is a curse or a blessing

Of course, also had the Buzzcocks track…played it often to me!

Hi Sandra, it’s surprising what we are having to learn now we are on our own. Just changed the filter on the vacuum which Richard always did.
How was your therapy assessment?
Hope you have a peaceful afternoon.
Love, Rosemary x

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Don’t know how the assessment went. Have to wait to hear. Been texting my nephew as I need some info for a form. His daughter is in Korea with scouts. So far not really cried to do so I would say it us a good day xx

No idea how to change a filter. Would have to look on internet. Sorry I seem to have been repeating myself today. It’s all this paperwork. Xx

I looked at the paper instructions which were useless, so found out what to do on YouTube.
I know what it’s like being swamped with paperwork, it’s never ending. Hopefully, apart from one or two small things, I have done it all. I waited 16 weeks for Probate approval!
Feeling a bit down again, nearly weekend. xx

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God I hate the weekends. Especially Sunday. Apparently 16 weeks is about standard for probate. Least it will give me some time to save to pay solicitors fees. By then hopefully my new annuity will have kicked in which is what all this paperwork is for.

Yes, 16 weeks is about right for Probate if it’s straightforward, so that should be ok for you.
Saturdays are worse for me because I see my brother for lunch on Sundays but before our arrangement, my Sundays weren’t worth living. Some days are still like that xx

My first will be 14th August. It will be my week horribilis.
My first wedding anniversary without him on 7th; my first birthday without him on 11th (also the day they told me they could do no more); then the dreaded day on 14th… not sure I have the strength to get through that but I have put a thing at the end of the month that will hopefully make me so curious that I will need to be here to find out what happens, maybe that will work for me.