Easter heartbreak

Anyone else feel sad and alone with yet another bank holiday without them?.
I’m feeling sorry for myself today as I had a tooth out on Thursday morning, so not been outside the house and noone checking in to see if I’m ok or need anything. I smoke so also desperate for a ciggie but have to go 72hrs which is killing me and no alcohol either! Soft liquid food. Just sitting here in tears asking myself over and over why, why , why. I know it won’t bring him back but it’s such a selfish, cold, heartless world we live in now and I miss his love and kindness.
Sorry for the negative rant. Probably nicotine withdrawal!


Hi, yes the Easter weekend feels so long and empty , every weekend does . Think of the positive . One less hour , as the clocks go forward. !!! But of course then we will have longer daylight , so I guess not really a positive !!! Hope your tooth is ok, and I so understand about not being able to have a smoke . I stopped smoking years ago . But started again when my husband diagnosed and then died of cancer . I’m disgusted with myself , but sometimes they the only thing that keeps me going …I know we will get through the Easter break , like we gat through all the other days and holidays . But while we are dealing with them , it’s so heartbreaking , hard and sad , that we don’t have our partners here with us to share the time . Xtake carex


I feel the same as you do .i lost my husband January this year I hope you soon feel better with having your tooth out .Yes you are right it is a cold heartless world , i ask myself why ,i miss my husband every day You are not being negative just grieving for your husband .Take care of yourself.


Thanks both of you, I am not normally a feeling sorry for myself type of person but when you feel low and go through something that causes stress/anxiety, you just want them to put their arms round you and say it’s ok…it’s the lack of a physical hug, kiss or reassurance. It’s a tooth, yes I will recover but never will doing all this alone. The loneliness is like toothache, a dull ache in your heart


Aw … yeh i feel your pain. Bank holidays are awful and it makes it all so much worse ! What a bloody life hey without our loved one :frowning: it is such a selfish, uncaring world i agree x


Hi @LynT yes, I know what you mean about not having your person there to comfort you. I have some hospital appointments coming up and have had to ask friends if they can take me. It’s so hard without your special person. Not looking forward to the rest of the weekend either. Take care.x


Yes, just sitting here alone with tears as I think if mum who I lost in February. We used to sit and watch the Easter programmes and the boat race this afternoon. I feel I cannot watch these today as I don’t want to watch them without her. My days are empty now. I feel you pain with regards to bank holidays but thinking of every one going through that grief pain and sending love and wishes for you to find the strength to get through xx


Thank you for your reply …Sending hugs.

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Hi everyone. I’m so sorry you’re feeling so low. I had an idea that this weekend would be horrible so I had a think about some things to do to make me feel better and that’s what I’m doing. Had a massage and a facial this morning which was sooo relaxing. Had some reiki yesterday. I’m new to that and thought it would help my fibromyalgia but it was just really emotional. The therapist put her hand on my hip and I just felt like Alan was there. Afterwards, and without me saying anything, she said that a man was with her and guiding her hand. OMG, that’s weird. In a really good way. Especially since the night before when I asked him for a sign he was around I dreamt he was telling me he was leaving me! Guess he had to make up for that one haha. If there’s one thing we all need to be thankful for its that we can come on here and share and be understood ( how many times did people at work ask ‘ what are you doing for Easter ‘ or wish me ‘a lovely weekend’. I want to say ‘nothing’ and ‘of course I won’t’. That’d show them!) I really hope that we can all find some peace and maybe a tiny bit of happiness today. Take care x


I feel for everyone going through this bloody heartbreak…why is it like this? Loving someone shouldn’t destroy us like this? Is it because we live in a cold society where people are selfish and we fear never being loved again?
I used to always be happy in my own company? Why can’t I be now? Grrrrrrrr…
I’m going to have to have a cigarette now, sod the dry socket! if I get it so what as even that pain couldn’t be worse that this!
Sending you all a big hug xx


Aw … @LynT you have probably got a point there - i dont get why its so hard either ? Never in my wildest dreams did i think it would be as hard as this ! People are really selfish now… they just think about themselves. Enjoy your cig … lol … i am trying to stop but its hard in this crap world :frowning: i got a vape !! X



Hi @Broken2222 , and all of you
I hate long weekends too… And we’ve got a few ahead.
I worked on Good Friday at the hospital (my regular volunteering on my day off from my paid work) so at least only 3 day weekend for me.

And, yes I agree about the clocks going forward being a positive… For one night only at least one hour less of lying awake unable to sleep.
BUT big downside for me is the longer lighter hours.
I actually love walking my dogs early mornings, before the sun comes up, listening to a playlist I’ve made for my husband. I really feel him walking with me in the dark. It’s just not the same in the daylight.

And the mornings are still the worst part of every day for me. Starting another day without him. 19 months and 6 days for me now.
It’s all so horrible still…

Love , hugs and strength to you all
For some peace this Easter


Dear @LynT
Love that sentiment and image .
Thank you so much for sharing.
I have quite a few I have found .
I have them all saved in a special album of images on my phone, and often scroll through them all.
I shall add yours. THANK YOU my darlin’



So damn true !!! Xxxx

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You know what i found on my doorstep a few days ago … a single white feather … ive kept it… i feel it is my husband saying come on debbie you can do this … you can live for me … but its so hard without him … hes the lucky one ! He doesnt have to go through all this pain :frowning: !!


I also found a white feather, I’ve stuck it in my journal.
Trying to keep busy today stripping wallpaper, but I couldn’t get a large screw out of the wall. I said, “Come on, Steve, help me out”. Then it came out easily. They are beside us.


Oh yes with you there. Dread Bank holidays. It’s seems to compound the fact they aren’t here and how lonely you feel without them.
I miss just doing nothing with Suzy sitting watching Tv.
Rather do nothing with her than something without her


Hi @Homeform your last sentence is so aptly put. Couldn’t have said it better.


Beautifully put , since my wife passed nearly 3 weeks ago my kids and I have tried to keep ourselves constantly busy , getting out of the house going for walks / pub lunches etc even went to the seaside with the dog yesterday, which was lovely , but it just makes me realise that I was always happiest just sat there with my wife watching crap tv .