Eating alone

There is something horribly sad and lonely about eating alone. My husband was the cook so I can’t really do anything but assemble a meal but sitting at the table on my own and looking at his empty chair is just sad beyond belief.


You’re so right. I haven’t used the table since I lost Alan. I’ve even bought one of those tray / cushion hybrids so I can eat sitting on the sofa! What’s worse is that the gorgeous Alan was a chef ( what a dream; a handsome guy who can cook!!!) and I am absolutely hopeless in the kitchen. I’m good at burning saucepans but that’s about it. When we’ve been on holiday and seen people dining alone I’ve always had so much respect for them and thought ‘how brave’. I never thought it would be me. X


Well my husband wasn’t a chef by trade but he was an amazing cook and did all of the cooking. I’m the same as you can’t cook but also hate it too! Totally agree re seeing people eating alone in restaurants and of course it’s even harder for women even in 2024 try going into a pub on your own!


One trick is to take laptop plug it in and looks like you are working. Write poetry Also sketch people use menu as screen. It isn’t that bad dining alone. I had to when I was at work. Driving somewhere if you don’t you don’t eat.

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At first I sat at the table like we always have done but burst into tears every meal time and couldn’t eat my food,now I have it on my knee In front of the tv it’s the only way I can cope.


I can resonate with you eating alone is so sad and lonely I now eat out of one plate on my lap - only to survive ever since my angel passed away almost 9 months ago. I exist day to day with no hope and purpose in life - just float along, life is no longer meaningful :broken_heart:.


Yes eating alone. I too cant sit at table. I did for Christmas and set a place for him as i spent Christmas on my own.
Since then cant sit at table just have meals on a tray in front of tv.
Dont enjoy eating alone not in mood to make meals just want to snack but know i need to eat.
I wish there were places were people on there own could go and eat out together but not feel like they are on their own but with a group of people.
Hopefully eating alone will get better
Take care
Lynne x


I hear you x

Yes that sounds like a good idea x

Meals for one . I eat because my body forces me to it’s not enjoyable. I get it over with quickly. I have no meal routine anymore it’s whatever whenever.
I bought an air fryer I was told it’s cheaper than putting on my full oven when it’s just for me.
In the first few weeks after my husbands death eating made me feel nauseous.


I find it easier eating outside when the weather is better.

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I am sorry you had such sad time at Christmas :frowning_face:
I was working from home today and at lunchtime I was staring at my lunch feeling grieve-stricken and sick - we used to WFH and had our lunch together. It is so hard when we used to do everything together, so now everything I do hits me so hard that I now do it alone - hate it so much :sob: :sob:
It would be good to have such places that we could eat together, chat and share our thoughts and feelings! How amazing would that be!
I pray that it will get better some day :pray: :pray:
Stay strong xx


Hate this sad life x


Hi @Angel1309
Yes it really is hard going.
Eating cooking sleeping alone not great.
I wish i could enjoy my own company but i dont. I really dont know who i am now
Take care
Lynne :heart:


Hi Lynne
Exactly how I feel - so lost and empty!
Stay positive & strong
:heavy_heart_exclamation: xx


Yes we worked from home, so we saw each other every day and ate together every day breakfast lunch and dinner. I sat there today and thought 'oh my God, this is it, for the rest of my life this is it…yes I eat out with friends occasionally etc but in the main, this is it…very depressing x


Gone but still here
Every day this fear
Alone I shed a tear
Can’t get in top gear
Pick myself up again
Endless heartfelt pain
At times like the rain
Dripping or downpour
Some days it feels raw
Will I be ok I m not sure
Empty I know how now
The other half live
Until they reach & give
Meaning again keep sane
Out of the blue is that u
No it is someone new
Not the same but ok
Walking along the way


Yes I hate this sad empty life to :smiling_face_with_tear:


Yes this is it sadly forever, is what I say to myself every single day over and over again :sob: :sob: :sob:x


:sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob: :sob:

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