Eating alone

We can only take one day at a time .Don’t think too far ahead , I find that overwhelms me . Be gentle to yourself .

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I am just going to eat a shepherd’s pie I froze myself from my deep freeze with a bit of cabbage from his allotment.
I just eat it to keep going. It is a struggle at the moment to eat outside because it is cold. I do t like going inside pubs on my own because I don’t want yet another round of catching COVID again even if I have had all jabs it was miserable and it has to be worthwhile before I will go.
Outside I feel safer. I am not that bothered eating outside at a pub because I can sketch or read. People’s dogs come up and say hi and a bit of chat. I will go inside if not crowded.
I had a cup of tea and a cake in Morrisons which wasn’t too bad. Then got my shopping.


It’s trying out new ways isn’t it . One step one day.

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I do, take one day at a time on an okay day one step forward and then on a bad day I wobble, 5 steps back :sob: :sob:


I cook lots of simple meals at weekends when I need to get busy so now my freezer is full of frozen meals to feed me for weeks. It’s horrible to eat just to survive and alone :sob: but no choice so have to just get on with it every day :sob:
Tea & cake in Morrison not a bad idea before shopping :neutral_face:

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Hi @Angel1309
Me too try to batch cook items but sometimes lazy and buy ready meals not great but ok occasionally.
I can cook but dont like eating alone now dont know another way around that.
Take care
Lynne x

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I love cooking too but eating alone is no joy - horrible :frowning::frowning:
I used to experiment many different dishes at weekends and my angel was so excited to taste them - I cry when thinking about those days - I miss you my angel :broken_heart:. Now I cook the simplest dishes for one - heartbreaking :broken_heart:
Take care & stay strong xx

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I realised my deep freezer must be costing me a fortune to run.

Now we on our own so maybe a smaller freezer?
My freezer is tiny and it’s totally packed, have to wait a while before I can start cooking the next batch.


I’m always looking for a chance to sit outside a cafe, even if its cold. Its easier for me because my two beautiful poochons are people magnets, and collar everybody for a pat. That nearly always evolves into a chat with me, but its important that I respond with a smile. We often forget that others can be lonely and struggling, and really appreciate the chance of interacting with other people as well.
Ill admit I very often have a wedge of cake, which isnt too good for my waistline!
If chats arent forthcoming, I’m always up to some “people watching”, trying to figure out what their lives are like.
Im out and about for lunch at the moment, but it started raining, so I came inside the cafe and eating beef stew and chip. Its amazing how many people smile back if we do it first.
PS the stew was very nice, and the home made chips were epic!


Yes I talk to dog and owners. Love the dogs being friends but horrific about dog attacks. I am scared of bull dogs and alsatians. Doesn’t help if owners reassure me.

I don’t cook or eat out just eat junk food now chocolate, and biscuits since my wife passed in November

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Ah, it’s so difficult isn’t it. My gorgeous Alan also passed away 7 weeks ago and I know exactly what you mean. He was a chef and loved to cook. Which was perfect because I’m hopeless in the kitchen. There are gadgets in those kitchen cupboards which are completely foreign to me! I’m living on egg n toast and soup at the moment. And treats. And that needs to stop because I’m borderline diabetic! Do you know what though: I think we should cut ourselves some slack here. As time passes we may very well return to a ‘normal’ diet but for now there are no rules ( not what the diabetic nurse would say but you know what I mean), we get by day to day however we can. Be patient with yourself and take care x

Hiya ! I often read your messages on here and they always cheer me up and make me think and or smile. Absolutely top man, thank you x

Please take good care of yourself your wife would want you to xx

I love dogs unfortunately I am allergic to them and cats :frowning::frowning:

@Arvia - I’m in exactly the same position re kitchen gadgets, as I said before my husband was the cook and he really loved it people looked forward to an invite to dinner at our house such was his reputation. The freezer still has frozen dishes that he made, soups, stock , whole pieces of fish he bought a week before he died, pork loin joints etc etc and like you, cupboards full of various gadgets I will never use. I too am living on soup and ready meals. Must admit I had an overwhelming urge to eat some carrots yesterday - body must be telling me something! It sounds like your partner passed away around the same time as mine - I’m going to collect his ashes today I still cannot believe that any of this is true.

It’s very emotional receiving a loved one’s ashes.

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Yes. I lost Alan a week before Christmas. Fetching the ashes is another difficult thing and my thoughts are with you today. The funeral director just handed me a plastic bag with them in. It felt so impersonal. Hopefully your experience will be better. Take care x

@Arvia that sounds awful - I have actually ordered a wooden box specially made from the Etsy website they are going to put the ashes in there. My daughter is coming with me for support.