Eating alone

Yes I think I have to be more proactive if I can get my confidence up. That is the issue. Big gap between two things at the moment.
It is al very well knowing what I could do and another doing it.
Suppose I might one day get my mojo back.

I don,t feel eating sometimes as my husband used to cook for me ,

Guess it affects all off us.
I find eating on my own upsetting.
I also just cant sleep either. My sleep pattern is more like napping for a few hours then wakened for a few hours then napping. Guess i get about 4-5 hrs per night. Tired during day but never seem to sleep my mind just over thinking thinks.
Lynne x

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I have the same problem , being unable to get a good nights sleep

Sending hugs
Hope you get a good nights sleep
Take care
Lynne :heart:

Thank you so much

I can eat but motivation to cook lost

Me too the joy of cooking for one or eating alone holds no joy.
9 months on still the same.
Only snack these days or ready meals but they are not great.
Take care

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Thanks lynn only 2 mths here

Very early days
Stay strong no two days the same.
I have just started counselling 9 months after his passing. So find it really tiring and just cant stop crying after session. I guess it still effects us no matter how long they have been gone. Thought i was doing ok guess somedays not so well
Take care
Lynne x

@ANNABEL247 @Galaxy75 @lucycat
I feel the same about eating and cooking. There is no pleasure in eating on your own and I can’t be bothered to cook so I’m also existing on ding dinners which I am heartily bored with. Yesterday was my brother’s birthday and I dropped in with his card. They invited me to stay for dinner which I did. They’ve invited me many times but I didn’t because I knew how it would feel with my husband missing.
It was a difficult mixture of emotions. I was so conscious of the smell of cooking which isn’t in my house anymore. Hunter was a great cook and rustled up delicious things for us and I don’t smell the delicious smells or hear pots and pans clattering about anymore.
But it was so nice to sit at a table with family again.
But then back to a silent house and pondering which ready meal to have tonight, xx

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Thank you for your reply

Hi @Mist2
Yes sometimes i just go out sit in garden centre cafe have a tea and sandwich at lunch time but aware of being on my own these days. Sometimes go to Costa for coffee too. Today weather rain and more rain so not going out today
Its strange eating alone when he was here but maybe working did not bother me now its an issue.
We need a cafe restaurant venue we can go to so we can dine with others like ourselves and not feel so alone.
Take care

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Galaxy. Mist. Agree. That eating meals no longer a pleasure or cooking for one I go out to cafe etc for coffee and snack. Then back to house and alone again. Not helping that weather here in Scotland continues to be cold and wet day after day. Maybe things will be better once spring is here. Take care Diane xx

Yes h
Just had pie mash out

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Be nice find people same area to meet up

I very often find myself, sat in a pavement cafe for coffee and cake. It took me quite a while to realise other people are just as keen to have a nice chat. If they are on their own, they very well may be lonely, and wishing they had someone to chat to, maybe more than we do. I usually smile and ask if they mind if I join them. Very rarely (in fact, never) have I had a negative response. I realise my two beautiful little dogs break the ice, and they always want to know what sort of dogs they are (poochons) and what are their names (Rosie and Crumpet). It can be anything to get the conversation going, weather, all the shops which have closed etc etc
It’s a matter of confidence, and practice.

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Yes agree about other lonely people. Found that on holiday on my own. Dogs know and come over for a pat. Anything in hopes of tit bit which haven’t got.
They are so lovely usually. Hate scarey looking ones.
My cat is in the dog house at the moment.
Had to put her bowls in hall abd shut doors. I am trying to sort clothes out and she will sit on them.
At least dogs more trainable usually.
Went to first big shared meal yesterday on my own. Horrid on my own at home afterwords.