Eating alone

Mine 22nd jan is awful wish more local drop ins available

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I wish I could meet other women in my situation they are the only people who understand all this.Doesn’t seem to be anywhere like that where I live.

Hi @LyndaK
There is an organisation called The Jolly Dollies who are based in a number of towns and cities. There should be hopefully one in your area you could join.
There are widows who meet up for lunch and events locally.
Hope you have one close by you could join.

Where ru located i in essex

I’m in West Yorkshire.

Jolly Dollies - what a lovely name. I live outside Edinburgh so will check it out. I’m new to this site - tonight. All the comments on here just resonate so much. It seems to be a really good community to share our thoughts.

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Hi @Earlsferry
I stay about 10 miles outside Edinburgh so have joined the Edinburgh JD’S recently.
Have a look at them on the internet.
Take care

I completely understand the total emptiness, and sense of loneliness dining alone. It’s the other way around for me. I lost my soulmate wife last March, she was only 53, i 50. I did all the cooking, and loved making my wife meals, it gave me so much pleasure. The thought of even dining alone, much less cooking, was beyond sad, and nearly 12 months later, I’m still really just eating as a means to an end.

We have to do whatever it takes to get us through, and realise that this is a completely different journey, with an unknown destination. Everything about our lives is different, and always will be.

Being kind to myself used to be the least likely to be followed piece of advice, but I’m now learning to take a breather every now and again, to take stock of how far I’ve come.

Small moves…

Sorry for your loss I lost my partner almost 3 months ago to brain cancer. Don’t think I will ever be the same again. I’ve gone back to work and it does help it gives me a reason to get up and get dressed every day. I’m trying to take everyday as it comes and looking for the brighter days x

Take care
Stay strong
You are correct it will take some time to adapt get used to this new life without them.
I have booked my 1st holiday on mynown to Ireland by coach it will be just over 1 year since i lost my husbsnd but no matter where i am he will be with me.
Take care

Yez dont feel like eating such effort

Annabelle 247
Yes eating is not enjoyable for quite some time. Eat little and often . If you can and feel like it , eat with company. It feels like you have to force it down. Grief is hard work. One step at a time.

Thsnk you verybhard 5 weeks today x

Very early days
I am nearly 9 months now. Its not easy but just eat when you can. I dont like eating alone it still feels strange but i try to eat small portion for each meal.
I have lost 2 stone in weight so need to eat more. I am determined to enjoy food one day and start to feel like me again.
I always loved chocolate but since my husband passed have avoided sweets.
Ready meals and snacks are good to start back to eating normally.
Look after yourself it all takes time
Lynne :heart:

Thank you lynne yes will take ages i live essex romford be handy meet person this area going through it too x

Sorry i would love to meet but wrong side of country. I am about 10 miles from Edinburgh but if you ever find yourself visiting just let me know
Im sure there will be others closer you could meet with for chat and coffee. It is nice to meet others and know you are not alone :heart:
Take care
Lynne x

There is a local group who i have joined but they like to go out in the evening and I don’t because I only fall asleep then. I prefer to do something in the day. However some are younger than I am and that is part of the problem

Hi @Enorac
I joined the Jolly Dollies on my nearby town Edinburgh. We tend to go out for lunches do that suits me as dont like going out evenings too.
I dont drive and hate going home in dark as i stay semi rural and public transport not great.
Hopefully you could suggest a lunch to your new club
Take care
Lynne x

Cant find that web search

Its under The jolly Dollies
They are also on facebook
I will look up link and send you
Lynne x