I think it was CS Lewis who said something along the lines of “Nobody told me that grief feels so much like fear”… I know this feeling well, as I’ve been almost continually feeling scared or fearful ever since my mother died in November. Anyone else feel the same??
You’re definitely not alone in feeling this way, @Seaside23. I’m giving your thread a gentle bump - I’m sure someone will be along to share their thoughts
I feel exactly the same, i am so anxious all the time. Struggling to navigate life without her.
Yeah I feel the same. Fear has woken me up tonight and I think I need some support. I’ve been bottling it up and pretending things are ok but the fear inside me is aching. X
Same here, lost my mum in November too. Thoughts are with you and it’s a comfort to know others are out there that feel the same
So sorry for your loss. It’s awful isn’t it.
So sorry for your loss. It’s really awful isn’t it.
Yes i can definitely relate to you. The fear is absolutely awful. I lost my mum suddenly on 6th Jan. I’m an only child so have been dealing with all the practical stuff on my own.
For me, there’s actually two seperate fears. The emotional one, which is totally debilitating and then the fear of all the practical stuff, most of which I’d had no dealings with before.
I’ve had a particularly bad day today as i had a phone call from the undertakers this morning saying they’re delivering mum’s ashes and it’s also her birthday tomorrow.
There will come a time when you’ll find you’re having slightly better days
Take care
I Can identify with absolutely everything you say! It’s scary stuff on all fronts!
Like you despite having siblings i am doing all the paperwork myself. Attempting to get probate is a minefield. Today is my mums birthday; the first without her and i have to say it has been easier than i imagined. Thank you for your message it really helps xxx
Yes i really appreciate everyones support and replies. Xxx
Sharing our experiences really does help. It’s very easy to become isolated in grief as no one else seems to be going through it
I can totally relate. I feel so lost, so scared and so so alone without my mum. She was my everything. Everyday I wake up, it hits me that she’s gone. It’s terrible
So sorry for your loss and for everything you’re going through. It really is awful isn’t it.
Yes I have a horrible fear now and not being able to eat is one fear because the next is so strange a fear of choking and this all started the year after my dad’s passing it’s just awful the looping thoughts the agonising crap every single day is a battle love and light to all
Really sorry that this is happening to you. It really is awful isn’t it.
It sure is I’m on a bike fed diet and ensure I shouldn’t be having to this at 36 years of age it’s horrendous
On a blended diet sorry
It’s just over 2 years since I lost my mum and I’ve never feel such fear, I’ve never been so scared and alone. I’m nearly 55 and I feel like I’m a small child, feeling so alone. I get it
I’m so sorry that you’re going through this. It really is difficult.