Feeling so lost

Gloria it will get better You won’t believe me now but it will. I am 16 month in now married 53 years and still miss him terribly. But I know now he isn’t coming back and it was making me ill. I found out in July I have breast cancer so every week at chemo I see people fighting for there lives and we should do the same. Are partners wouldn’t want us crying and being sad , but I understand some of you are in the early days. So try and keep going for your little dog . Big hugs if your lonely write to me private and tell me about your dog xxxxFlorance

I lost my wife two and half years ago, and fortunately I do have a lot of family support, but although I see my three sonsseparely every week, it’s the time Sat alone in the house when I feel very lonely. I retired from work four weeks before she passed away, its eft a huge hole in my life, one of the reasons for retiring at the age of 69 was to be with my wife and care for her, as she had health issues , so within four weeks I had left my job of 32 years and lost my wife of 50 years being together. I find it hard to explain the actual way I feel as I don’t really know how to explain it. They say it improves with time, but the feelings I believe will always be around, especially when you do or see things that you use to do together. I hope you find this post useful, even to know you are not alone in your feelings.


Hi Christine

You are so right. It hurts so much doesn’t it. I don’t think I will ever get over this. Married for 54 happy years is a long time and can’t bear the thought that Peter has gone. The most any of us can do is our best. People say I am a strong woman but they don’t see me breakdown sobbing when on my own. Love to you we must all stick together.

Sending much love

Moira xx

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Hi Clare
I’m pleased to hear that you are getting some help, these medications can take a while as I’m sure your GP would have told you,and they are not for everyone.
I’ve found that talking to a good listener helps.
I understand how you don’t feel like you , sadly we are different people now in a world we don’t recognise anymore.
It’s like having a personality transplant
It’s so hard to find any interest in anything isn’t it which is why I take myself of walking in the countryside no one around and I can just sit on a rock and have a good cry.
Downside is going back I sit in the car or garden for ages putting of going inside… No kiss and cuddle waiting for me.
The best advice I’ve been given is not to be persuaded into doing or going anywhere you are not comfortable with.
I’ve been persuaded into family social occasions and hated every second, no hobby by my side, my hand in his.
It’s a empty feeling,… Feeling alone surrounded by people. It rips at your heart.
People mean well but it’s not possible for anyone who hasn’t lost the love of their lives to understand the complexity of the feelings we go through
It’s the millions of little loving things between just the two of us.
I just wonder how it’s even possible to feel any better as the only thing that can do that is for my darling husband to come back
I hope that you hear from a Councillor soon, it can be a release just to put into words your inner most thoughts.
Take care and a hug
Christine xx


Hi Moira
Yes we are trying to survive in a world so very different for us now without our loving husband
I could never have imagined the empty feeling, it physically hurts
My husband and I had 38 wonderfully happy years together, all of my adult life and I treasure every second.
Take care and a big hug
Christine xx


Gloria many years ago when i was in a relationship i hated coming back from places. I liked the lady but wasn’t serious about her
But if we had spent time together, i would do my best to avoid leaving her and her home
Now after several years it doesn’t bother me coming home
But i still dislike the loneliness , that comes with being single xx

Hi Florence, thank you for your kind words of encouragement. My little do g is almost 11 years old and has lots of health problems. I think if I lost him now, it would finish me. I wouldn’t have anything else to live for. He is the reason I get up in the morning, the reason I go out of the house to take him a walk. Other than that I don’t go out, or see anyone. The house is so empty, no one to talk to. I was full time carer to my husband for many years, now their is a big hole in my life. I on,y hope things will get better eventually. Covid and the dark winter nights don’t help. Please keep in touch with me. Hugs xxxx

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Gloria I have a 60 year old daughter her son killed himself 4 years ago this week . My daughter had a dog that pulled her through all of it. She had a mastiff bitch beautiful dog. The dog knew my husband was ill and used to put her head on his knee and look into his eyes so touching . When he died she howled for 3 days on and off. She was 10 . A few month later my daughter took her to the vet and she had to have her put to sleep. I thought it would push her over the edge , she was a wreck. 8 months later her sons dog Sky had 10 puppies whippets silver, black, brown and white and blacky blue. He gave her a bitch penny she calls her, she is so good but very hard work. If something should happen to your dog get another ,you had plenty of fun and laughter with yours and a pretty good long time. Life doesn’t have to stop. In fact you will be so busy settling in the new puppy you will be tired out. Please don’t be sad life has to go on for you. I will keep in touch with you I live in South Yorkshire where do you live? Big hugs take care I am thinking about you xxFlorance Tryed to send a photo but didn’t work for me

I live just outside York, but originally from Derbyshire.
Where about in South Yorkshire do you live

Doncaster not too far away xx

That’s not far at all. Are you on Facebook or messenger so that we can keep in touch? Xxx

Yes but I will have to send it you privately if I can xx

Sent you a private message xx