First new years without dad

I just don’t know how to get past that fear and wish, like you, I could feel his presence or get some sign, but I haven’t yet. It’s good to know I’m not alone, though. :heart:


It’s great to share experiences and know there are other people going through similar times. I don’t know if this was something you were offered at the time or something you would be interested in but when dad & then my brother passed away we had digital fingerprints taken . We have since made these into necklaces. When wearing this i feel even closer to them and it brings great comfort. I am lucky that i feel dad talking to me and giving me advice . We talk about him every day and keep his memory alive. We are currently sorting through his clothes which is very hard. It is lovely that we can chat to others and share experiences drawing strength from each other and knowing we are not alone. I have a very loving family but sometimes it is better to speak to strangers to offload your feelings and discuss things you couldn’t say to family.


What a lovely idea for the digital fingerprints, never heard of this before :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
I am currently trying to sort through all my parents belongings, it is so hard :sob: