Getting worse

Hi Jo,
I need you guys tonight.
My Sam passed away at 10-30 tonight 22 weeks ago.
I am desolate and all alone I am sitting in our bed and longing for him to be here.
I have covered the clock so I can’t see the time of his death.
Am I actually going mad ?
I need him to be with me but he can’t ever be
ever again.
I am grateful though that it’s me and not him
I couldn’t bare this for my wonderful Sam.
The weekends are very difficult for me but a Saturday is absolutely terrifying and at night
It’s like a looming horrible and never going
away reminder.
Just please god and anyone else try to help me through the night.
Love and comfort to all.
Doreen x


Oh @Dol1

I’m here.
I can’t do much but I’m here to listen

I understand, I really do

Can you put the tv on or a radio to distract you?

Sending a huge hug

You’re not alone
X x


Hi Doreen.
Here’s my virtual hand,hang on tight we are all with you.
Much love Ron.


Hiya Doreen i am here for you, your not alone we all care, please reach out to us , wevknow how you feel. Tomorrow will be 20 weeks for me I have cried so much tonight. I am sending you loads of love and hugs jo xxxx


I am here too. I try not to count the days.
Sending love and strength.


Thinking of you
Sending hugs x


Sending hugs, understanding and empathy. We have all been there, its not a place anyone wants to be. We’ve got you xx


I am here to virtually hold your hand, I wake up at2am every night as that is the time Ray died in our bed with me beside him. We are all here with you.


Thank you liro
I had the Tv on and was watching The Quartet
With Maggie Smith and Billy Connelly.
We had watched it together last time it was on
and really enjoyed it.
The classical music and the memories were
Too much but I watched it.
To remember it together was lovely but had me in tears .
I am a mess but I have read the support I have on here and my god I am so grateful.
I could not get through the night with out you
Lots of love from Doreen and Sam he would be very proud of how your support is helping
Love Doreen


Always here for each other Doreen hugs jo xxc


Absolutely know this and to you guys so humbling I I cannot express my love xx


You put it into words so well Doreen. ‘I need him to be with me but he can’t ever be, ever again’ That longing for them to be with us is such a desperate feeling. Saturdays are bad for me too. Andy died next to me suddenly on Saturday morning 20 weeks ago. It helps me to think that he has just gone on ahead of me and that I need to make the best of the time I have left here on this earth before I follow him. In a way this grief is a continuation of our marriage. We can take them with us in a spiritual sense. Its good to keep talking to them. Blessings All.


Good morning everyone

I hope everyone has the most peaceful day we can

I’ve already had tears this morning but I’m trying to pick myself up and get on with it

We’ve got this. Together

Love and hugs to you all
Liz x x


Big hugs.

Here for you xx


Morning Liro,
So have I its 20 weeks today, my eyes fill readly and the lump in my throat never goes away.
But I am up showered and dressed.
I am going to start painting and emuloshing the living room today.
Hugs to us all Jo xxxx


Thankyou Rose

X x :heart:

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Thats what I’ve got to do.
I’ve got the paint.
Now I just need the oomph to make myself do it :face_with_peeking_eye:

X x


I know the feeling well i am sat here with a cuppa and a slice of toast trying to get my sorry arse into gear lol. Xxx


I’m not even up yet sometimes think what’s the point just going to sit here all day on my own
Crying thinking of Steve :cry:


I Doreen
I have only just seen this. So sorry i made myself go to bed at 6.30 and tried to sleep from 9pm I and others know what your feeling. It is awful when we think we ok it floods us again and again and again. Just feel drained not having her here. Making me so ill. 13 weeks now for me. A friend rang yesterday as I was beginning to talk about my thoughts I could his voice rushing me… so ended the call myself… I was messaged yesterday when I rang back no amswer. Then he messaged to say cant talk now… I am in this on my own… no one really out there. Apart from people here who know… I am sorry hope you have a bit of a peaceful sunday if you can