Grief hurts

Yep we joked with mum when we got it about how we weren’t getting any birds and it had been a waste of money. Now we can get into the teens every day and the robin :heart:


I bought a new bird feeder before Christmas and hardly ever see birds on it :disappointed: or I just see pigeons. Hopefully as the better weather comes I will see more.


I am feeling so tired at the moment. All I want to do is sleep.

I am starting to feel anxious about it all and how my mom died & happen to me?

It’s all draining :disappointed:

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Was supposed to go out and meet someone and crashed. Sitting here on the floor sobbing my heart out again, being late. Can’t they just come back to us so this stops. :broken_heart::cry:


@Ulma i am so sorry, sending lots of love. I totally understand. I wish I could walked up from this nightmare :heart::broken_heart:


It’s like living in a completely different universe, nothing is the same and nothing matters, it’s just sadness, but I suppose this site matters and the fact we are posting must be a sign of hope :disappointed_relieved:

@Becca_d sorry to hear you’re not well, my problem is not beibg able to sleep. … I miss my mum so much ut actually physically hurts.

Me too my heart actually aches and my head feels like its going to explode u der the pressure
Take care x

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Oh no, hugs to you :hugs: i know what you mean, i just need someone to make it stop now.


It really does feel like a nightmare. Being trapped and not getting out. :pensive: Much love back. :heart:

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:hugs: We never get respite either, it just goes on and on. It’s a huge achievement that we’re still standing.


It’s been half term this week, I have done stuff with friends. But I feel
So exhausted and rundown. Back to work on Monday and I am dreading it. I feel so rubbish mentally and physically.

Just need my mom, I need her here to talk to. And just hate this new reality :heart::cry::broken_heart:


I haven’t been here for a while. I was feeling good. We scattered my dad’s ashes and in a weird way it felt good. I shared my memories which I hadn’t been able to share before. But now it has hit me like a brick again. I feel anxious, exhausted, heavy feeling in my head. Reading all the above responses makes me feel that my feelings are part of the grief and that I’m not going crazy. Grieving is a lonely process but it is nice to read that other people experience the same feelings. I have cried so much yesterday which makes me feel emotionally better, now I only have a splitting headache. Grieving is really an up and down process. Thank you all


@nadine1 you are definitely not going crazy. Grief is such a hard process. We haven’t even thought about what we are doing with my mom’s ashes.

I am struggling a lot with my grief and waiting for some bereavement counselling.

It can be very lonely, but we are here for you. X

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@Becca_d I’m sorry to hear you are struggling. I have started counselling as well due to work issues, but now it is about my grief. I think the grief is the deeper issue that is impacted me on all life areas.

I have ongoing counselling for my mental health, but I need specialtist bereavement counselling as well. It is so exhausting