Grief is so exhausting

Thanks @Becca_d
I’ve done the right thing. Sending you a hug :people_hugging:
Thanks for your support xx

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Anytime :heart: @Pixiecat

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Thanks @Ulma
Posting on here does really help, thanks for your support xx

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I know my mental health is dipping. I just sat in the car when I got to my other school today. Didn’t want to go in, I have 2 parcels delivered today and can’t be bothered to open them. I am just lay in silence on my sofa.


Oh I’m glad to hear your taking some time out just take one day as it comes now have you been referred for any bereavement counselling at all x it’s not for everyone but it’s helping me release what I’m holding in, it’s helping me realise that I’m allowed to feel the way I am it’s helping me process what I’m going through is normal x

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Hi @Becca_d
There’s nothing wrong with laying on the sofa in silence, it’s what ever gets you through the waves of grief.
Deep breaths xx

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Actually I’ve had 7 of 8 sessions that work have provided, I think it’s helped a bit but I’m thinking of contacting cruse bereavement if things don’t improve, have you had any counselling?


You have so much going on around you and no time or space for yourself. It’s bound to take a toll. :people_hugging: Can something be done about it? I know it’s difficult. :heart::heart::heart:

I just have to rest when I can and ‘try’ to do some self care. I already have counselling. Saw my GP last week and seeing him again in 3 weeks. Just got to ride the storm. Can’t really alter my medications anymore.

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Yeah doctor referred me and I had to wait about 9 weeks which was horrendous I was having panic attacks and my mental health wasn’t great I’m now on medication and I’m on session 5 of my counselling I go once a week at the same with the same councillor but it should of been given sooner, our small group on here got me through my darkest of days when I didn’t want to be here and I don’t think I would be if it wasn’t for them, I’ve been able to talk without actually saying anything and that was good at the beginning but my actual councillor got me to verbally talk about how I was feeling etc x

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I think the emotional and physical symptoms of grief are absolutely horrendous, sometimes I really feel like I’m going mad, and I totally agree that if it wasn’t for this site I really don’t know where I’d be.
I’m so thankful to you all @Becca_d @Ulma @Lisa_L51 @Burgled and everyone else on here :pray: :heart:


@Pixiecat i am glad you found us. We are good group who are walking a long this path of grief.


I think right now I would go as far as saying u don’t want to accept this new reality. Some how approaching 6 months feels like a huge Mike stone. Like how on earth has 5 months gone by, yet at the same time it has only been 6 months.

My heart breaks for my mom every single day :broken_heart: I don’t think I will ever feel it’s real.


We are here for you whenever you need us we are in this together x sending hugs to you, your not alone x


It’s wonderful that we can all help esch other during this difficult time. :heart:


Morning, how is everyone today?

I am sat in my car trying to work up the motivation to go into work.

Roll on 3.30pm, then home. Don’t want to be at work today.

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Morning Becca and all,

The ruddy seagulls woke me up at the crack of dawn. I’m not working today. Good luck :four_leaf_clover:. I hope the working day flies by :yellow_heart:.

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Morning all I have my councilling today but first have to take my dad the opticians, I’ve only just told him I’m having counselling I woke up at 12.30this morning and didn’t get back to sleep till gone 4 so not feeling my best today, hope work goes quickly for you becca and @Burgled try to enjoy your day off x


Good luck with the counselling, you might think you’re rambling at times but that’s normal. Just try to breathe.
Best of luck :heart:

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Thanks she actually does breathing exercises with me after before I leave to make sure I’m calm x

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