Grief is so exhausting

I want my mam to come with me worst day ever sobbing cant cope today :sob::sob::sob::sob:


I am so sorry. Just tell the GP everything. We are here for you.

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Hi @Becca_d
Thanks for your support I’m definitely going to write down my situation as my head is so over the place and I know I’ll forget most of what I want to say
Sending you best wishes :heart:

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Let us know how you get on.

Just try and breathe as well take your time they are there to listen and so are we, let us know how you get on x

I recently lost my mum and not sure if I still need to accept she has gone as some days it feels like she is at home waiting for me to visit/call :cry:


I will @Lisa_L51
Thanks for your support I’ve got a bit of energy after having my worst wave of grief yet, you’ll understand what I mean.
I’ll let you know how I get on. I’ve checked the time of the appointment about 3 times but still can’t remember :triumph:
Best wishes❤️


Hi @Kaz2910 so sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. It is perfectly natural to feel like she will walk in the room. It’s been almost 6 months since my mom died and I feel like that sometimes.

Just go with the grief, let yourself feel the emotions. We are all here for you.

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Hi @Kaz2910 I’m so sorry for your loss, I too lost my mum it’s 4 months for me and it still feels like yesterday I look at her picture and it still doesn’t seem real I don’t think I will truly accept that this has happened to me and my family it’s the hardest thing in the world I’ve ever had to deal with so I understand exactly how your feeling, we are all here for you x

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@Kaz2910 so sorry about your mum. Today its 3 weeks since my mum died. I’m struggling to accept it. I can feel her in the flat.
Sending you hugs xx


I’m having awful day today. Its 3 weeks since mum died. I went to the cementary and sat by my parents’ grave and I thought I would like to be there with them. And I got scared for thinking that. Is this normal? Is anyone having these thoughts?


Hugs. :people_hugging: It will be fine, just breathe and we’re here when you come back.

Don’t get scared, it’s completely normal and I think we’ve all had those thoughts. It’s because we’re in so much pain. :pensive: The thoughts in and of themselves aren’t something to worry about and will likely come and go for a while, but if they are persistent and gets difficult to stop, it might be good to talk to someone about it. Sorry you having an awful day, sending hugs. :heart:


Hi, Kaz. I’m so sorry for your loss. I feel that way too and it’s a few montha for me since I lost my dad. Glad you found this thread and I hope it will be helpful for you. :heart:


Hi @Ola13 I think it’s normal to have these feelings I know I have, it’s very frightening. In the end I just keep saying to myself I’ll get through this. When I hd a massive wave of grief this morning I couldn’t say or do anything positive but I came through it and by no means do I feel like I’m "over it " but do feel I will get there.
Hope this helps xx

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Sorry @Ola13 you are having a bad day. Like @Ulma said they are only thoughts and can be part of the grieving process. Just speak to your GP if they persist.

Grief is such a vast range of emotions. Take it one day at a time x

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Hi @Lisa_L51
I’ve just come back from the doctors and he’s signed me off till the end of March. To be honest I’m relieved as my manager texted me this morning asking if I was going back next Monday. He obviously hasn’t got a clue!! I felt so anxious after the text and that would have carried on all week if I hadn’t seen a doctor.
Hope you’re doing well today xx


Good to hear that! :+1:

I went for a walk just now and was thinking about how I personally feel that forcing acceptance upon myself isn’t helpful. We can have whatever relationship we wish to have with our loved ones. My best friend’s father-in-law drops his wife’s name into conversation all the time. She passed away ten years ago. Honestly, if you walked in on one of his conversations, and didn’t know, you’d think that she was still with us (but that he was talking about things she used to, and no longer, does). At these times, we need to reduce, not add to, any pressure we may feel.


@Pixiecat that is good news. Try and rest now and just take things one day at a time.

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