Grief is so exhausting

Yep, without us they would struggle.

I know the way I am feeling about it all is because I am grieving and depressed. But I feel very crushed by it all. I just wish my mom was here :broken_heart::cry:

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Sorry @Becca_d

If it’s anything like where I work it’s probably just based on the unique answers that they are expecting you to regurgitate. Where I work, if you have enough attempts at an interview, you eventually get offered the post.

Here’s Paul Rudd. He expresses it so well.

I can understand how your feeling but don’t be hard on yourself just remember you are good at your job and you are enough xx

My whole world is upside down. Tomorrow would have been my mom’s 75th birthday. Her friends are sending me messages to say they are thinking of us and my heart is breaking. I miss her so much.

I have bought lots of pink roses, a candle for each of us. I have a balloon coming that has feathers in it, we are planting roses with some other ashes tomorrow too. But she should be here to celebrate. I have a little cake too and a sparkler candle to remember how much she was a light to all of us.


My mum’s last birthday we spent by her hospital bedside at home she slept all day don’t even think she new who was there, the next day was the day she had the fall that put her in hospital never to return celebrate the day how ever which way gets you through the day your mum will be right by your side in spirit xx


I feel so flat today. It’s my mom’s birthday, we have done things to remember her today. But I just feel empty. It’s just so sad that she isn’t here. If I’d have known we would have celebrated more last year.

Thinking of you Becca - all the things you had planned for today sounded like a lovely way to honour her :heart:

Im missing Mum today - went to London for my friends birthday which was a real effort, and then just burst into tears when i got home, as Mum was always there wanting to hear about our adventures, and i just came home instead to nothing :sleepy:


Been feeling like crap last couple of weeks my iron levels are at an all-time low going the hospital on Thurs to have my 1st part of my infusion it can’t come quick enough the headaches the constant nausea the constant fatigue can’t wait for it all to end. Work has been really busy with lots of new training happening that my head won’t take it all in, can’t believe it’s Monday again tomorrow feel like I’ve had no sleep all weekend x


@Lisa_L51 it’s no wonder you feel rubbish with your levels being low.

I am exhausted and just numb. I really don’t want to go to work, don’t see the point. Not getting that job had massively knocked my confidence and I feel like i don’t belong anywhere :broken_heart::cry:

Sending you both hugs, Becca and Lisa


Back at you @Ally6

Finding today so rough. Didn’t sleep, feel lost and empty. Nothing makes sense anymore.

Work is pointless too, don’t know where I fit in anymore. I have been having a brief look for jobs, but don’t really know what I want to do anymore. Feel like getting signed of sick with stress because of what has happened.

Hi @Becca_d

I was passed over for a promotion, around about this time last year. It really knocked me, and I remember crying in a Teams chat with one of my work pals. The promotion opportunity came up again in February but there was no way I was going for it then, while I was still fully signed off work. I couldn’t even remember what my job entailed, so a gruelling 3-panel member 40-minute interview (plus a test) would have been terrible.

Anywho, what I’m saying is, well done for putting yourself forward and being offered, and doing, the interview. It was brave of you and hopefully you impressed them enough for them to bear you in mind for future opportunities. Sometimes, their hands really are tied. We had to have someone on the panel from a different department, and he could only go off my answers, which unfortunately didn’t reflect my ability. I’ve since had feedback, and have interview training available, so that I can fine tune my answers.

Don’t let it make you more down than you already are. You are clearly very enthusiastic about, and invested in, your job, and that goes a long way.



Thank you @Burgled that has really encouraged me. I do feel a bit crushed and knocked my confidence but maybe it has shown them what I am capable of.

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Same to you as well xx

I am feeling so low at the moment. I feel crushed because of what happened at work, everything feels pointless.

Saw my dad last night and we both had a cry. He keeps expecting my mom to walk through the door. I feel his pain so much.

I am sat at work, but don’t want to be here. I sent an email to the principal last Friday and still waiting to hear back. I guess he is thinking about what to do. He has messed me about a lot going back and forth trying to work out my role and then i don’t get a promotion that had my name written all over it being the only careers specialist in the trust. All because i don’t have strategic knowledge yet. It’s so unfair.

Life sucks right now :cry::broken_heart:

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I wish I had a dedicated and enthusiastic careers specialist when I was at school. All my school cared about was that we went to a good university (to study what, they didn’t care) so that it reflected well on them. I put my personal life on hold while I tried to work out what I was doing with my career. We did have a careers advisor but I don’t remember him advising me well. My sister was insistent that she wanted to become a nurse, and that she’d take the vocational route, and get a diploma. Well, the school didn’t like that, and tried to encourage her to do A Levels, despite her not being particularly academic. See, they didn’t care about your actual future success, just about their own results. Which has spectacularly backfired, because they had their sixth form provision taken off them, and they are now one of the worst schools in the area.

Good afternoon all

I hope you’re all doing as well as possible in this long journey fighting the pain and grief we are all suffering . I haven’t been on for some time as I haven’t handled things to well in the past few months .
I thought I was getting somewhere as much as mums kiss still hurt me I thought I was on the right track then I hit a brick wall again and I’m ashamed to see done something really silly in trying to take my own life hence my absence on here .
I clearly wasn’t thinking straight and I’m now ashamed of the hurt and pain I’ve caused my family and friends … least of all my parents in heaven who wouldn’t of wanted to see me
doing that for one minute .
I just felt lost , stuck , heartbroken … I still do but I’m now getting proper help and counselling as well as all the support from people around me .
I know deep down mum would want me to be happy and make the most of my life but I also know she wanted to be here and that still hurts the most .
I’m getting there and I’d like to think I wont be so stupid again but I’d urge anyone to speak to someone as it’s helping me no end
I genuinely you are all doing as well as possible on this long journey xx


Oh my goodness @Braddy2905 i dont know what to say - I’m genuinely shocked and saddened that you found yourself in such a dark place. Thank you for being open and sharing this. I’m so glad to hear you are getting counselling and support. Sending much love and hugs to you :heart: :people_hugging::heart:

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Hi Braddy2905,
Just read your post and wanted to say how heartbreaking it was to read and i am so glad you got help. Also in advising other people on here to do teh same if in that position.
Keep posting on here because we are all suffering terribly and can help each other 24/7.
One day at at time and small steps each day ok
Thinking of you and well done for getting through it
Deborah x

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