Had a good day? Share that news, give us all a bit of hope.

I had my hair cut today which I was dreading because I’ve distanced myself from everyone except family. It went much better than I expected as my mobile hair dresser showed me such support. I’m in the early stages of grieving


Well done Cheryl. I’ve got to know my hairdresser quite well. He’s only a fortnight older than me, and we have fun chats. So I was dreading my first hair cut after losing my dad. The hairdresser asked how I was and if I had any news, and I just said “No, nothing good, so I just want to hear your news.” He got it, and did what I asked.


Thanks so much Burgled I am taking it as a little win. I also just received my first message from Sue Ryder team and that was really reassuring :heart:


That’s good that you didn’t feel pressured about talking about things you didn’t want to. Really pleased with my hair today which helps me feel bit better. I write my journal daily and find that helps me x

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Well done for having your hair cut it makes you feel a bit better. Baby steps sending a hug x

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Thanks for replying, I’m so grateful, I don’t feel so alone :pray:


Thanks for sharing I’ve just started journaling myself and I think it’s a habit I’ll continue as it just feels right x

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Well done :clap:

You are definitely not alone on here x

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I find my journal really helps. I think in a way I write it to my son about what I have been doing, how I feel, and how much I miss and love him. When I read back I can see I am making progress although I may not always recognise it.


Well that’s my first Pancake Day without my girl, I think I did ok to be honest… I might have another read of her recipe though, think I definitely forgot a few things.

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:grinning::+1: you have done more than me. My son loved pancake day

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Hi Gav. It’s nice that you’ve started this chat. I lost my husband not that long ago (September) but I feel he would want me to go on. I’ve just finished redecorating the bedroom, as I couldn’t bear the memories where he spent so much time during his illness. I ordered curtains today for that room which will be fitted on 19th March, exactly 6 months after his death. I see that as a sign he approves! I took our dog out this afternoon for a run where he met a new dog friend. I actually found myself laughing for the first time on this bereavement journey as I watched the dogs frolicking in the fields. It felt good to be laughing again, especially on this Valentine’s day, as though I’ve turned a corner. My memories of Phil are deep within my heart and will never leave me. Perhaps today he helped me in his own way.


Thank you for sharing that :slight_smile: it’s true, we do have those good moments and we need to enjoy them and not feel guilty or anything other than grateful that we can still smile. I go to work and forget everything, my work as a Tree Surgeon does tend to take some concentration! It’s good that you can once again be at peace in the home as well, it’s not easy sometimes. Well done you :slight_smile:


Found a coal urchin on the beach today


Whenever I feel really low I write a poem. I try to mke it a lighthearted poem, so perhaps we could share some on here, What do think ? x

Hi Gav
Thank you for starting this conversation. Feels good to be able to write down what has made us feel good while going through this horrible grief journey.
I promised my husband that I would concentrate on me. Well I joined Slimming World because I need to lose weight. I have Primary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis, so the weight doesn’t help.
Went to weigh in today. Have lost 4.5lb. Total weight loss so far 8.5lb. I can’t believe it.
I feel really good, knowing that I’m doing what I promised him.


Well done @mags66 some good news, I think we forget that we’re allowed some form of enjoyment in our lives, by now we all know that life will never be the same again, but we must move forward with our loved ones in our heart and stop feeling guilty about it. I’m having an ok day today so I’m determined to embrace it. One day at a time :heart:


Thank you pixiecat.
I also got my 1/2 stone award. I know he is looking down on me and telling me I’ve done well, and to keep going.

Hope you’ve had a good day :hugs:


Oh that’s great, a couple of years ago I lost about 3 stone, and my mam was so proud of me, I’m still off work since mam passed and I know I’ve put quite a bit back on. I’ll take a leaf out of your book and try and cut back a bit, mam would want that
Keep up the good work
Take care :heart: