Had the most amazing sign

Sue stopped me from having a nervous breakdown when we first met. My ex wife had all but destroyed my confidence and self worth.turned my kids against me.but my eldest daughter aderlaide made contact with me a number of years ago and last year decided to move up here and she said it was nice to be included in a family again xxxx

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That is so poignant x

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Beautiful :heart:

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I am so so sorry you beautiful husband was treated so badly for so long.

I am still too angry about how my dad was not cared for and when trying ti build his strength up with calorific shakes to have NBM that nurses had forgotten to take down. Let alone telling us it was easier to let dad defacate the bed and they clean it up than find help to take him to the toilet. Absolutely appalling

I only had 3 weeks of it before died passed aged 76 which is way too young. So I can’t even begin to imagine the length of time you had to be on your toes and looking after your husband and his dignity.

Absolutely disgusting



Thank you sarlyn x

Hello I don’t know if my experience is of any help.My husband didn’t follow any particular religion but he used to say to me I believe there is a creator and we will all see each other again- he said this before he was ill .Next to my chair in the sitting room I have an oriental lamp which had been my parents before me .I think my father received it as a present in the 50s .It had a very difficult stiff switch and I have never been able to put it on or off always had to ask my husband.The evening of the day he died I thought I’ll try it once then store it away I was floored it worked perfectly from that day to this.I had a few other happenings that surprised me.Just after he died my washing machine broke down with water in it I tried everything anyway booked and paid for an engineer to come out 4 days later .The day before the appointment I thought Ill give it one more try and staggeringly it started and I’ve been using it ever since- my lovely husband Zeki died 7 months ago.
My drying machine also started to act strangely. after drying when switched off with door open the lights kept coming on and off.My friend saw it and made me promise to switch it off on the wall in case of a fault which could be dangerous.
My final happening under my tv stand was just enough space for his backgammon box I am very tidy and organised and one morning I noticed one corner of it was sticking right out I went to put it back and felt compelled to open it and there was a paper I needed to have.
I was brought up a Christian but I too believe there is a creator ,some power that we cannot even comprehend and somehow we will be altogether again


Other people’s experiences don’t really help me tbh. I wish they did.
My OH has been gone 6 weeks now and I’ve had no signs whatsoever that he’s still around. I’ve sat here bawling my eyes out absolutely begging him for a sign to show that he’s ok and that he’s still around but I’ve had nothing. Neither has his mam and she believes in it all.

When his dad died it absolutely broke his heart to see his mam going through what we’re going through now. He told me he would hate to see me this way and I know he’d want to do everything in his power to let us know he was OK. He was just that type of person, always worrying about other people but never himself :broken_heart:

I really can’t take comfort in things that happened to other people when I know a million percent that he would be just as likely as anybody else’s OH to give us signs and he hasn’t.

I truly, truly want nothing more than to believe but then I think there are people out there who say they have been abducted by aliens. Perhaps they truly believe they have been. Perhaps they have? Who knows, but I really need to see for myself rather than just believe based on what other people say if that makes sense :broken_heart:


The way some of the nurses treated my wife sue was disgusting.one of them i heard on the phone while talking to sue made me furious because sue was struggling to hear she had the phone on speaker. One of the nurses said oh another one going senile because sue couldn’t understand her .i went mad at the nurse when sue handed her the phone. the following day whilst visiting i spoke to the nurse in charge and played the call back to her .she went mad and called the nurse into her office and chewed her out over it .then told me that nurse would never be dealing with my wife ever again.

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Thank you. Sues treatment was a shambles .so put an official complaint in to scunthorpe hospital. Even the hospice staff were disgusted with it x

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@Lonely I think we just have to tell ourselves it IS them trying to come through to us and take comfort from it! I always believe it straight away and say thank you out loud. Then after a while I start doubting myself! The only thing that is keeping me going is the hope that yes, it is him and that when my time comes, he will be there waiting for me xx

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I have one of our bike club members who is a solicitor in training so she helped me put the formal complaint together and scunthorpe hospital are at present investigating it for me.i am so sorry for the way your husband was treated x

I had a nurse have a go at me for the amount of stuff in my Micks room, clothes, food, treats. They said ‘Too much clutter, never seen anything like it’ I replied ‘then you’ve never been loved’ xxx


Had a really bad day today. Had a horrible dream last night about Simon last day. Really threw me. Not seen much of the robin today either. Anyway went up to the bathroom for a wee. When I was washing my hands I was crying. Begging Simon to come back. Got myself together. Came downstairs and Sky has lines all the way across the picture. You can see the picture but every inch there is a line. With all the colours of the rainbow in them. I turned it on and off. Still the same. I then went and got the cable from the upstairs one. It works. So obviously the cable. I turned everything off at the plug. Put the old cables back in because the sound bar wouldn’t work. Then went and got the new cables that I found yesterday, when looking for the old Alexa Dot for our neighbours. Anyway, turned Sky back on. It’s working. Picture is perfect!!! I am sure it was Simon trying to let me know although I am on my own physical. He is still with me, probably holding me up during this god awful time :cry:


That is so disappointing from the nurse .the short time sue was at the hospice we were encouraged by the staff to bring things in to help sue feel more at home .sorry for the way you were treated x

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Had the same thing with the stereo on Friday night. Went to put a rainbow cd ,wouldn’t play tried it upstairs as well didn’t want to play.put one of sues cds roy orbison and elvis the wonder of you .yes you guessed it right.they both played perfectly. Put one of my cds on Saturday and it played perfectly. Think it’s sues way of saying dont put that on .so i can understand how you feel


This is like a sign from my husband Mick. Last song I sung for him was You Got It by Roy Orbison. Last song he sung for me was The Wonder of You. This is amazing. Im so happy that you had this sign from your lovely Sue too xxx


whilst driving the works staff bus sunday I had a white feather float down from the roof inside the mini bus next to me it never blew in through the window I would of seen it come in it came from nowhere and put a smile on my face


I woke in the middle of the night last night and could smell his deodorant!! It was like it had been sprayed on the pillow. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I don’t care if it was my imagination or wishful thinking - I’m taking that!!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Same thing last night with my gorgeous fantastic wife sue