Had the most amazing sign

I had to share this as I am so elated.
I picked up my wreath to take to the funeral directors this morning and when I got there they said they would place it on Jim’s coffin and would I like to see him (closed coffin), I wasn’t going to as I went last week but decided I would. I stood right next to his coffin and suddenly I heard a rustling, it unnerved me and I looked around cautiously to see where it was coming from, my eyes went to his wreath and the card I wrote which you place in the cellophane envelope and THERE IT WAS. The card was flapping at the rate of knots so the cellophane was rustling. I had been asking him for a sign, there was no breeze, no fan, nothing and I was watching it flapping about for a good few minutes! I cannot tell anyone how I am feeling. The lady in the funeral directors had to make me a cup of tea. I 100% now know for sure there is an afterlife. I am so happy. I then got in the car to drive home and the first song on the radio was Islands in the Stream…that was it 2 signs. I am now sat with a large G & T so grateful and my Jim was not a believer so he did that just for me :heart: for all of you please never doubt


I am so pleased for you. That is amazing! Keep believing x


I know I shouldn’t feel this elated the day before his funeral but just Wow! That was our goodbye but only for now as I know for sure we will be together again. I cannot tell you what this has done to me x


It’s not goodbye ,It’s I am still around you


I’m glad that brought you some comfort. I wish my OH would do something like that for me :rofl: It’s been five weeks today and still nothing :pensive:
I’ve been watching a lot of Matt Frasers Facebook videos of his group readings and I’m going to buy a ticket to his next group reading and hope I get chosen. I’m still sceptical but watching his readings I can’t help but wonder “what if?” x


@Sarlyn that’s so wonderful! Enjoy you G&T and sending hugs for tomorrow x


Hi there Sarlyn
I know just how you are feeling as I started to have signs from my husband within days and also felt elated knowing that he was near. I have now had too many signs to put to papers but I am always keeping an eye out as Sheila (lonely) says they are always near.
I never had any thoughts about this subject before losing my husband but I am now a firm believer.
In the very early days I visited the Woodland site where his ashes were going but as I left I felt there was something wrong and I asked my husband to give me a sign. I won’t go into detail but I got that sign the next day and he came home to the town where we live and where he was born.
I visited our allotments four days after he died and a honey bee landed by the side of me and as it was November I knew that it was a sign as he worked with the bee’s. I also had a bee fly around my head while visiting a friend. It was December and again I just knew and said hello to him. My friend thought I had gone mad greeting a bee. So many more signs and I also ask him to show that he near and he rarely lets me down. So enjoy the moment as you have been blessed and keep looking…


I’m really pleased for you, it will bring you great comfort knowing he’s around. xx


@bussteve1 you are absolutely right, I thought it was goodbye but he was telling me he’s still here. Thank you x


Thank you so much. Tomorrow was a day I never ever thought would be here so very soon and I was dreading it but not now. Hugs back x


Thank you and yes it is a blessing and with all the crap I have had to endure by his son’s he knew I needed that and especially the day before the funeral. I can now know that not even his son’s can try and destroy our love for one another from the age of 10 years old x


Well done Saryn my thoughts are with you. I also dreaded the funeral but somehow I felt much calmer than I expected and I knew my husband wasn’t in that coffin but in a better place. I also received crap from his daughters and they did their best to spoil the day just as they tried to our wedding 30 years previously. I asked my husband to help me and what should I do about them after all they was his daughters and he came to me and told me to ignore them and he would sort them out. I felt so much better knowing he was sorting it. I never bothered with them again.


Today and my last visit to see him has given me the strength to ignore them both tomorrow and then I will never set eyes on them again. They hurt me but I will get over that but worse is how badly they disrespected their dad and for that they are due a large dose of ‘Karma’ one day they will lose the love of their life and only then will they ever understand the pain, heartbreak and loneliness of losing a soulmate x


Aaw that is definitely a sign from jim.it is Sue’s birthday today and we went for a meal at our favourite pub in Doncaster i felt sue near me when we were there .even more so when we got home


Happy Heavenly Birthday to your lovely Sue. I’m so glad you went out for a meal as I can only imagine how difficult that would be for you x


Thank you .my steplad dave told me that he made a promise to sue that he would look after me as sue that I would find it difficult to cope and my daughter and family are really supportive.sue had arranged a family meal in December for the whole family as a last get together but ended up back in hospital the day before so we had to cancel it but i am going to arrange another one and take a photo of sue with me so that she is still part of the family meal

Sending you hugs and the strength for tomorrow. Hold your head and stay positive.as you say karma will get them one day .so glad you went today .well done sarlyn


Wow that’s incredible, you must be elated!!
I strongly feel as in life, everyone is different. Some are subtle, some outrageous etc… This is the same for signs. My mind’s open now, I’m a believer so we will see. These past few days, just as I received mums ashes in a necklace I had made, combined with her internment, I’ve had a robin appear In the garden on the washing line. Never had him before. Coincidence, maybe… But I don’t really believe in coincidence x


what an amazing experience @Sarlyn. I can imagine how much this means to you as its so clear in your post. Hold your head high tomorrow, your lovely man will be beside you as he has shown and everything else doesn’t matter at all. Love and Hugs xxx


I think you have to believe you will and not have any doubt. My Jim didn’t belief in anything after death but he knew it was important to me. I think also because of the way I have been treated he knew he had to comfort me. I had the sign on my sofa the night before he passed and that was letting me know because his son’s didn’t tell me what was happening. Today has confirmed there is an afterlife and they are always with us. He chose the fluttering of my card on his wreath and that was so personal. You have to be open to receive so hang in there