Had the most amazing sign

I am open to receiving a sign, I’m absolutely desperate for one but I can’t just see a feather or a robin and convince myself that’s a sign, I really need something more if that makes sense? Hopefully one day I will get something that makes me believe :crossed_fingers:
I am hoping to get a group reading with Matt Fraser, a lot of the videos he’s put on his Facebook are very specific information although I am aware that half of the people who are commenting on his posts saying they have tickets to the event have more than enough information publicly on their Facebook that even I could give them a “reading” :rofl: Absolutely baffles me why anyone would comment “I’m going to be at your group reading Matt” when they have their life stories available on their Facebook page :see_no_evil:


I have had a few signs since my husband passedcaway 14 months ago. I was going to the dealership to see about part exchanging our two cars for one. Feeling terrible about doing this i never slept the night before, but when i took out the dog in the morning a robin came and stood on the road sign just looking at me. I knew then it was keith telling me its ok,. I have also had a hand on my shoulder one night when i had been crying, then only a week ago i felt someone lying at the back of me. It wadnt the dog as she was lying the other side of the bed. At first it felt scary but then i thought no this was him again comforting me. I believe it when people say that they have had signs because even though they are no longer with us in person, they will always be with us


I was sat in walkabout this evening waiting for a friend and out of nowhere a song I adore, from a band we loved played. It very nearly went into his funeral plans. I never hear it anywhere, except when I play it or when we went to see the band. And totally not in keeping with the type of music being played. It floored me. I’m sure it was him.

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I’m over the moon for you. I’m smiling at my iPad! . Hold on to that feeling tomorrow and in the days to come. We will all be thinking about you and sending you love tomorrow. X


Since my oh passed away i have had various subtle signs that makes me believe he is always near. Feathers almost daily in my path, lights that have flickered but are fine and dont need replacing, and my almost daily treat is two robins, one of which is missing a foot and only started to appear after my husband passed who incidently was an amputee.


But I’ve always seen hovering bees, wasps, butterflies, feathers and robins. These are things that exist in nature, of course we will see these things. I’ve got more chance of winning the lottery jackpot 3 Saturdays in a row than I have going through life without seeing them things again. I just can’t accept that things that I’ve always seen regularly are suddenly my OH giving me signs. Some people on here say they have received some really undeniable signs so why would it be the case their loved ones can make some really bizarre things happen but my loved ones could only send a bee? I just can’t clutch at any little thing and try to convince myself there’s something after this.
Now if I heard him call my name or felt him touch me when there was nobody else in the house then that would be a different story entirely.

Some of the signs people have had have actually made me laugh because they are so bizarre, things that you wouldn’t believe unless you saw it for yourself but things that if you did indeed see for yourself you’d totally believe in afterlife. Why do you think some people recieve crazy signs and others like myself have to try and convince ourselves a hovering bee or a butterfly is a sign? Why would my loved ones not be able to do something crazy too? And it’s not just me whose waiting for a sign off my OH, his mam is too and she totally believes in life after death.

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Theres a particular knife sue loved to use .since December cant find it anywhere. Plus looking for some plastic bags the other day i knew they were in a certain drawer .hunted for them and found them in a totally different one .my answer sue stop playing games. She used to change things around without telling me so sues still doing it lol

Drives me mad because still looking for a key to one of my disc locks for one of my motorbikes

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I put the keys on the table last year when sue was still here .said she put them away but couldn’t remember where she put them

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Good for you Saryn we can do without these people in our lives and as you so rightly say one day they might sadly understand. Now you have to concentrate on yourself so that you can get through this terrible time.

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@LostLil I feel the same as you. Until there is hard evidence then I can’t believe that there is a afterlife. I live in the country and see robins and feathers all the time. I don’t like birds and feathers and have a phobia with birds and feathers. I keep asking my husband for a sign but nothing.

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Hi there lostLil
I too wonder why some people have lots of signs and others don’t and afraid I have no answer. Perhaps someone more knowledgeable can help you. I feel I have been blessed as my husband has showed himself on many occasions.
Such as: I saw him clearly just after he died and he had opened a case and was pointing into it. A few weeks later my grandson and I started sorting out the loft (my husband was a terrible hoarder) and just as I was climbing down I noticed a case handle underneath other stuff. We pulled it out and it was one of those old cases and I had to use a hammer to break into it. I found papers from my husbands childhood, his daughters school books, papers to do with his previous divorce, letters and numerous photographs. It was literally years of his life that he must have put away when he married me 30 years previously. I had never seen this case before.
I have a love of plates on stands and have four on a high shelf in the kitchen. I can only reach them from a ladder yet I noticed one morning that two of them was facing the complete opposite way and facing a wall. Radio’s have come on while switched off, the same with alarms. While typing about my husband his framed photograph literally jumped off the table which is across the otherside of the room. You have to see these things to believe it. I now have no doubts !!! Keep looking and believing he is near.


my wife who passed away in july was a believer in the afterlife I was a sceptic ,since she passed i have had many physical things being moved one of her walking sticks is a favourite , but also being told the answer to a question only she would know may be days , weeks later , I need no proof there is life after death finding comfort knowing she is still around me is proof enough and no one will change that
steve xx


Hi Steve
I feel the same as you. Never gave it a thought until Brian died. It is a comfort when we get a sign no matter how frustrating some of the signs might be. I do feel he’s near me and now I am looking for the signs no matter how small.


Do you think it’s based on what they believed. I was a believer my partner wasn’t. Since his death I’ve had nothing that I can concretely say is a sign from him.
I don’t feel him around me either or in my heart. I feel completely empty.


No because I have had 2 signs and my partner didn’t believe in the slightest. He knew it was important to me though.
You have to believe without doubt though I think before you receive anything.
Fingers crossed it will come for you


Why do I sometimes feel like I get a sign and completely believe in it then dismiss it as something logical or coincidence.

I was sure my Mum was with me the other day. I was having a pretty stressful day doing the job I never wanted or signed up for (executor)

I was round at my grans watching a little robin in her garden and she told me it had been visiting all week and it reminded me of my mum with how happy and chirpy it was. I of course said to myself “well robins do exist it doesn’t mean anything”

Then I shared a taxi with my auntie. The taxi driver didn’t turn on the radio until a few minutes into the journey and after the first song played it started playing my mums funeral entrance song and we both looked at each other like ‘wow’ it managed to play the full thing just before my auntie had to get out. The song was ‘high hopes’ by panic at the disco.

That night (I have the free version of amazon prime, where it only allows you to shuffle songs) and typed in ‘panic at the disco’ and I then said out loud “Mum if that was really you play high hopes first” almost got floored when it did indeed start playing.

Then for certain I typed in madonna (we had a dance routine to her ‘hung up’ song and guess what that was also the first song that played. I honestly felt like I could feel her presence.

But looking back I feel so completely silly now and think it was wishful thinking.

I think it was all just one big coincidence after all that, how can that be :frowning:

I have been to my grans since and I foubd myself watching the same robin and feel quite attached to it, what’s that all about :woman_facepalming:

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Because 99% of the time in every day life we only use our logical brains. It’s only when we are bereaved do we tune in to our beliefs and become more spiritually aware. How wonderful that you had those signs though, try not to dismiss them as they are meant to comfort you


True sarlyn.realy down in the dumps this morning when i woke up. Smelt one of sues favourite perfumes it came from out of nowhere. Then heard her say come on now martyn i dont want you to be like this today. Its given me a boost today xx


They really did comfort me at the time and now I’ve had the time to think I now doubt it :frowning:

I’ve been obsessed with googling about the afterlife and there’s so many arguments whether it’s real or not and so many conflictions. It causes me a real worry and panic!

I will continue to be more open though, I’d like to think she sent the robin to my gran cause her garden is amazing for wildlife it’s so fascinating and she loves to watch what unfolds there. But like I say robins do exist!

And I’d like to think she sent signs through music to me as she had a real love for music and singing. And it’s what reminds me of her best I suppose.

But I have tried to shuffle again and whilst high hopes played once again I tried madonna and it didn’t play hung up this time round so I’m like well that says it then, it’s a coincidence.

I really want to believe she’s still around even if i can’t see her with all my heart.

I do feel like there’s something more though cause how can we love so much for it all just to stop once we die? I do get a sense that our feelings are separate to our actual bodies, maybe that’s what the soul is? It’s a strange one.

I hate my own company lol I just overthink to the point where I mess my brain up :woman_facepalming:

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