Had the most amazing sign

Jess1No book , no,encyclopedia and not google will give you the answer we are all individuals dealing with a loss we All see things in different ways , no one can tell you there is or isn’t an afterlife or your loved one is or isn’t around you its what you believe in and no one can take that away from you


I do feel like she’s still around in a way so maybe I should just believe and hope that she truly is :heart:

Jess1 she will always be in your your Heart

That she will but it will never feel good enough to me unfortunately, I want to believe so much that I’ll see her again. Otherwise what is the point in us being here.
If there’s a chance of seeing her again I have a bloody long time before my time comes though. I’m only 32 and she was just 50 it’s so unbelievably unfair and I feel like I can’t cope but feel if I knew for sure I’ll see her again, that it would give me the will to carry on


I was bereaved about 2 years ago. Between my husband’s death and the funeral, I heard music playing in the conservatory. The radio had come on. I pressed the OFF button but it didn’t go off. I turned off the power at the mains, it still played. I took it into the kitchen and took out the back-up batteries. It continued playing a little while then stopped. I went back into the conservatory only to find the radio on my husband’s music centre had switched itself on :scream::scream::scream:

My friends were concerned I was scared, but I found it deeply comforting


Jess1 your mum is there in your heart and always will be.dont overthink this i,m sure your mum wouldn’t want you to be uspet x


I want her here physically though so bad :frowning:


Same for me with my gorgeous fantastic wife sue x

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Just not fair is it that we have to go through this in life. Do you think your wife has been sending you signs?


Maybe she does not want you to be in the motorbike x

Yes sue has

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@jess hi Jess I loss my husband suddenly at the age of 53 after celebrating our 25th anniversary. I know you have lost your mum at a similar age. I hope you don’t mind me asking but how is your dad coping losing your mum. Hopefully you have got some support. big hugs xx

Since sold one of them and got a trike

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I love trikes, ultimate freedom, no helmet required


Hey love my mum and dad split years ago, she has a current partner who is missing her though and my own Dad has been shocked by it, I still have my Grandma who’s lost her child to so that’s hard for me seeing my Grandma grieving at her age poor thing. I’m doing everything I can to support her x


Looking forward to getting back out there again.sue called it baby blue so the name sort of stuck .got given it by some close friends who we both class as family x

Hi @Jess1 it must be so hard for your grandma to lose a child. I am glad that you have got each other and will be able to talk about your mum to your grandma keeping your mum alive with both of your memories xx

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Yes definitely I’m worried about the stress she’s under, shouldn’t think this way but I’m terrified of losing her, I feel scared of losing anyone I love right now, obviously I’ve always been scared but not to this extent, I feel terrified of my future as well, I don’t think I’ll ever feel normal again x

@Jess1 I miss my husband every day. Had no closure and no answers. We could of had another 25/30 years. Life is so unfair and cruel isn’t it… our son who is 23 is broken losing his dad so know how you feel xx

No answers about my mum yet either, coroners taking ages to get back to us, it’s torture :frowning: and my heart goes out to you and your son to, all I want to know is that she wasn’t in any pain when she passed :frowning: I can’t get it out of my head that she died on her own in her house it haunts me x

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