Has anyone out there found a new hobby that’s a good means of distraction?

I’d love to find a new hobby that I could totally absorb myself in and would prove to be a good distraction. Any ideas welcome.

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I do needlefelt is this something you could be interested in


After John died, I did online sudoku in the evenings, obsessively. Not a hobby, but it got me through until bedtime and stopped me thinking. Now I do online word puzzles if I have periods of inactivity, and they are a great temporary distraction. So is Duolingo, learning a new language.


Ahh they are cute. I do a lot of crafting but not tried needle felting yet. I might give it a go. Thank you.

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Thank you. I do a sudoku and a crossword every morning before I get up as well as writing in my journal, but I’ve done that for about 15 years now lol
I do lots of crafts and some genealogy but am looking for something different that I’ve never done before. I was going to try and learn to play the piano but couldn’t find a teacher in my area.
I’ll keep thinking.

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Maybe it’s not a hobby as such, but I’m also using Duolingo to learn a new language. It’s built like a game where you level up and earn stars etc. It can distract me pretty well when I get into it and it’s free if you are ok with ads.


I’ve had a couple of singing lessons, just me with the teacher in her studio. It was fun and uplifting. I did pay for another 3, but need to book them in.
Yeah, Duolingo is very good. I speak German but rusty so I’m improving. Also learning Italian at the same time, (on my phone).

Oh yes. I tried learning Spanish on that years ago. That’s a good idea. Thanks

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I have joined a choir recently, but I’m not the best at singing…… maybe lessons would be a good idea. Thank you

It was photography for me:
Makes you go outside.
Makes you look at things differently.
Doesn’t need to be expensive.
There are some free basic on line courses.
You could join a local club if you’re really interested and want to learn more :blush:

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My partner always used to complain about my dreadful singing.
I had to tell him it wasn’t my singing, he just wasn’t listening properly…:blush:


I’ve always been into photography…… I went to art college and photography was always a big part of my work.
It’s really funny, I’ve just noticed that everything that’s been suggested so far are things I already do………… which has made me realise that I do a lot more than I actually think I do. Still looking for something a bit different that I’ve not tried before though.
Thank you


:joy::joy::joy::joy: Like it

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I’m a scuba diver… so water based things I’ve tried are paddleboarding and open water swimming.

I’d love singing lessons…maybe one day when I’m feeling braver…

I’ve volunteered with local RSPCA since 2007, fundraising days and fostering, and a few years as a trustee. I’m also a member of a floral society, been roped back onto the committee recently.

Well that’s something different. I tried scuba diving once on holiday in Greece but didn’t feel that comfortable with it. I remember I kept grabbing on to my hubby’s flippers cos I was so scared lol
I’ve done a little bit of snorkelling, I’m better with that.
I love the idea of open water swimming.
Maybe I should look into that. I went round our local swimming pool recently but found it a bit boring just doing lengths on my own.

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I haven’t tried either of those. Maybe it’s worth looking into. Thanks

Bear in mind that, if you join any committees, it will take up more time and can get fractious (but step back and try to find it amusing, that’s what I do). I also got an allotment recently, the Whattsap group can get pretty angry about water stolen from butts and netting taken without permission, but it’s fun, too!

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Lol…. Yes we got an allotment the year before my hubby died and I really loved going up there with him. We did so well that first year and grew so much produce.
I tried to keep it on after he died but it just wasn’t the same going up there on my own so I gave it up.

I do Duolingo @Catrin1

I’m doing Hungarian.

It’s certainly a distraction x