Has anyone out there found a new hobby that’s a good means of distraction?


@Beachwalk Learning new things has definitely helped me… keeping my mind busy when I need distraction :purple_heart:


Lovely artwork
Yes we all need to keep busy.
I think its the only way through this


I play computer games. I love the Nancy Drew series, I play & replay them. I also build miniatures and belong to a club. After a year I have braved going back. The people are all so kind & supportive. I have been busy doing things in my home. So much has change. Laughter & fun are a distant memory, but I plug on. I also have been reading books & following podcasts of people going through similar experience as well as spiritual enlightenment. I pray everyday when the time comes I will see my son again.


I finally went back to Iyengar Yoga a couple of weeks ago, haven’t been since January. A few people remarked on my long absence but I couldn’t bring myself to tell them that my boyfriend died, I merely smiled. The teacher knew but never let on, I wish she had, but then I would have had to put up with the sympathy :confused: . Glad to be back, exercise makes me feel a lot better.


I have numerous hobbies including diamond art, jigsaws, Lego, paint by numbers, mosaic making, dry clay pottery, wordsearches. I also do Open university. The full courses are very expensive but there are also free courses available. I hope you find something nice soon


I’m inspired by all of your suggestions - it’s hard to take that initial step. I’ve been thinking of trying something new. I’ve heard they do local health walks in my area and I’m going to give them a try. I also found out about the referrals for health scheme that they run in my area. You can get 12 weeks free at local council gym to help get back into exercising - I hear this is available in loads of other areas too. I’m quite nervous about starting them yet, but seeing your replies I will try something soon


@Anastasia you’re right, it’s always hard to start something new. I think the first time you go to a gym class for example is the scariest as absolutely everything is unfamiliar but the second time is easier. A second visit you know a bit more about what to expect, see a few familiar faces even if you don’t know their names. And remember if you try something and don’t like it you don’t have to go back!


I have joined a 300 strong choir
I love doing it
I do struggle with some if the songs sometimes if they remind me
Plus I started sewing
My pic is a teddy I made called Graham
after my son who I lost, it gives me something to pysically♥️ hold when I miss him the most


He’s beautiful x x

That means a lot

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Wow! He really is gorgeous. Xx

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He is beautiful, you are so talented

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Aww your teddy is amazing and wish i could sing. Big hugs :hugs:

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What a lovely talent you have and I have to say I admire your positivity in getting out there and doing things. I know we are all bereaved on here and not diminishing anyone’s grief but losing a child is just about the worse loss you could experience, it’s incomprehensible, big hugs and your teddy is a testament to your love xx


I can only do easy jigsaw puzzles

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I can’t bear being stuck indoors in the winter night after night, especially now being on my own, so although it’s not my greatest pleasure I go to my local bingo, it’s a place you can happily go alone and there are always people to chat to and a nice atmosphere and sometimes I have a meal there too and it makes a nice pleasant evening. If I win it’s a bonus :slightly_smiling_face: I also binge watch series on BBC Player, ITV Max, Netflix or Prime. I have just finished the full 6 series of Line of Duty ( yes late to the table with it) but wow! Obsessed, kept me gripped for the last few weeks. I work all week so it keeps me well occupied. A friend bought me a painting by numbers at Xmas and haven’t done one of those for years lol, they have advanced now from the basics and I was totally absorbed so got things lined up over winter. Summer been no problem as I am out a lot, last night went to a quiz night (outside) under cover. It was packed and such a fun night, went with my friend. There are so many things to do :slightly_smiling_face: Forget to mention I am doing an Escape room tomorrow night, did one on the cruise I went on in June, they are fantastic fun


Wow! I’m impressed. I wish there were things like that to do during the day. I have to fit everything in between 10.30 and 3.30, Monday - Friday due to caring responsibilities. Most people I know are at work and only free during the evenings and at weekends, the times when I am not. I have gone to a Tai Chi class one afternoon a week, and that’s okay.
I spend my evenings reading, watching a bit of television. But I will have to find a quiet hobby to do at home when it gets dark and cold.

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I work 5 days a week at the moment so only have to find things to do at the weekend but I am retiring in Feb and l am wondering how on earth I am going to fill my days lol
I love walking so going to look into local walking clubs. Are you on Facebook? I search on there for local events in my area and there are quite a few things to do. I am contemplating a dating site :joy: but not to date (won’t be letting that be known though haha) but literally to meet just for meals out, day trips, walking, concerts, cinema etc. I miss male company but not ready for dating and don’t want a relationship, I would just like a good male friend to do things with (not those things haha). Gosh this sounds so wrong :see_no_evil:
My profile if I was honest would read
Looking for a part time male companion only…just for meals out, days out, possible holidays and must have DIY skills :joy::joy: anything else please don’t swipe me! :joy::joy:


If you find one, please message me and tell me if he has a brother!
I put a post on here a few weeks ago called Once Upon A Time. My nanna found one like that. He did all her odd jobs, she cooked his meals, they went dancing together. Then he went home. Poor old bugger had to get two buses home! Xx