has this happened to anyone else ?

I have on several occasions now heard a man calling my name, it is clear as a bell and usually happens in our bedroom, and once in the lounge.
It does not sound like David although it does sound a bit like his younger voice, it doesn’t frighten me but sometimes I feel tearful after I have heard it. My sister said I should answer the voice, I will do if it happens again.


Hello @penny6,

I’m just giving this a gentle bump for you - hopefully someone will be along to share their thoughts.

Wow i wish it would happen to me i have got a clarvionant coming in abt 3 weeks i am hoping she picks up Gra. I would defiently answer the voice you hear. Xxx

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Yes talk to him. I had two visitations. He said he would if he could. He didn’t believe in an afterlife so it was reassuring . and I take comfort from that crazy as it sounds.

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I talk to my husband too. He didn’t believe in an afterlife either. I haven’t had any signs or visitations. I put it down to his unbelief. But it’s probably because he is fed up of me crying and grumbling because he left me. I tell him I am sad because I love him so much, but I am a miserable bugger. I wouldn’t talk to me either.

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Aww willow i dont think its that at all i talk to Gra and havent had any signs either. Ivtell him off for leaving me . Xxx

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I had an experience that not long after my mum left me my Alexa device played one of my mums favourite songs Annie’s song by John Denver what’s weird is my mums name was Anne but my dad called her Annie and the song was kind of about my mum. When it did play it did freak me out. It didn’t occur to me at the time this is my mum using technology to reach out to me. I asked Alexa several times to stop playing. I asked my dad if he asked Alexa to play it. He said he hadn’t. Which is also weird my dad didn’t have an Alexa device in his bedroom. Only I had one. I was coming up the stairs up the time. I pulled plug out to stop song playing as it really upset me. I plugged it back in and i couldn’t believe it then played a Frankie valli song my mum loved so much
After this experience I looked on my Alexa app to see if it had recorded these songs and strangely they weren’t on the app not even Amazon could explain it.
To this day I truly believe our loved ones can reach us through technology.
Has anyone experienced this?


No, but I wish I could have. Xx

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Good morning @Steven

Last Saturday evening I had been watching the football. When it had finished I had been flicking through the channels to see what was on. I settled on a programme about the Royals and settled down to watch it.
All of a sudden my radio/cd player turned itself on, playing 'Young Girl ’ initially I thought I must have leant on the remote control but when I looked the remote was out of reach.
I then freaked out. Roger was 10 years older than me and that song always reminded me of that.


Wow i keep looking for signs Gra is still with me. I just want to feel safe in his arms once more. Omg why is this so hard. Xxx


Yes signs are a comfort, I usually put it down to coincidence, but I couldn’t last time. Radios don’t just turn themselves on :thinking:
Have you had a dream of him yet?

You’re only 4 weeks, I think I was about 8 weeks before I had a dream. Then it broke my heart all over again when I woke up.
This grieving is pure hell.

Big hugs
Liz x x

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No darling i havent yes its 4 we
eks today. I am pleased you have . I bet it brings you some comfort knowing he is still with you. Xxxx

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The two month mark was Tuesday. And in the middle of the night today I was kind of awaken by the mattress pulling down by my side as if someone was sitting next to me. I thought this is impossible there’s nobody else here but me.
Then I decided to raise my right hand and feel around and there was just empty space, but in seconds I felt my husband’s back. I was shocked as I stroked his back and I said oh my God you’re here. He stood up, I got up looked at him with his characteristic smile and hugged him . I said how did you do it how can you be here? He didn’t speak just smiled and I saw him go into our bathroom, I could see him on profile in front of the vanity. Then that was it. I wonder if he went to the mirror to make sure he was here. When I woke up this morning I couldn’t believe my experience and I felt this incredible joy and conviction that he is with me. I know it wasn’t a dream and probably an altered state experience. The mattress sinking was real to start everything.


That must be such a comfort for you
I thought I saw Roger in the bedroom once, looking out of the window like he always used to.
I even called out to him. It was dark so it was probably just a trick of the light

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Yes. I heard my brother call my name and it sounded like he was a long way away. I was in bed but it wasn’t a dream and only happened once. Wish ot had happened again.


I read those who have left us can reach us through technology. My experience proofs that it’s true. It can happen when you’re not expecting it.
My mum used my Alexa device by playing two songs my mum was trying to reach me to let me know she’s not gone she hasn’t left me

Oh yes, i had forgotten about that. Leaving a tape recorder on is one.

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I wish my husband would contact me xxx

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Same here. Unfortunately I think the feathers are more likely to be an efficient fox in the neighbourhood.
I have had a few technical and electrical problems but I don’t think he would do anything to make my life even more difficult.

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My cd player turned itself on and started playing 'Young Girl (Roger was10 years older than me).
It totally freaked me out.
Next day I told him, signs are good, I want signs. But please don’t frighten the life out of me!

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