Having to do everything

My fence came down in the recent storms I felt absolutely at my wits end as to how I was found to fix it Jim would have sorted it no problem . But not to be beaten I asked a friend of jims who said after funeral if I needed help just ask so I asked him to have a look see if he could do anything he came Friday and did job he wouldn’t let me pay him for doing it so I’m been and got him a bottle of wine. Nice to have true friends you can rely on . Having to sort all the little problems that pop up is all down to me now and it’s scary to think it’s on my shoulders now to get sorted hope I don’t have anymore problems for a while as I’m exhausted


Hiya my lovely neighbour is going to put my fence back up glad I have him and his wife lv annie x


My fence is down too hopefully my sons will help fix it but unfortunately rugby comes first, I chunter to my husband if only you were here but just have to go with the flow but I also know he would be watching rugby with them too xx


Everything just seems to keep going wrong doesn’t it . Its so much harder when you have to sort it out yourself . Hope your roof is sorted soon before next storm . I’m just tidied Jim’s shed and it got me a bit upset finding all the stuff he put in draws. I’m also just cut lawn I don’t know if I can keep doing everything it’s just to much


Oh my we all in same place I am just waiting for my son to come over repair my fence it’s horrible having to rely on them that have busy lives I will have to mow the grass soon I never did it feel so sad doing the garden alone now have to keep it tidy xx


Hiya rose my daughter just being over to get rid of off all garden fencing so hopefully get new fence up shortly lv annie should x


Hiya misprint my neighbour being fantastic he’s. going to order and put up my fence yahoo him and his wife are fantastic lv annie x x x


Hi Annie
Glad your daughter came over and helped you with garden my son came over and daughter and I have my fence panels done feel safer now it’s closed in
Thank goodness I have them have ti keep strong for them when they go how I miss my husband I see him in them so much now
Another week starts we seem to get through some how hope you sleep xxxx


Hiya rose yes she done a good job my son also came he is his dads double you put on brave face on when there here it’s when they go home it’s lonely take care rose lv annie x x

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My sons thirtieth birthday today and it’s so difficult to rally round for him, we’ve had a few tears, I’ve been bowling to please him and my three year old grandson but now glad to be home in my sanctuary xx

So sorry for your loss your son is so young it must have been a hard day when we have to do special days with out our partner it is so hard I understand that you wanted to get home I have felt the same hope you sleep xx

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Thank you I’m actually sleeping better than I was, only the odd night now so glad I didn’t take the meds the gp offered me maybe exercising at the gym is helping me and I’ve started meditation again, I just carry the sadness wherever I go xx

I know the feeling the pain is like no other isn’t it I don’t think it will ever go away missing him so very much only others on here understand the pain we will never be the happy hole person we was will we
Take care xxx

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Decided to decorate the bedroom and started last week. Full of anxiety about doing it on my own but it’s amazing what you do when you have to. My daughter helped me paint the walls on Saturday but apart from that managed myself. Today I’ve put primer on sliding wardrobe doors ready to paint tomorrow. Daughter and son in law were going to take carpet up on Wednesday night but I managed to do that as well. It’s all in the car to take to the tip tomorrow. I’m shattered and aching but pleased with myself for getting it done.


Well done I guess we have to do these jobs now it must have been tough I don’t like the thought of it I’m still at stage that I can not change any thing but will have to eventually you should be proud yourself it will look nice
You should sleep well tonight xx

I certainly will sleep well tonight. I was able to do it because of mark’s illness he slept in the other bedroom for the last 2 and a half years so we sort of got used to my bedroom and his bedroom. Still had tears doing it though xx

Doug had been unwell for a couple of years, so I got used to doing those jobs like mowing the lawn that he could no longer do before he died. But the tasks became much harder to do without him sitting in the garden chatting to me and telling me where I was going wrong with mowing. It makes me smile now to think about it.
But I agree with you all, it’s hard coping on your own, when my boiler went wrong, knowing it was entirely up to me to get it fixed.
I like you all, I have a son that’s hard to get to do jobs for me done, don’t get me wrong he is willing but they have their own busy lives and fitting me in.
I did feel proud of myself last summer, I did get all my fences painted plus the garden shed and all the garden furniture, I could hear Doug saying don’t forget the shed it’s got to last, and me replying but what about all the cobwebs and spiders I will have to deal with.
I even put up picture hooks in the house and a bird box in the garden.
But I have to confess I did get a painter and decorator in to paint the living room, I am a too messy at painting, I didn’t want the cost of replacing a carpet.
I miss the most we used to do everything together and that makes me sad. X X


Thank you for sharing on here how you are doing some of you are strong but it’s hard going isn’t it take care xx

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Had a bad day today struggling with the fence repairs bit overwhelming and felt a bit anxious ordering the fence posts and most of all not having any help it’s the most I’ve felt alone since lee died, I thought of all the people that we have helped over the years especially with diy, some quite large jobs and how relieved they must have felt to have had the stress lifted from them but now here I am with no one offering to help me and although I’m telling myself that I can do this it’s too much, if it wasn’t for the dog I would leave it, i don’t understand why our adult sons don’t even offer to help I would always help my mum and dad they didn’t even need to ask, it’s disappointing and upsetting and I don’t want to become bitter or resentful but I feel it’s where I’m headed

Hi mab and lonely
I’m so sorry to read your posts and your sons not being there to help you. I’m so grateful that daughter and son in law are very supportive will do anything to help but I do try to only ask them when I really need to as they have their own lives and are busy working etc.
Hope you manage to get your fence done mab. It’s a shame we don’t live near we could help each other.
Sending love and hugs xx