
They say it get easier with time but you could kid me it the worst time in my life I cry every day I miss her so much I don’t see no future at all I drive my car and find my self talking to her all the time asking her to squeeze my hand like she did the last time I was with her it hurts so much I was a believer but not anymore you took my reason for living


Im still waiting for that time to come when things feel easier. When did your loved one pass away. I lost my soul mate 3 weeks ago.


Sadman2and Nikki
The grief at the moment is all consuming exhausting unbelievable. It is true that you have to just try put one foot in front of the other take each hour .
My husband died suddenly 18 months ago and although it is all consuming still unreal things do change .
Think of your self and what you want to do and try keep in touch embrace offers of kindness if possible.
I find keeping in touch with friends helps .
Take care


It’s been 5 weeks since I lost my darling wife, she was only 60 and I feel robbed of all those years where we should have been enjoying our retirement together. Life seems so unfair, no joy in anything and lonely. So I can relate to all that’s been said.


She died 29 November she went for operation in Manchester but never came round,I just wish I had talked her out of going but my son said he had got this marvellous doctor best in the country with only a small chance of failure just my luck my wife lost her life, I will never get over it.


@Derek364 12 weeks since my husband passed away suddenly and unexpectedly he was 61 still working I feel robbed and I can’t bear it that he was robbed of a future. We used to say how sad it was when we heard of people who passed away not long after retirement it breaks my heart that my husband didn’t even get to retirement age. We had so many plans we had just moved into a new house and he was really looking forward to getting in the garden and growing stuff etc. I agree no joy left I do have family and friends but of course they have their lives to live, we were self-employed so I don’t have a job to take my mind off things and on top of all that I have MS so I can’t even go for a walk!


Thats so tragic. My heqrt goes out to you. Im struggling with so many what ifs and whys its unbearable. I wake up a shivering wreck. My soul mate was 51 he had his entire life ahead of him.

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No justice in the world. One of the doctors summed it up when he said to Karen, you were just unlucky.

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So sorry for your loss It hard to imagine the pain death can cause I never thought I would have to deal with this I have lost my mother father and brothers but nothing compares to this it isn’t going away every day it there running around my head they say time it will get better I don’t think so


The way I am coping at the moment is by doing a list each morning of jobs and trying to distract myself. We had agreed to move the strawberry bed this year to a sunnier spot so that is my task for the weekend. I do a bit, then cry a bit but it’s how I get through the days. The evening’s are the worst but we all know that. It helps to share these feelings with people who understand.

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Totally agree it’s been 4 months for me. Went back to work which has given me something to get up and dressed for. Life will never be the same again so many great memories together he was 55. We had made so many plans but I’m not giving up I will do this one day at a time x


I know that losing your soul mate at any age is devastating but I think if we’d had another 10 years together I could come to terms easier. Also I wouldn’t be facing being alone for so long before I joining her.


Less than 3 weeks ago my fit and healthy husband in his 50’s closed his eyes for the last time. I can’t see how I will ever get through this at the moment. Some days are more numb than others but the feeling of panic and despair is only just under the surface and can be triggered by the tiniest thing. Add to that the ball of sorrow that is my whole being and it doesn’t seem doable at all. Reading that I am not alone and putting my feelings on here is at least a comfort though. So sorry for everyone feeling like this too x


Im clutching to anything that gives me a slight reprieve from this pain.


I’m so sorry for your loss. It’s been 8 weeks since I lost my husband and I feel like it’s only getting harder and harder. The more time that passes the more I miss him, the more it sinks in I guess. He was 52, the strongest, fittest, health conscious man, diagnosed with cancer January 2023, told it wasn’t aggressive and he had a good chance, but things went from bad to worse. I have so many what ifs, it’s torturing me. When he was admitted to hospital he wasn’t ‘too’ bad, but he just deteriorated so rapidly in hospital I keep wondering if they did things wrong and if things could’ve been done differently. I’m 44, we have 4 children and whilst I’m so grateful to have them as they give me a purpose, it’s also so distressing to witness their heartache too (our son is only 9). I struggle to see a way through :disappointed:


I am so sorry for your loss it is heartbreaking people tell the stay strong but nothing prepares you for the pain that comes with losing your life partner it hurts all the time I hope you find peace.you have children so you not alone.


@Hansi So sorry for your loss and at such a young age, and so sorry for your children, sad beyond belief. I share your concerns when you say you wonder if the hospital did everything they could. I don’t think the hospital my poor husband ended up in - he hadn’t been ill apart from high blood pressure - did anything for him and I have asked further questions regarding his lack of care for the 6 hours he was in there before he unexpectedly died. Keep coming on here because it does help.


@Juniper19 It’s so awful isn’t it. As if it’s not hard enough to lose them, but to wonder if things weren’t done right or if the outcome could’ve been different is just soul destroying. I’ve asked questions too but I feel when a patient has cancer it’s easy for it to be fobbed off as the cancer that killed him. I really don’t feel I received the help I needed and that will stay with me forever :disappointed:

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I lost john to a rare dementia. He became ill at 57 and died at 64. I feel those feelings to. I feel robbed…i dont know how you move on . I cared for john till the last few weeks then adult social care rook him away it was awful…x


I lost my husband 2 months ago this year 2024 ,try and and take one day at a time ,that is my way of coping. Sorry for your loss