
@Hansi yes, heart breaking x

Felt very low today. I have some good friend’s but feel guilty burdening them with my grief so find this forum comforting where you can just say it as it is and everyone understands.

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Same felt down today can’t seem to shake the sadness feel so empty but got to get through another week at work

@Derek364 totally agree - I’ve just come back from being at my son’s house and I could hear and see how I was extinguishing any scrap of happiness out of the room.

It’s like you said Debbie, we just need to take it a day at a time but today has been a bad one - maybe tomorrow will be a better one

@Juniper19 I guess I’m conscious of that as well.

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I have feeling the same,so i get what you are going through

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It’s well just remember there was a time when you never knew then you were doing fine so use the same energy now and keep going :heart_hands:

Hi all, I have just joined and I really didn’t think that I would be in this position yet, I thought that my husband and I had years to still be together. I know that it is still extremely early days but I don’t think that I will ever feel normal again. He passed away on Wednesday after complications from an operation that was supposed to make his life safer. I have faced grief before and know that it comes in waves, but oh this all consuming, physical, touchable pain is too raw, too overwhelming and I want to go back to 2 weeks ago when we were happy, joking and still had each other. Totally broken :broken_heart:


Debs so sorry for your loss. This grief is all consuming exhausting and unreal . You will find comfort here in a way .
Just go with your feelings and grief and try to just take each hour at a time .
Life is so unfair and unreal at times .
Take care x


Sorry for your loss @debs18 we all know those feelings of pain and loss. I find the forum some comfort as everyone understands.


@Derek364 thank you and somehow, whilst in the pit’s of despair there are so many things that have to be dealt with. I lost my dad in 2010 on St Patrick’s Day 17th and now my husband on the 13th, the 2 men in my life who had all of my heart and I know that they felt the same x


I lost mydaughtee to Cancer in 2019 she was nearly 41. I was heartbroken but she had 2 children, 12 and 8, and it must have been much worse for them. I got through by concentrating on doing everything i could for my son-in-law and the children so that he could still work and provide for them. Nearly 5 years later we are all still here, children thriving and doing well at school, son-in-law still working as a Firefighter. I lost my husband on 3rd February and miss him terribly so am trying to keep busy, knowing that he wouldn’t want me to sit and cry. He was such a comfort to me when my daughter died. I hope you find a way through.


I’m just the same i lost my beautiful wife Patricia in November 2022 we were married 60yrs we couldn’t celebrate our diamond wedding on may5th she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer end may i talk to her all time and cry I find it very hard I miss her terribly we thought it was IBS never dreamed it was pancreatic they couldn’t do a thing for her just medication for pain they gave her 1% chance 6 month they were spot on


Sorry for your loss i know how you are feeling ,i lost my husband to terminal cancer,sometimes i wish i could have one day with him but that is not to be ,Take care


Thank you all for your messages. The thing was that he took everything in his stride and overcame so many things. He was diagnosed with incurable melanoma in 2015, they removed the biggest tumour that they had seen. He then got another massive tumour a year later. But he responded so well to the immunotherapy that even the oncologist was surprised. He was always saying ‘I’m fine, I haven’t got a broken arm’ I suppose because a broken arm is visible. But I honestly believe having the positive attitude took him a long way. But this time I honestly feel like he was let down by the NHS. Even his GP phoned me today and was shocked, he said that he really expected to see him once he was home from having his operation :sob::sob:

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Does anyone have good days when they can breath and almost find some joy in their days and then others when its impossible to talk to anyone ?


@nikki1979 I have the emotional days and then days when I am more in control but no joy yet. Sometimes when I think I’m having a better day something or someone sets me off.


Thanks @Derek364 yesterday i smiled with my work colleagues, today i cant think without tears rolling. I want my soul mate back more than ever today.


I met my Wife 13 years ago , she was my world at only 64 I lost her 3 weeks ago .
Recovering well after her op and lost her 5 days later .
I understand your heartache , when my wife died I also died inside, the better person she made me strive to be I loved her dearly.
After a life time of looking for my soul mate she came to me in a little 5 ft frame with a gorgeous smile and the kindest heart you can imagine .
There’s no getting over that type of loss , so I am going to try every day to honour her and be the best I can be to help others .