
That what happened to my wife she went for a operation but never came round it was all to quick alive one minute dead the next never had time to say goodbye they still have not found out what happened no death certificate it four months ago I just wish I would have talked her out of going to late now


Sadly we all do this . If you had managed to talk that would have helped. You know in your mind she was loved and she will have known too. Being so quick for her was a blessing. I understand thats not the case for you…my husband slowly, over 7 years, lost everything he was. My regret is not waking him as i left the care home the night before to tell him i loved as i had done e every day. I just hope he knew …cant do what ifs …it will drive you mad…i dont have answers for anyone on here. john, my soul mate took his last breath when i was not with him on 6th fed 2024
I try to get through each day literally one breath at a time . I hope you find peace xx


Bless you hun, yeah me too, he had lived with the condition since 2018, but we were told that he needed to have the operation to avoid his aorta rupturing and having a heart attack. But then they have told us that since 2018.

Its been 2 weeks for me and i am lost completely i dont know how i have got through the last 2 weeks i just sitbin a daze wondering how this could of happened i still talk to his photo every day and i guess its hard to come to terms with its the little things for me that we would share at the end of the day and the realisation of knowing hes not here anymore and wont be ever again thats what i cant deal with


4 weeks for me and the grief is unreal. My mind plays tricks on me and the guilt and paranoia is immense.


Today is such a struggle again. I just can’t believe he’s gone without me. The pain is overwhelming and nothing feels right. Even the smallest thing like walking up the stairs we both walked up so many times when we were together is making me desperately sad. I feel trapped in myself and everything hurts.


I feel your pain 3 weeks for the loss of wife still in shock my body shakes when the grief hits me in waves of emotion. I talk to my wife in our home as I am leaving and coming home it helps


I talk to lee all the time i have his pic on my side and i talk to him about everything i always say goodnight and good morning i think my mind is playing tricks on me like thinking he is still here but i know hes not its awful and i know its just going to get worse especially as we now have the funeral to get through im dreading it because i know that will be final and im not ready im nowhere near ready for that

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Thank you Peter , I am struggling and trying my best your text is reassuring.
I know I need to go through the grieving it’s natural after loving a very special wife .

You can’t discard it, distract it, go round it, under it or over it, only through it ,so allow the grief to flow through you until it gently begins to subside in it’s rawness. Grief should not be scary as it’s a pouring out of love with nowhere to go ,so give that love to yourself. The scary part is finding the new you and new life and that love will help you


I’ve had to change the screensaver on my phone as it upset me every time I saw his smiling face. It’s of my dog now and its done the trick. But somehow that feels disloyal. 8th week now and I need to take care of myself and distract myself from upset, I’m so sick of crying.


I have done the opposite first i removed all of her pictures but now i put them everywhere I talk to her all the time. I got myself mixed up in supermarket open my wallet and there she was smiling at me saved my day hope you feel better soon it not easy first time I have been on my own and I don’t like it.