
I’m really struggling at the moment. My Son died 5 months ago on Thursday and it feels like 5 minutes ago. Really not coping very well.


Hello @Chris33,

I can see that this is your first post on the community. I hope you find it to be a support to you, but I am so sorry for the loss of your son that brings you here.

Sadly, many of our members have experienced the loss of a child. You are not alone. You might want to connect with @geri1 who posted this thread this morning.

You say you are really struggling right now so, I wanted to share some sources of support that might help you.

  • Child Bereavement UK support families with the loss of a child. They also support bereaved children. You can call their helpline on 0800 02 888 40.

  • The Compassionate Friends support families who have lost a child of any age. You can call them on 0345 123 2304

Sue Ryder also has some resources which can help you cope with grief.

Thank you again for sharing – please keep reaching out and know that you are not alone.


Hi @Chris33 ,
Losing a child is so heartbreaking, & so recent, it’s understandable to be feeling overwhelmed, it’s a big shock, & a big loss to go through. Sending hugs of support.

Its still early days Chris, its not something us as parents ever thought we would face. Keep chatting on these boards they are a lifeline

Five months is so so raw.
I’m only 1 year on after losing my son who was 31 years old and I can tell you that the first year is the most horrendous you will ever experience and although I’m not going to say it gets easier a will say that you do begin to put things in order and as long as you can begin to realise that they are at peace you may be able to understand it better.
I send you love and hugs.
Jayne xxx

I really do feel your pain. It’s 8 months since I lost my son and at the moment it feels no easier. I hate Fridays…I call it that Friday. Minute by minute is all we can do. You will get good days believe me they will happen. Take care xx

I can’t imagine your pain,as I know it’s the same as mine.
I hope you can find peace at some time in the future,life with never be the same but we have to find remember are beautiful children xxx

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I found my 22 year old son dead in September I’m in so much pain xx

Rachel G,
I feel your pain.
I’m one year on from you, and all I can say is that with the pastiche of time it doesn’t get any easier but the peace begins to enter your life and the memories enter your thoughts.
I have,together with losing my son,been in the midst of dreadful pain with my hip and yesterday had a cortisone injection to relieve it.
It has completely taken away the excruciating pain but I have woken up after my first nights sleep in 3 months reliving the loss of my son all over again.
So one pain goes away and the other comes back.
I think what I’m trying to say is that our pain will always be with us but we just have to try to put it into perspective and turn it into precious memories of our beloved child.
No amount of pain can take that away from us.
My thoughts are with you.
Give yourself time and love.
Jayne x