
I don’t think I’ve stopped crying today, is this normal, I feel like I’m back to square one


Big hugs. Quite normal, awful as it is. I’ve had many such days. It’s like one step forward (if that) and three steps back, a rollercoaster ride you just want to get off. Sending love. :heart:


Some days are easier than others :heart: I think I’ve cried more after my son’s funeral than before. Just learning to go with it now and not bottle it all up. X

I spent the afternoon sobbing in my mum’s room, went to start looking through her clothes but didn’t get far. Ended up falling asleep on her bed. Hate feeling this way. Sending hugs to you xx

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That’s my sticking point at the moment, I can’t bare the thought of even going to my mam’s house, it was her palace and the thought of anything being moved fills me with terror. I’ve been told I’ll be able to go in time, as it was only the funeral last Friday but I’m not so sure

Sending hugs back🫂

I think you’re right, before the funeral there are thing that need to be done and sort out, but now it’s just the future without our loved one’s that seems impossible to imagine, take care :heart:


Big hugs back it’s took till now to get some sort of prospective on thing’s but the mornings are worse, so I’ve not got that long until the torture starts again, hope that doesn’t sound too self pitying, I am trying hard to come to terms with this new life :brown_heart:

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It’s not self pitying at all :heart:. I find mornings worse too as the realisation sets in again and you know you have another day to get through one way or another. Hate that constant feeling of dread. People telling you they’re there for you but keep their distance. X

I’m just beginning to realise that, but I’m trying to make negatives into positives and the fact that those people who keep their distance just reminds me that only I can heal myself so I won’t be relying on any one else, at the end of the day the only one I have to thank is me. Love to all :heart:

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I admire your strength and you’re right… only we can heal ourselves :heart:


I didn’t think of it as a streng :heart:th but as I live alone and I don’t have anyone to lean on, it’s just something I have to do, thank you for your reply though, I really appreciate it :heart:


We’re all here for each other.x

:blush: we are xx

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I live alone too, wish I was as strong as you. Been having a really bad day xx

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Believe me I don’t feel strong at all, I’ve been sobbing all day but for some unknown reason I feel a little less anxious and more clear headed as the day goes on, much later today though, it’s been really tough, I’m off work sick as there’s no way I could work at the moment, the thought of it terrifies me :heart:


I just wish none of us had to go through this. xx


I sometimes still can’t believe I’m in this nightmare and I’ll never be the same again, its frightening :heart:

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Same here xx

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Hi, how are you feeling today, sending hugs :people_hugging: