Glad I’m not the only one with terrible aim, I always missed the dartboard, even broke a light once!
Wil58, it’s so reassuring to realise that there’s no right or wrong way to deal with our grief, it unfortunately doesn’t come with an instruction manual! But everyone on here is struggling to get through it in their own way and if it works for you, great. Eat Marmite, , loll around in pjs all day, clean manically go to bed/ watch tv in the afternoon, all these things. Do stuff when you feel like it , not when you think you should, most things can wait til you feel up to it. And have the odd smile! Take care x
So true x
Oh yes! x
I love that!
used to pull it down to find a clean bit
That’s right, kept pulling it till you got a dry unstained section how did we survive eh! Love the wee dogs face
Ha, that’s very good.
Yes it is. If only!!
@bjane I will. I do. But I draw the line at afternoon TV . If I see another antique, another regional delicacy being cooked outdoors in a force 10 gale, or an apartment in Bulgaria that I can’t afford I WILL go nuts.
How true is that, if only people were as well behaved as dogs
Looks like my house before I lost Colin
I thought it might x
@bjane that reply was supposed to appear under your earlier post. I have no idea what it’s doing down here…it makes me look like a bigger nutcase than I actually am. Never mind, something else to laugh about
tried to delete both now because that one has popped up down here as well but you have only got ten minutes to edit it apparently, but it won’t delete. I’ll shut up and hope no one notices.